
The rest of the Wizengamot members were sat around the curved table that allowed them all to see the Chief Warlock and able to see every member of the rest of the Wizengamot too. Harry was sat between Lucius and Xerxes again, as he had been in the previous meeting, ever since his betrothal had been officially signed with Rabastan.

"Our first order of business for this called meeting is a case of underaged magic in Hull. A twelve-year-old seems to have turned her mother into a bird late last night."

"Were there witnesses?" One elderly wizard asked.

"Four. The girl was having a sleepover with her muggle friends. It seems the mother interrupted them and told the group of girls to be quieter, it being the middle of the night at the time, and the girl lost her temper and suddenly, her mother was flying around their heads and bouncing off of the windows. The four muggle girls saw everything."

Harry listened carefully and patiently as the members of the Wizengamot hemmed and hawed back and forth, each trying to be the one to get the others to agree with their points of view, yet not giving any clear solution to the situation. One member's solution was so harsh and over the top that Harry felt the need to offer up his own solution quicker than he usually would have, given that he was still observing and learning, but he couldn't see a young, twelve-year-old witch, who he likely went to school with, be expelled and have her wand snapped and her life ruined for an accidental outburst of magic. He wouldn't allow it.

"I believe." Harry started carefully and deliberately after hearing enough of his fellow members' mindless, insipid arguments and their weak points of view. "That this is just a case of magic reacting to high emotion, where the underage witch in question was feeling one particular strong emotion and she couldn't maintain her control over her juvenile magic. It lashed out, which resulted in her mother, the cause of the witch in question's emotional distress at the time, being 'removed' from the situation. I vote that the underage witch gets a warning and additional lessons on controlling emotional outbursts and the four muggle witnesses are Obliviated."

"Lord Potter-Black raises a very strong observation. The witch in question claims to have not had her wand on her, or even near her when this incident occurred and to give credit to her story, there was no alert from the Trace on her wand and the last spell she had cast with it was the levitation charm. There were no other wands found at the property."

"Then there is no case against her. I vote in favour of Lord Potter-Black's solution. The girl should be warned and have additional lessons and the four muggles should have their memories of that night removed." One member said pompously. "Have the four muggles told anyone else of what transpired at their little sleepover?" Lucius asked silkily.

"No, Lord Malfoy. They have been under Ministry care since the incident."

Lucius nodded once. "Then I also vote in favour of Lord Potter-Black's proposal."

Harry controlled himself and kept still and calm as the majority of the Wizengamot voted in favour of his offered solution to the problem. He was getting better and better at this and he was making a name for himself, a real, proper name that he was building all on his own.

He was elated and overall, he was so very glad that Lucius Malfoy had adopted him as his own son six weeks ago now. He'd come such a long way in just six weeks, he'd learnt so much, had been taught so much and very soon he'd be back in Hogwarts, where Draco would help direct him, but where he'd mostly be left to stand on his own two feet, to bring pride to the Malfoy name, but more importantly, to bring pride to his ownname.

He'd worked so hard. He'd done absolutely nothing else in these last six weeks but read, learn, and work hard, listening to instructions and receiving lessons from Lucius and Narcissa and even Draco. It had been such a hectic time, where he was always doing something, where he was always learning and being taught something new. He'd been dragged through a crash course in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, Draco had tested him and then tested him again, correcting him and showing where he was going wrong and why and he'd managed to only just scrape an 'A' in both subjects, just enough to get into the N.E.W.T classes. But he was still reading through several books on the subjects and when he finished those then there would be several new books to read afterwards. There was always something else to learn, always another book to read. It was never-ending, but still, he wouldn't change things because he'd been blind to the deception and he'd been lied to and led around in the dark. He'd had no clue how deep it had gone until Lucius had opened his eyes for him. He couldn't go back to that now. He wouldn't ever go back, no matter what that now meant for his future. Everything had changed and his trust in Dumbledore had been thoroughly demolished and there would be no rebuilding anything. He was far too busy to waste his time on Dumbledore.

His education was non-stop, but he was learning so much that he didn't care and with Lucius continuously pushing him, he never really had the time to just stop and think about anything. He continued with his lessons, he continued with his books, he studied hard for the Wizengamot meetings and he was perfect, poised, and elegant in his meetings with Rabastan, which were going very well. Rabastan no longer needed his older brother, Rodolphus, to sit next to him when he came to visit him now. Rodolphus was able to sit on the settee opposite them and hold his own conversations with Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco, or with his father or grandfather if he chose, while Harry sat and spoke softly to Rabastan, who had latched onto him on their fourth face-to-face meeting and now looked to him to help him and direct their conversations instead of relying solely on Rodolphus, which eased the stress off of both of the brothers.

Harry was getting better at coaxing an answer out of Rabastan and he was getting better at following the threads of their conversations, so that he would be able to offer words to Rabastan when he lost his train of thought or got tongue-tied, which not only helped Rabastan, but it proved as well that Harry was listening and following what he was saying, which boosted his confidence. Rabastan himself was also getting better and more comfortable and he was slowly creeping out of his shell.

Harry had made his own observation that Rabastan's father, Rhadamanthus, was not helping Rabastan to recover at all, what with his hissed comments and his sneers and snarls. The man was at least civil towards Rodolphus, but he was utterly vile to Rabastan and when Harry couldn't hold his tongue any longer and had pointed out the unfair treatment, his betrothed had told him that he hadn't seen his father until he was nineteen years old and that they hadn't liked one another then. Rabastan told him that Rhadamanthus was a complete stranger to him and that he hadn't appreciated having a stranger coming into his life, demanding respect and obedience, so Rabastan had not listened to a word that his 'father' had said, which had caused friction and a lot of animosity between them. Then, just two short, horrible years later and Rabastan was thrown into Azkaban and neither he nor Rodolphus had seen the man who had abandoned them as babies for another fifteen long years.

No, Harry had decided that Rhadamanthus was poisonous to Rabastan's recovery. He had to find a way to get rid of him and soon, especially after all the insults he'd given to him, especially the one on their very first meeting. He hadn't forgotten about that disgusting lick to his skin, he never would, and he would find a way to repay the man who had slobbered all over his hand and continued to insult him despite the fact, or maybe because of the fact, that he was betrothed to his youngest son.


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]