Today, Harry was being taken to another Wizengamot meeting, only this time Lucius was actually going ahead of him and Harry was to use the Portkey in his ring for the first time in preparation for the new school year. And to prove that the lessons he'd been taking on magical forms of travelling had sunk in, allowing him to keep his feet and walk away elegantly once he landed at the Ministry.
He was naturally nervous as Lucius was going to be watching his every small movement upon landing. Harry just hoped that he didn't fall flat on his face as he had two years ago at the Quidditch World Cup…at least then he'd had several other people fall flat on their faces like he had, today he was going to be alone, he was going to have to land alone and there would be no one to laugh it off with if he did land flat on his face. He would be thoroughly humiliated and he would bring shame to the Malfoy family and to himself. He couldn't allow that to happen. He took several deep, even, calming breaths and waited for his Portkey to activate, counting it down so that he was prepared for when it actually activated instead of being caught off guard. As a result, he arrived at the Ministry and had taken a nice, even step forward on his arrival and he carried on taking steps forward, despite how blurry and unfocused his eyes were and how confused and dizzy he felt.
He blinked rapidly and his vision finally cleared and his head stopped spinning and the wave of nausea ebbed away and he found Lucius staring at him hard, his mouth a neutral line, but his slate grey eyes glittered with pride and as Harry made it to him and Lucius fell in step beside him, one long, slender hand touched his elbow and squeezed.
"I am very proud of you at this moment." Lucius told him. "You have worked hard, you've listened to everything you've been taught and today, you didn't even hesitate to take a step forward, you looked so elegant and poised."
Harry's lips twitched, but he pulled it back and took another breath; he found that it helped to centre him so he could keep his composure better.
They took the lift down into the depths of the Ministry and they got off on the second level which held the meeting room for the Wizengamot, they only used the courtrooms down on level ten for actual trials.
Harry went out of his way to greet Lord Xerxes Lestrange before anyone else in the room and he fell into easy conversation with him. He knew explicitly that any talk of Rodolphus or Rabastan was forbidden, as was his betrothal or any mention that he would be joining the Lestrange family. He'd already shoved his foot into his mouth at the last Wizengamot meeting by exclaiming, loudly, that he was betrothed to an escaped felon…if anyone had heard him that day then he and Lucius could have been arrested and questioned with Veritaserum. He'd been punished incredibly harshly for that slip-up and he'd been made to swear that it would neverhappen again.
"Lord Potter-Black, it is nice to see you so close to the new school year."
Harry plastered on a false smile as he turned from the witch he had been greeting to face the short, stumpy wizard with a thick, black moustache that took up most of the lower half of his face.
"Of course. I have to come to every meeting called, you know that." Harry replied in a way that showed his scepticism of the man's intelligence without actually coming out and saying it. Lucius had taught him how to do that too.
Harry remembered this vile wizard from his hearing last year…he'd voted in favour of him being convicted of all crimes. Him and his little posse of ugly, elderly witches. He'd never forgive any of them for trying to convict him and get him expelled from Hogwarts.
"I would have believed you'd be getting ready for school."
"I'm all ready for the new term. Draco and I went with mother and father to collect our new books, robes, and equipment earlier this week, neither of us wanted to deal with the rabble that comes from the last-minute rush to fight and argue over the remaining dregs."
"Well, my niece's daughter is about your age, you know. Perhaps you'd like to get to know one another so that you might get closer? She goes to Beauxbatons, you see."
"I'm sorry. All betrothal suitors must go through my father." Harry said promptly, grinning internally as he imagined the look on Lucius' face if this halfblood actually petitioned one of his sons for a betrothal.
The man blustered. "A betrothal? You are a sixteen-year-old boy and Pollyanne is just fifteen. Children your age shouldn't be thinking of marriage or things like betrothals!"
"Might I remind you that I am Lord Potter-Black and my status as such far exceeds yours. My father believes me in need of a betrothal. He is currently searching for a match for me and I shall not go against his wishes. Excuse me."
Harry strode away to stand with Lucius and Xerxes, a few other lords with them who were either accused of being Death Eaters themselves or their children were accused of being Death Eaters. He held back his grimace at being in such company by the skin of his teeth. He hated the situation that he had been forced into, associating with Death Eaters and the like and it was all because of Dumbledore, and Lucius to an extent for adopting him, but that had only been made possible because of Dumbledore's lies and manipulations, not to mention the neglect of him as his so-called magical guardian.
"Your conversation with that imbecile seemed to be quite…riveting." One of the accused Death Eaters sneered.
"Not particularly." Harry answered calmly, his left hand fisted tight as social decorum insisted that he couldn't ignore someone who had directly spoken to him. "He wished to introduce me to his niece's daughter, apparently she is fifteen, around my own age, and he'd hoped that we would get closer." Harry stressed, keeping his facial expressions under control so that he wouldn't sneer at the thought of being with a fifteen-year-old girl.
"That's not quite in your desired betrothal prerequisites, is it?" One lord, who actually wasn't a known Death Eater as far as he knew, teased him.
"Not entirely." Harry said allowing a small smirk to peek through.
"Lords and ladies, gentlemen and madams, if you'd like to take your seats, I would call this meeting to order." The new Chief Warlock, a man definitely not on Dumbledore's preferred persons or recommendation list, called out to them as he took his seat at the head of the 'D' shaped table. His chair was the only one at the straight section of the table, which was otherwise filled with folders and pieces of parchment.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]