Chapter three private investigator

Yesterdays ball was a huge success I had convinced a good amount of them to invest in moms company. I can't lie I am little proud of myself for actually pulling it off but as I laid in bed thinking of ways to not screw up my families legacy a certain piercing grey eyed stud kept on popping into my mind , there was something about him that had me hooked.Maybe it was his looks ,his charm or his vey clear attraction to me.

I knew that on normal circumstances I had no chance with him because to me I look as ordinary and as plain as possible but the delusional part of me decided to ignore reality .

I am usually not one to swoon over a guy but he is quite different, despite the clear age gap between us I did not feel weird when he checked me out last night or when he stared at me with what I think was a lustful look I was not sure because guys don't usually stare at me with desire not to even imagine lust the only reason I was not bullied was because of Jennie she usually stood up for me and never let anyone talk down on me

I was confident about my abilities to succeed but never in my looks

The more and more I tried to get him out of my mind the more he kept popping up in my head.

since he decided to live rent free in my head I decided to do a little detective work and find out who he is , after all he would be an investor so I should know more about him I thought to myself before grabbing my laptop.

I checked all social media platform but couldn't find anything about him so it made me wonder if a private investigator would work and so without thinking twice I hired one to spy on him and his of course get me hot pics of him.

According to the website it would only take twenty four hours to get a file of his personal info if I pay a little bit more than the set price and I did because I was dying of curiosity.

As i patted myself at the back for being so smart and sly as usual I got ready to meet Dad's friend and former business partner for a meeting.

Jackson pov

I sat in my office with a cigarette in one hand and stacks of work waiting to be settled laid on my desk,my eyes constantly went to my phone screen to see if she called or texted . I usually don't chase girls mostly because of my phobia for them.

I tried to focus on work once again but I couldn't help but pick my phone up to check for her text or call

But to my disappointment nothing came through for hours and when it did it was Blake who called .

"'sir we have a problem right now"'

'what is it" I asked knowing he wouldn't call unless it was serious

"' A spy was spotted outside your house and is now in the dungeon "

" ok I will be there in few minutes "

while in the backseat of my car I still anticipated her call with hopes that she might even accept my offer to be her suitor or at least a friend but still nothing happened.

Truthfully I was confused as to why she hasn't called , I knew I was attractive.

l looked at my driver Mr Bruno who was an elderly man and has been married for thirty years

"Bruno" I called

"yes sir"

"Is there a way to know if a girl likes you, please be honest with me"

" well sir I may be a bit old fashion but does she look genuinely happy when you are around?"

After Bruno asked me this question it had me thinking that maybe she just didn't enjoy my company and that's why she didn't call me which genuinely hurt my cold heart which I thought was void of emotions

--------In the mansion -------

I walked to the dungeon and went to my newly acquired prisoners cell ready to unleash my frustrations on him .

"who sent you to spy on me " I asked expecting to hear a rivals name or even my mom's name

"A lady sir" he said while he looked at floor not wanting to meet my gaze

" does this lady have a name" I said with sarcasm dripping off my words as grew impatient and irritated at the sight of this frightened man.

"Miss Audrey Gomez "' sir

" Audrey sent you here " I asked wanting to make sure I heard what he said properly

yes sir,he replied

"why?" wondering why she would send a private investigator to find out things about me when she has my number and business card from the ball

she said she wanted to know more about you sir and um

"and what "

" she said she wanted hot pictures of you too"

" really "I said as a smirk appeared on my face as a plan began to form in my head.

yes sir "

Well then do your job I said sounding rather ecstatic to hear this news. it turns out she finds me attractive after all

the spy seemed to shocked by my words and sudden Change of mood.

let him go I ordered my men and one of them released him from the cell

we are now seated , I and the private investigator Audrey sent which gave me the reassurance that she feels something for me as I do for her even if what it was yet to be resolved

after about two hours we were finally done all my personal information,and some pictures excluding my not so legal business off course and the spy was sent back to give my report to the curious kitten

Audrey's pov

it took a little longer than expected but

the information was sent to my email and I was curious to know more about my mystery man .

I wanted to know how this breed of hotness was created,his hobbies , his dislikes and likes . I had to constantly remind my self that I was doing this because of the investment and not because I wanted to see him again

I know I could just call him and ask him out on a date but I am old school and I believe a man should initiate such a thing plus he looked like he was anything but shy.

As went through the file I discovered that he owned a legit company, He had a mom and a stepdad an only child just like me and other stuff like he loved basketball and soccer.

While reading I was suddenly interrupted by a sudden call from the board members and had to immediately rush down to the office . the office

I was currently seated in board room thinking to myself what could be the case now , An elderly man Mr Martin who was a good associate of my dad stood from his chair without uttering a word he handed me a document.

After carefully reading for a minute I stumbled on clause in father's will stating that I had to be married in order to remain the CEO.

Once I read the clause I knew it was fake but having no proof and shocked by this new clause I wondered to myself if there was anyone aside from my uncles that wanted my position as the CEO.

Mr Martin finally spoke and said that I will have to be replaced if I did not get married under the space of a week.

After this the meeting was adjourned and I was left speechless and alone.

I wondered where I was going to find a husband at sort short notice.

Tears stung my eyes as thought to myself that it was all over when I reached for my phone in my pocket to rant to Jennie a black business card fell off , I picked it up and suddenly rembered him

I thought to myself that there was hope again I immediately wiped my tears in a desperate attempt not to look weak and vulnerable.

I got into my car and drove straight to the address I had gotten from the personal investigator.

when I had arrived to the office i went straight and was met by a man, strangely it seems he did not have any female staff but I shoved the thought to the back of my mind as I thought it was not relevant in anyway .

The secretary looked to be in his early twenties and very approachable . He had short jet black hair and glasses, that made him look easy going

Hi I am here to meet Jackson Rodriguez

ok do you have an appointment

Um no but

I am sorry but I can't help you without an appointment

After begging for at least thirty minutes and receiving no tangible response I walked out defeated and frustrated

Until I saw a ladder and an open window outside

and an idea formed in my head.

I placed the ladder close to the wall made sure I was stable, then I climbed up to the window .

I walked out of the empty room that seemed a little conspicuous.

Luckily after asking one or two employees in the guise of having an appointment with Jackson I soon found his office.

I knocked on the door and I heard a deep voice say the words, come in