I'm in an interrogation room. Cameras in every corner of the room. Lights in the room, probably as bright as possible. Window, well a one-sided window.
I look at it, looking at myself. I'm wearing a white-tee and black leather hoodie and cargo pants with cuffs around my wrists. Black African-American man, sitting on a cold ass silver chair on the opposite side of the table to another silver chair with a door behind it.
'Being black makes it easier for me to get targeted, yes but, I got f*cking ratted out. Why did he rat me out? What the f*ck did I ever do to that guy?'
The door opens, entering is a white, white-haired man with lightly-wrinkled skin. He's wearing a nice suit, the type you'd use on an evening date and black pants. He steps to the side and holds the door. Accompanying him, a red-head woman, wearing the same damn thing as the man and light make-up, I can tell from the lip-stick on her face, she's holding a yellow paper folder.
She walks toward the chair pulls it out and sits, the man stands at the door after closing it. She drops the yellow folder on the table in front of herself, white-hair just straight faced.
"Keith Don, no spouse, mother deceased, father not accounted for. You have nothing in this life, nothing to lose or gain if you stay here. We have a way for you to get out of prison, but you'll have to do something in return."
"What do I have to do, exactly? You see, if you want me to snitch yeah, No."
She laughs a little.
"No, we don't want you to snitch on anyone, and you won't have anyone to snitch on anyway because you work alone barely go out and don't have any friends, well close friends anyway. Oh, there is one guy, but you pushed him away."
"Your talking about Gy, right? How has he been anyway?"
"He has a job working out at a diner, a girlfriend and financially he doing good. In the files he's any upstanding citizen. You guys were close friends, I wonder what happened that made you guys pull apart from each other."
"What do I have to do anyway, for the no prison sentence?"
"We can tell you, but you are gonna have to agree to it first."
I let out a small laugh.
"Why... Will I die?"
I look at her waiting for a response. She doesn't answer, I look at white-hair.
White-hair jumps into the convo.
"You very well could."
His voice raspy compared to the soft spoken voice of the woman's.
"John, I'm the one answering and giving questions to Keith."
Her soft voice switched. Her commanding tone made me break my composure.
"Yes, Ma'am. Sorry, Ma'am."
John goes back to standing still. Keeping the same straight face.
"Now, yes you could die, but does it really even matter what happens to you here. You have nothing to lose and you can't really gain anything from staying in here."
"If I agree to this I don't get any Jail time, yes?"
"Does this something that I have to do involve heights? Because I'm deathly afraid of heights."
Again, she laughs a little.
"No, the something you have to do doesn't have anything to do with being in the sky."
"Ok then, I'll agree to it. Under one condition, all my crimes disappear from the police crime database, thing, or whatever you call it."
She gets off her seat, grabs the folder and turns, walking half way out the door.
"Well, Keith, it was nice talking to you---"
I stop her from leaving.
"Ok, ok, I'll agree to it, just please let me out. I'm going to get like ten, twenty years, please. I can't deal with being in prison"
She comes back into the room, still standing. Using two fingers, she points her hand toward the one-sided window and signals for someone to come into the room.
Minutes later a police officer comes into the room to un-cuff me.
Looking down at my now un-cuffed wrists. My wrists are purple-blue hue, indicating they put them damn cuffs on tight. I grip around my hands to my wrists to try and soothe the pain.
Red-head pulls open the folder to show me what I agreed to. It's a picture of a cylinder tube connected to multiple large pipes. They're outstretched and reaching outside the photo.
"What I'm I looking at?"
"This is a picture of what you will enter. I fill you in on the rest of the details on the ride over there."
"John, get this guy out of this room and bring him to the car."
"Yes ma'am."
She turn around and starts walking out the room. Leaving John and me alone inside the room.
The rooms quiet and awkward. Making me miss the oh-so-commanding Ms. Red-head.
"So, John..."
I chuckle:
"How are you doing today?"
"Get ready Keith, you are going to a facility in exchange for your prison sentence."
I look back at the table, stareing at the folder with the picture of the cylinder tube and chuckle.
"This is gonna be soo... Fun. Right?"