WebNovelBlack Past100.00%

Before Past: 3

Now that I'm out of that room off of that cold chair. Away from all that tension and fear of prison. I'm starting to wonder what I'm going to be included in. Like what does that weird tube have to do with anything and where are we even going.

I'm in a black Mercedes Benz. Going just over 35, I think. The windows are tinted, like very tinted. I could probably look out front window but, they put a window right in front of me with a small screen in the middle of the glass. The only thing lighting up this area I a light from the roof.

The cops at the place gave me a weird look. They were probably mad, they couldn't just downright arrest me.

I chuckle at that thought

The car comes to a stop. I hear a door open then close. The light is still the only thing lighting up the dim setting. I start getting impatient, then the door opens then closes again.

I hear some people talking. I can't even make out what they are saying.

"Yo, John, umm..? Are we there yet or do we--"

The car starts again again. I could just barely feel the car moving, the speed is slow. I hear a low grumbling sound coming from outside. A few minutes of moving forward and the car comes to a stop again.

I hear another sound coming from outside the car. It's a beeping sound, it's stops after a few seconds. Something pops up in the screen of the television. It's the percentage of a number, the number 0%.

'What does this even mean?'

A rushing sound, like a river. I start hearing that.

My feet start getting wet. I look down to see water filling up the car.

Fear is spread throughout my body. Blood goes straight to my face. My brain can barely process what's happening.

"One percent"

A robotic female voice says.

I try opening the door. Nothing. The door doesnt open. I feel even more scared. I start banging on the door window with the bottom of my hands.

"F*ck!! Hello, anyone open the door!!"

I yell out at the top of my lungs.

"Two percent"

'Shit! What do I do?'

I drop to the floor. I look under the seat of the passenger seat. There's light and water coming through from there. I try to reach under and around to grab the handle to move the car seat forward. I grip it and with all my strength I try to bring it down but it doesn't budge.

Three beeps is sounded through the TV.

" Damage Detected, Rising Faster. "

My hoodie pants and tee all wet. I can't think of anything else to get out if this situation.

" Nine percent. "

'Ok, the chair won't move if I do it nicely ill just start kicking it. That will work, right?'

" Seventeen percent. "

The water just around my ankles getting my shoes doused in water. I sit back on the seat and start kicking. I put my full for of my legs into my legs and push. My feet lands right on back of the seat. Water splashes from my feet and hits everything. Again, I hit the back of the seat with all my strength. It budges, a little.

Three beeps play again.

" Damage Detected, Rising Faster. "

'It will work. I know it will because if it doesn't... I will die.'

" Twenty-eight percent. "

I hit the seat again. It budges more then last time, it's getting loose.

The water getting up toward the top of the seat. I kick again even harder putting more strength into my legs and drive. My legs feel like buckling with the amount of times I've kicked over and over but the seat budges even more. I stop and shake the chair infront of me. It's wiggling it's coming very loose. I think I can get out of here before I'm fully drenched.

Before I can get into position and kick again the car shakes. A rushing sound coming from the bottom of the car.

'What is happening now?'

The shaking stops then, three beeps:

" Damage Detected, Rising Faster. "

'That's what the the sound was.'

" Forty-five percent. "

Water is rising faster, I'm scared I need a faster way of getting through without triggering the beeps. I can't get out of triggering the beeps I just need to get out faster, in a better way.

I position myself with my knees on top of the seat and my legs to drive me forward. My torso facing the back of the passenger seat, my arms holding myself up with my shoulder ready to push me through it.

'This will work because I need to get out of here.'

I push my legs back with my arms fully extended. My feet touching my butt, toes being the only driving force. Arms fully extended to guide to the same place I've been kicking for a good three minutes. Knees keeping my body from falling onto the water.

'Ok 3... 2... 1!'

I drive forward first pushing with my toes, fully extending my legs. Sole of my feet planted hard onto the backseat. Knees now off the chair. I push with my legs as hard as I can. My body thrown to the passenger by my strength. I slammed into the passenger seat using my left shoulder as a brace.

The seat goes flying forward. Body slumped into the water my top half drenched. Pain in my left shoulder from the chair. I drag myself out the water after inhaling water after the crash and go through the opening that the seat left after it was removed. In the front seat the windows as tinted as the back. Water still up to about the same way in the back. I try the passenger door, the door won't budge. I move fast going straight to the driver door no difference.

'Why would they do this? What the f*ck do they get out of this, except a dead body.'

From the back seat of the car:

Three beeps:

"Damage Detected, Rising Faster."

'What else can I do?'

" Fifty percent."

The sound of that stupid robot lady bouncing around in my head. I'm mad, scared and I don't know how to get the F*ck out of here. I go around through the back of the passenger seat. I look at the TV, looking at it for something anything any hint for getting the f*ck out of this damn place but I don't find anything, NOTHING! I punch the TV again and again and again and again until my hand is bleeding and shards of glass is coming out of my hand. TV still implanted into the middle of the car, broken small sparks coming out of it.

Three distorted beeps:

"D--age De---ted, Rising Fas---."

'I think... I might just give up on trying to leave and just die in this... infinity pool of a car.'

"Si-ty-four Pe---nt."

The water now just below my chest. My lower body drown in water. I don't think I'll be able to get out of the car before. I place my hands together, holding them ready to pray. I haven't done this in a while. My body growing cold, shaking hard, I grip each hand together. I bow my head down scared but ready for it to come to an end.

'God, I know I haven't been the best son and I'm sorry but please forgive me and send me to heaven. If you can't do that at the very least help me get a way out of here.'

"Sev--ty Perc--t."

My head still down in defeat. I have given up fully, I'm not going to be able to get out of this very, very bad situation. My face now growing pale, the cold now getting to my head. Might get hypothermia. I slowly start looking up. My eyes fall upon the broken TV in the wall with the amount of water that has filled up the car. Looking back down to my hand that's bleeding, dropped into the water the glass shards still inside of it, letting more blood out. An idea hits me, I look back and forth from my bleeding hand to the recently broken TV.

'I'm gonna break the window.'

"Sev--y-fi-- Perc---."

I go through the passenger seat hole, that is nearly filled with water. The water now up to my chest just barely lifting me from the seat and leaving little space for me to throw a punch. I get my other hand ready lifting it above the water, clutching it into a fist, ready to throw the first punch. I can feel my cold body's muscles begin to tighten, I throw my first punch throwing my fist into the window as hard a I can. I feel the pain in my hand, slowly going up my arm, a shocking feeling. I throw another, then another, and another, and another.

The glass starts cracking. Cracks going from the middle of the window spreading out. The water slowly climbing its way up to my chin giving me less and less breathing room. I throw my fist again. The cracks expand more and more.

The sound of sound of the TV now beginning to muffle under water, reaching my chin. I tilt my head up using whatever room I have to breathe. Using my elbow I hit the window again. Pain begins growing there glass now getting embedded into it. Head still tilted up only my nose is getting breath. I throw my elbow again, this time slowly because of the water. The sound of my arm hitting the glass is muffled as the water fills up the car.

I hold my breath. The water now holds me suspended above the passenger seat. I turn my body position to face the window. I punch it again and again, but it doesn't matter the I can't generate enough speed to hit it hard enough.

I need to breathe. My lungs are hurting, it needs air. I try to throw my hand to punch the window again, nothing. I need to breath. My body starts fighting me. Forcing me to breath to take in the water. I start losing consciousness. I'm dying, I'm gonna die in exchange of going to prison.

'I'm gonna die in a car? I'm gonna die without being something?'

My brain being cut from air stops working. My body stops moving growing cold, I don't know if it's from death or the water. Hands both cold from punching with all my strength and elbow bleeding from hitting the window. I accept it not trying to fight it anymore. I let death take me.