The Fall Of The Fallen

The next morning,Abaddon feeling in a good mood went to his garden. It was splendid a vast land decorated with dark beautiful flowers but there were pure poison yet it was a comforting site the blood red river glowed under the but of sun that shown making enchanting by a huge tree a group of succumbi were picking fruit. Lila, Abaddons lover walked towards him holding an apple strangely abaddons favorite fruit but just as he was about to eat it Lila pushed him to the ground grinding his crotch she said

"Just as strong as last week"

She coos,her tail wrapping around his waist possesively

Abaddon catches Lila's chin between his fingers, a smirk playing on his lips

"And what will you do with a prince like me Lila"

He leans in close his demonic energy causing the air around them to grow warmer

"Would you worship me like the others?"

"Worship you? Oh no my prince…"

Lila bites her lower lip seductively, leaning into her lovers touch. She traces her hands down his chest

"I'd ride you till the very foundations of hell shook beneath us"

Abaddon chuckled darkly, his hand tightened around Lila's chinas he pulled her in for a deep, searing kiss. As break apart, he growls

"You speak too boldly, succumbs. I could torture you right here"

In the middle of their heated session an imp walks in holding a letter. The imp skids to a halt before his master bowing low as he had already offended his master not ready to draw more of Abaddons wrath. He looked up with beady red eyes panting

"A letter for the master…."

"Read it"

Abandon orders the imp his voice laced with tiredness as he caressed lira's waist posesively. The imp unrolled the scroll reading aloud

"Abaddon 7th prince of hell I summon you to earth,A task awaits you- Lucifer"

Abaddon went limp,his face widened in shock. His usual arrogance confidence shattered, he pushes Lila off him and started pacing around his wings fluttering nervously

"Lucifer wants in earth…"

He immediately laughed it off thinking it was just a joke, as if Lucifer knew he'll back out as usual he wrote another letter for his brother. The imp handed the letter to Abaddon saying

"A personal letter from evil himself my prince"

Abaddon with shaky hands opened the letter and it reads : "Refuse this task and I'll feed you to Cerberus myself stripping you off your title - Lucifer". The imp and Lila watched Abaddon he was sweating the note fell from his shaky hands the three knew Lucifer wasn't joking

"My prince?"

They said in usion, Abaddon immediately flew off to The palace of the morning star: Lucifer. The architecture is a twisted masterpiece of black marble and obsidian, with spires that seem to pierce through the very heavens. Diamonds scattered all over reflecting the fires of hell.

And there he was Lucifer also known as satan, the morning star standing tall and powerful his long lustrous black hair cascades down his chiseled face like watering silk, his eyes are a captivating shade of crimson, like embers burning in the dark he wears a black suit tailored perfectly for his muscular form. Seeing his little brother he slowly crosses his arms

"I was wondering how long it'll take you to come here I was thinking of meeting you up in-"


Abaddon interupted his brother, Lucifer cackling looked like it was getting out of control until he stopped.

"Why?" He repeats amusingly as he walked into the throne room

"Is it because yesterdays letter it-"

"I got no letter and I don't care to know the situation but I do know my dear prince…. I do know that you need to grow up stop hiding being your palace and do something for hell for once boy"

Satan interrupted his brother in a rather playful tone but there was seriousness in his words

"But what does that have do with me and earth what does satan wants his youngest prince to perform on earth"

Abandon's voice dripped with venom, pride evident in his voice. Lucifer smirked cruelly throwing a sycthe to Abaddon who caught it with ease but the weight wasn't easy to ignore. It was pitch black and double sided with small golden designs on each blade he watched as Abaddon test the weight of he adds teasingly

"You know how to use one don't you?"

"It's a sycthe"

"I know"

"It's double sided"

"Yes, this…. it's a reapers sycthe"

Abaddon's eyes widened as he gripped the tilt tightly, the cold metal send shivers down his spine He looks up at Lucifer, confusion etched upon his face

"But what will I do with it I have one at home"

"Fuck sake you fool you are to collect souls with this. You swing it and collect the ones due for hell, you have one at home what do you use it for boy!?"

Lucifer's voice drips with disdain, his patience clearly wearing thin. Abaddon already getting pissed grips his new sycthe tighter

"Tell me what souls am I to pick you insufferable prick there's nothing to pick you dumbass I haven't judged any soul since yesterday morning dumbass"

Lucifer's expression darkened dangerously as he walked towards a mirror looking at himself dead in the eye

"Earths balance is shifting almost every soul is going to heaven- something that should never happen your task is simple : found out why and fix it real souls and bring them to hell but with a valid reason of course"

As much as Abaddon wanted to be a worthy prince of hell he was scared, he's never been away from hell, he only once ever saw the gates of hell and he had no idea was earth was like what to expect. Abaddon looked at his scythe again, then back at Lucifer who smirked cruelly saying.

"You're scared aren't you but there's no need for that as you'll fail anyway and when you fail you won't even be a demon"

Lucifer maniac laugher echoed through the room his gruff tone returned the grip on Abaddons shoulder tightened as he said

"Now get out of my sight before I change my mind"

Abaddon walked away slowly obviously terrified oh his brother. Who wouldn't be. But something in him snapped he spun around, the sycthe already gleaming in his hands. Lucifer catches the blade before it strikes,a dangerous smirk on his lips

"We're not testing this out now are we?"

As he pushes the blade backwards Abaddon stumbles back,catching himself before he fall his eyes blaze with anger and embarrassment without hesitation he charges at Lucifer the sycthe swinging wildly.Lucifer dodges each strike with inhuman grace a mocking laugh echoing of the walls

"You're just as useless in a fight as you are at ruling I should just liquidate your throne and title"

Lucifer delivers a strong kick to Abaddons chest sending him flying across the room straight into a pillar the breath knocked out of him

"But you are the only one I trust for this task"

Lucifer says nonchalantly, coughing, Abaddon slowly rises to his feet blood trickle down his chin. His eyes, once filled with fear and doubts now burns with a fierce determination. He grips the sycthe tightly his knuckles turning white

"Liquidate my throne?"

But before Abaddone could speak again a massive,invisible force slams into him hurling him through the air at an astonishing speed. The throne room blurs into a stream of color as he sent hurtling downwards the wind roaring against his ears. As Abaddon plummet's towards the earth he feels a surge of panic rise in his chest. The ground rushes up to meet him trees were now visible larger by the second. For a split second, Abaddon feels genuine fears

-is this really how humans feel right before they die?

He thought, his wings snap out instinctively,trying to slow his fall but it's like trying to stop a car with a piece of paper finally he landed the force of the fall caused an accurate imprint of his back along with his wings on the ground

Abaddon sat up he laughed which turned into a loud cry

"You threw me down to earth you bastard"

He stood up his wings spreading wide he started navigating his surroundings. He was in a forest, as he walked swinging his scythe the feeling of betrayal and anger was evident.

He saw a small village ahead in a burst of dark power, Abaddon changed his appearance his intimidating horns vanished as well as his wings a sycthe his golden eyes now a deep black resembling to an endless pool he becomes almost….human. A tall handsome man in a black cloak, his eyes narrowed on a small church in the heart of the village. He makes a decision he walked towards the church speaking sarcastically

"Not crashing into the house full of humans or breaking the church's holy grounds….such brilliant choices"

He entered and sat down next to one of the priests, he obviously didn't know the rules or sitting arrangements. Abaddon slid into the first pew his large frame making the wooden bench creak ominously. He spreads his legs wide, his arms resting at the back of the pew clearly taking too much space.the villagers watched him some even leaving with their children.

Even in human form he still had a strong inhuman like aura, the priest barely finished his service before walking up to abandon his hands shaking as he made the sign of the cross his voice trembling slightly

"May I…may I help you with anything son?"

Abandon turned his head slowly, his piercing gaze locking unto the priest. He smirks revealing a hint of fang

Help me

He chuckles darkly the sound sending shivers down the priest spin

"I don't think you can help me with anything father"

The priest immediately started reciting Bible verses, his voice growing louder and stronger with each word

"You are the prince of darkness, the deceiver of souls! Be gone, foul spirit in the name of the father I command thee!"

As the priest quoted another verse Abaddon followed suit,the priest believed he had the upper hand

"Deliver us from all evil

The priest expected Abaddon to say the lord but instead,he ended up smiling his smile got wider petrifying the priest. Abaddon resumes the scripture his voice echos through the empty church growing louder and louder which each word

The sound of Abaddons laughter filled the church, but it quickly morph's into an unsettling furious roar. The candles flickered wildly as a wave of dark energy erupts from him shattering the windows sending pews flying as he transformed to his true form the heat radiating from him burnt the priest to ashes.

As Abaddon stepped out of the church, the villagers ran but Abaddon was quick his double bladed sycthe swinging wildly as he killed everything that had life.

This was the start of Abaddons reign the fall of the fallen.