Chapter 1:A forgotten past

Earth….a beautiful planet on a beautiful solar a beautiful galaxy….on a perfect universe.

Yet no other life forms exist beyond earth,nothing...not even a single bacteria.

What if I were to tell you that it is Mankind's fault for this?

That all that exists is nothing but an empty shell left behind from a glorious age which will never come again.

That I am a forgotten deity that it's simply telling this story to waste time until my demise comes...until I reunite with my dead friends.

By the way I am Khazenreich,the 11th Throne Keeper or 11th Emperor of Cosmos,you will eventually find out as I tell this old tale,about the age where it started the beginning of the end,a story so grand that even tho it caused the end for everything I am glad to have been born in that Age of Heroes and Demons.

Now then,I kept you waiting long enough,what you know today is nothing but a small fragment of what was once.

Our story will begin in Atraks….well basically Mercury and YES it was inhabitable different from today.

I would like to tell you the story from the perspective of my Hero,a man born with nothing who faced invincible beings without fear,a man that surpasses every legend you know,his name was Arius.

* * * *

-Year 450,578 of 9th Emperor of Cosmos-

Ahhhhh,why can't I just get my payment already?like is it my fault that the government can't keep its client moon-states happy?Why should I suffer?Like genuinely what have I done to even-

"Ariussssss!!!!Stop slacking off work and go help ur comrades!!!!"

I take my eyes away from the beautiful sky and turn my head around to see Commander Volch,160cm tall bro has lost both his legs and arms,1 of his lungs missing and he still has the power to yell at me.

"Yes sir,just give me 5 golden coins and I am ready to go!"

I tell him as seriously as I possibly could.

"The F"&6 did you just say..."

He replies to me,looking like a angry ChikoChawa Dog.

I keep staring at him and he keeps staring back,the city is being destroyed but I don't care,I literally have 2 weeks without eating,this body can't run on oxygen alone!

"I said give me 5 golden coins,I have 2 weeks without food commander,and the payment isn't looking close to coming so understand me a little bit"

I told him while laughing like a fool,damn do I hate acting like this but it is what it is,as long as I can keep a job and support my friend I will take any kind of shame.

"Ok ok just go help your comrades,they are just normal elf soldiers and are very weak physically"

He told me while sighing and waving his hand at me like I am some random bird.


I yell to show respect and start running towards the destruction.

"...…human freak..."

Commander Volch mumbled to himself as soon as I left the Gate Guard position.

Ofc I am a human freak,to you a dwarf a being as strong as a human is frightening,it's not like we wanted this,we were a peaceful species after all,until Apharaxians,Destrctors and Argajs showed up and our Genes forcefully decided to evolve and-oh?Oh my God...those elf soldiers look pretty funny hahahahahaha

they can't even beat up that poor big wolf,I better land and give them a hand.

"Yo guys,y'all look pretty busy,you need a hand or something?"

I tell them while smiling,not because I am gona help them but because those 5 gold coins are going to get me a good dinner.

"No need we have everything under control"

One of the elf soldiers replies to me,while he is about to be eaten by the wolf.

"Oh ok"

I reply,less work for me cause I am still going to get those 5 golden coins lol.


I hear a scream towards the big wolf,I look and well turns out the elf lost his left leg,blood starts raining and that wolf opens his mouth so wide it could even fit my house in it,I mean there's not much blood but he is probably a little sadistic,wait is the wolf even a HE in the first place?Why am I even caring tbh,all these days are making my head feel weird I am even making a bad impression this ain't even my personality in the first pla-Hold up…..are they god…..these guys…..

"Just move out of the way"

I push them away while going forward.

"H-Hold up we said we-"

One of them grabs by my shoulder.

"Save that talk for tomorrow,and buy me something to eat y'all probably have a lot of money"

They don't have a lot of money,they are just regular soldiers.

"Yo fat furr release the guy or eat him,you literally have food and are wasting it,either eat him or give it to me!"

All this yelling probably got his attention,right?


Oh wow he got his face so close to-WHAT THE?!Does this guy ever brush his teeth?

"Ever heard of personal space?Like you eve-y'know what?I am tired and hungry so I'ma just end it"

Just doing both of us a favor ,I want to go home and he wants unlimited food in wolf-heaven or whatever is called ,we both get happy endings.

"Mit Meiner Kraft-*pow!*"

…..why is the world upside down…and when did I get so far from him….oh…..he hit me….

"Ohhhhhh,man my back….you seriously had to hit me that hard?Cmon man not cool"

Ahhh my back,a cooked cowsaur meat would do me so many favors.

"Ahhh,big doggo you shouldn't have done tha-"

*boom*....did this...did he teleport right behind mot-


I am flying towards the western gate….oh that's where I work,yeah it's definitely going to get destroyed on impact,well not my fault


"Those elfs…..I saw them rushing to heal their teammate...It would definitely be cool if ONE OF THEM COULD HAVE HEALED ME AS SOON AS I GOT HIT!"

*blink* wow….he really didn't waste a second to come after me- *pow*

"....thank God I am a human...If I were a elf or dwarf I would have gone to heaven a long time ago"

Ahhh I really have to get up do I…..

"Fat furr,EYES ON ME!"

*Crack* Wolf's jaw went flying.

"Seriously I told you to make it easy,you just wasted both of us a good 10 minutes for nothing!"

the wolf started whimpering,but it's gona change nothing

"you seriously picked the wrong city to attack BOY"

Let's just end this

"Mit Meiner Kraft Ich Rufe dich Beleuchtung"


The lighting burned him down,poor animal and people,stuck in this meaningless cycle,

both are in the right,the wolf who wanted to live by eating and people who defend themselves bcs they are trying to live.

"Humannn!!!!!Did you finish ittttttt!!!!"

Commander Volch?Why is this fraud yelling at me,of course I finished it,who does he mistake me for?himself?

"Yes sir commander Volch,I have killed the beast who was destroying our city"

I still ain't comfortable with this way of speaking,the front lines were better honestly,the commanders deserved their titles.

"Any life casualties?"

He is asking me this?You are not worthy of that title

"None sir,just a injured soldier who dismissed my order to retreat from the target,thankfully his teammates were quick to heal him"

Honestly I didn't watch them going to help him but they are elfs so they couldn't possibly leave one of their own to die….right?

"Hmmm Good Good very Good"

Why is he smiling for,he gets to keep his job because of me?Or does he get to sleep without worrying about a big wolf going to his grandma's house and dressing like her?

"It's all thanks to your leadership commander,without it I would have been dead hahahahaha"

Just give me the 5 gold coins man,like no need to drag this on anymore,you get the glory I get my money,all happy

"Hehehe yes yes and as a token of gratitude"

He is reaching for his pocket,finally after a long day of pure hard work I am seeing a little but of light!FOR MY STOMACH!!!

"Aaaaannnnddd here,5 Golden coins as promised"

Yessssss,finally it really took you a lot of time to just stretch that hand did it

Finally I am going to eat

"Thank you commander your generosity knows no bounds,without you we soldiers would have gone to heaven a long time ago"

The ME from 5 years ago would have shot me but it is what it is,one must learn how to survive.

As I bow down to commander

"Then if you will excuse this humble gate guard,I have to go and feed this tired body of mine"

Who am I kidding with,I am a Human,we are Top 3 strongest beings in terms of physical capabilities OF COURSE THIS IS NOTHING HE JUST LIKES ME BOWING DOWN TO HIM!

He raises his hand and starts touching his beard

"Yes Yes you can go now Arius,this commander will allow it"

He says to me while smiling

"Thank you sir!"

I better get out of here before he changes his mind and drops another job on my shoulders

I better go to that restaurant close to the hospital so when Saava finishes her work we can eat together

* 1 hour later *

I finally arrived,I took it slowly but I am here

"Welcome in customer,what would you like to order"

The waiter asks me with a big smile on his face

"Make 2 portions of Cowsaurus meat and 1 Big salad please"

Well I ain't into salads that much but Saava is an elf sooooooo.

The waiter comes with 3 big plates

"Here is the 2 Cowsaurus Meat and the big salad sir,this all will cost you 1 Golden coin~"

Ofc you are happily saying that price to me,I would have gotten 10X the meat with 1 golden coin,but a MAN has to be cool with it.

I reach for my pocket and take out the coin,the moment I open my hand to give it him and in a flash e takes it

"Thank you sir,I hope the food does you well"


Ah it's almost 6PM time to call Saava


And now we wait

* 10 minutes later *


"ABOUT TIME YOU OPEN IT!Do you even know how long I have been calling you for?"

Not that long but you get the point,she is a kind soul I want to mess with her a little.

"I am sorry I am very sorry it's just that a patient needed some healing and all tha-"

Ahhhh she just keeps going and going,she should seriously be selfish a little not everyone is kind enough like her

I interrupt her

"Saava just forget it,You are about to leave the workplace right?You know that restaurant close to the hospital?I am waiting so come and eat something,I have u favorite dish"

Ahhh she is older than me but has a child's mentality.

Heh I better drop another prank

"Well you see this salad is pretty delicious you know,it would be a shame if I wer-"


What was that sound.

I look behind me and I see Saava,red eyes and a mouth wide open,she is looking directly in my eyes

"I was just jok-"


You really shouldn't do all of this just for a salad.....

She finally closes her mouth and starts talking to me in a high pitched demonic voice

"You really weren't thinking about eating this salad were you?"


At this point I am too scared to mess with her so I just shake my head.

Her face brightens and a big smile starts to appear

"Heh I knew you were joking"


So after a brief conversation how our daily work went she finally showed me a letter

"Look a this-"

She said to me,the letter had the capital city emblem on it so I asked her so quickly she didn't even get to finish her sentence

"It's the capital's emblem,you going there?"

I asked nervously

She looked straight to my eyes and only replied with one word


That was all she said,me and her go way back so if she were to say something she is serious about it's set,nothing can change her mind,not even ME

I drink some water and tell her

"My payment will probably be given to me the day after tomorrow,yours is tomorrow so after that we depart from this city"

This is a good timing,she is a nurse so she will get a good job at the capital,as for me I am soldier so it doesn't really matter,there will always be jobs for me whenever I go,she also is guaranteed for a good job with that letter,only the best of the best get invitations from the capital .

She raises her glass,I notice it and so do I

"Cheers!For our journey to the capital!"

Closer to our goal to return to our home world Terra.






End of Chapter 1

Character Overview

Name:Arius Freeman




Kraft und Stärke:Normal Grade

Ultimate Move: None





Name:Saava Von Krafft




Kraft und Stärke:High Grade

Ultimate Move: None