The day after tomorrow came, Arius and Saava had already packed their belongings up and were ready to go, their house of 3 years was average, they held no attachments to it, they simply lived there for a duration of their time and left, like most of people do, perhaps in a peaceful world they could have stayed in that house forever, but they live in a world of wonders and there is no room for a normal life.
The bag doesn't weight that much, despite spending 3 years in this city I haven't bought anything other than a new piece of armor, my clothes are simple, nothing to show off about, I simply cover myself up and if it rips during battle I just throw it away, some people hold their memories in their clothes, I hold them as scars in my body, that's a more efficient way.
"Arius are you good?"
Saava asks me, she doesn't have any expressions but simply asks while looking forward.
I look at her, but she doesn't look back, she is captivated by the beautiful sight of trees, I think they call this type of tree Cherry Blossom, I simply look away and reply.
"Yes, I am good, just excited that we are going to The Capital"
I lied, why should I be excited, I just want to go to my home world and end this useless adventure, I am bored of this routine, Me and her don't belong on this foreign world, She is an elf from a colony meanwhile I am a child born from a Atraksian female and a Human male, the woman that gave birth to me lost her life during my birth process, I was a product between 2 military officers, but the difference is….that I am not accepted here simply because I am human, the human dna is very strong it completely dominates non-human dna, so I wasn't accepted here so my only choice is to go back ho-
"The train departs in 10 minutes, please keep your-"
Ah yes,I got lost in my thoughts…..again.
"You haven't forgotten anything, right?"
I tell Saava while I grab her bag.
She looks at me while smiling and says
"Nope, I didn't forget anything"
*phew* thankfully everything is ok.
"The train is departing!"
"Well time to enter, I seriously wish they have free food here, unlikely tho since it's a fast train but they definitely should add them, Saava when we go home we should open a train company and put free food on our rides you know, like I get it it's only 2 hours of trip at super speed, we are leaving a continent to go in another one and all that but cmon Free Food hurts nobody, I am not talking about something fancy or anything just a hamburger-"
A-Arius why are you talking so much, did he always care about trains this much? And opening a train company?
"Do we seriously need to open a train company as soon as we return home?"
I mean… we really need a train company, I am really confused right now, weren't we supposed to just…..chill on our home planet…..when did the whole train company come from?
Whoa, no need to GRAB ME
"You just don't get it Saava, TRAINS ARE LIFE, POWER, EVERYTHING!!!
Especially when you name them TOMMY THE ULTRA-ENGINE"
Oh God he won't stop talking-
"And because of this trains are COOL!
Look at all these stuff they have decorated it-"
Yeah.....someone just blow the train up I can't deal with this guy anymore.
Well, while he continues to talk about trains let's just observe the beautiful nature, from the window, the auroras look so beautiful from here, I wonder if Terra has them as beautiful as these ones, I wonder if the people are as beautiful, I wonder if they can accept me...
They will definitely accept Arius, he is a human after all, their culture is different from others, they value their blood over background and as long as he positions himself with them he is accepted, meanwhile the elfs will probably toss me aside because I am a colonial, they will hate me or just get rid of me, in their eyes I am nothing but a trash that needs to be erased, well screw it, if they don't accept me so what, Arius did say that Humans are very accepting with different races joining them, well why wouldn't they their DNA is dominant they don't care what species their mate is from the child will turn out human in the end, well even if not for marriage they just like to hang out with everyone, literally the most confusing race, one moment they are all happy and then they just end one another just for a piece of fruit, well Ariu-
* * 1 hour and 30 minutes later * *
"Welcome to the grand train station of Azarka, we welcome you at our beautiful Capital, we hope you enjoy your stay"
What was this ride…
"We are not taking a train anymore"
Why are you saying this so proudly, are you a dog or something?
What now? Why did he turn around starting at me?
"The letter, what kind of recommendation is it?"
Oh yeah,I thought he forgot about it but he still remembers
Well I better tell him
"The letter is a invitation to The Order, my performance in the northwest war was pretty good-"
"Oh that war? What performance did you do? You just healed people"
Relax relax he is just messing
"That's exactly the performance why they are taking me in, if your brain remembers it correctly The Order values people who are of High Grade and above"
Well...kinda, they don't really care about us High Grades
What now, why is he looking at me all confused about, don't tell me-
"Saava...what the hell are these grades for?"
"Ok so the grades determine what type of power level we have, there are 5 levels of grades
Low Grade is where 99% of us start in,
we have low level of Origin
Normal Grade is where most of us from age of 7 to 17 stay in, or talentless people like you stay in, your Origin output is not as great as the rest of us, anyways the next one is
High Grade this is usually the stop point for 50% of all Origin users, it's considered a good level, at full power you can blow an entire universe so don't underestimate them that much
Power Grade is where 40% of Origin users who have dedicated their entire life end up in
it's years of dedication weather you are talented or not, if we put our entire life into training our Origins we will end up here,it is the highest honor a Origin user can get, you are basically nigh-omnipotent, all of us expect a limited number end up here"
Wow I never knew about this grade system, I wasted all my life on the battlefield and never learned any of this.
"Then Saava, if Power is so powerful then what is the last grade"
I really want to hear it
*Sight* I hope he isn't devastated from hearing this...
"Just so you know, you don't have to blame yourself for anything about this grade ok?
It's just how the genetic lottery rolls, and there is nothing you can do to obtain it no matter what you do, the final grade is
OMNI GRADE the most powerful grade, since the moment of birth the individual is listed as Omni Grade, they are omnipotent, as in literally Omnipotent, you literally can't take them down no matter what, only Omni Grades can end one another"
I hope he took it well….
I see...then
"Has there been a record of a Power Grade taking down a Omni Grade?"
I really want to know this, if I put all my heart into it can I-
"Only 2 Power Grades were able to accomplish this in all history of cosmos, one human named Brutus and one dragon named Shirayuru"
I see then!
"I can-"
I am sorry but
"For this grand feat a grand price must be paid, and if God is generous then you might escape your certain end, but nonetheless you will stop using Origin, and a person without Origin is as well as dead, this is the fate for those who dare oppose the law of cosmos"
I have…nothing to…
Arius keeps walking in silence, the hard fact that no matter how much effort you put into something, is meaningless in front of someone who was simply born with everything, this is a fact I accept a long time ago and so will Arius, he will have to live with the fact that all his effort will be nothing in front of a being born to be mighty, Origin is infinite, when cosmos was created the infinite power left from non-creation and creation went to us living beings, we were gifted with the power that helped shape cosmos and everything within and outside it, that's why we are able to summon lightings out of thin air, or create planets without even dropping a sweat, or create dimension and species that never existed before, because this is Origin, the power of cosmos channeled through us, we simply work as a vessel and are allowed to manifest it, but Omni Grades are no vessels, they are Origin itself, I just hope Arius never faces a being like that
*Sigh* Fate is twisted, I am a soldier, at some point I am bound to face someone of Power or Omni grade, I just hope Saava never faces someone like that.
If Arius and Saava were aware of the importance they have in this story they would loose their minds, their fate is so twisted even I Emperor Khazenreich am shocked by it, but let them enjoy it,
The Capital is a beautiful city after all, it's a mix of what you would call today Medieval and Cyberpunk, without the anarchy part of course
The events that are about to unfold are going to make you excited so I will leave you all, for now.
* * Entrance of The Order station * *
*phew* Finally here, the city was nice BUT DAMN is the entrance of this station so cool, it's a fortress with 12 towers surrounding it, and a big gate covered with gold, talk about show off, huh?
"Saava, there are people in those towers staring at us, do you think they are going to shoot us if you don't wave that letter?"
Also what's with them staring us, are they birds or something, if it weren't for her job I would shoot a lightning at them
He is definitely thinking about shooting a lightning at them isn't he, I better act quick before he does something stupid
"Hello gate guards, I have a recommendation letter here that requests me"
"What about the Human with you?"
The human?
Ah Arius
"He is with me,nothing to worry about"
Just let us inside please
* *After 5 minutes of discussion* *
"Ok, you may come inside"
Hell yeah! Took you long enough
Wow they really did all that just for a human
"Sorry if I caused you any problems"
Not really…
"You did nothing Arius, we just need to hurry up and get inside before they change their mind or something"
* Inside *
This place is really big, it's like a city, they have all this stuff inside, kitchen, bedrooms, schools, shops, blacksmiths and more
"Arius stay close to me, I don't want you to get lost in this big castle"
To be honest I don't want either
"You got that Saava"
Honestly when are we going to reach the office!
"Seriously they might as well have the office on another dimension-"
"Saava look"
Pink door but well since it writes office on it, I guess it really is it
Who the hell has their office door painted in pink?
"Well, it won't open by itself if we keep staring at it"
Let's see if it's locked, *click* oh?
It's actually unlocked?
Well then here it goes
"Hello there is this the offi-"
"My name is Bordor, a fairy and 5th commander of The Explosion Corps, your name is?"
Well he seems like a nice guy
"My name is Saava, elf and specialized in healing, oh and the human behind me is Arius, he is an Ex-soldier"
Good introduction, I guess
"Hmmm Hmmm very nice very nice but, we asked only for you not the human, so if you don't mind-"
Nah you don't
"I can work for 2 golden coins per day"
*both* THIS GUY!
"If you are the 5th in command where is the rest?"
"Well you see, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th commanders have joined the General on a moon mission, they are going to be back by the end of the week, as for the rest of the members they are off duty"
Wow… that means only me and Arius are here with Bordor?
"Ohhh cmon don't be sad, we can take our day off too you know, it's not like some overpowered maniac is gona show up in the city and mess everything up right ?"
Some overpowered maniac is definitely going to show up now…..
But day off in the first day?
"Are you sure about this?"
I mean
"I am definitely sure my new members,we just gona have some fun, AND WE START BY THE KITCHEN!
Belive me the food is super delicious you have no idea how much——-"
* The Capital-Market Place *
"Oi did you hear?"
"Hear what?"
"There are rumors going around that a Dark Enforcer has come in the city, he is looking for the Origin stabilizer"
"No way, isn't the explosion corps on it's way to retrieve it? Nobody is foolish enough to face General Aegara, she is a Power Grade"
"Yeah, but the rumor has it that Jack Deathmetal is here"
"W-What? That psychopath?!"
"Yes, that dwarf who destroyed his entire body but his brain, and placed it on a robotic body, during the war 10,000 years ago he massacred many people in all cosmos"
"D-Don't talk about him man, it's just a rumor that's it, besides General Aegara is here so nothing to worry about"
"Yeah you are right, it's already late, let's send the last cargo and go home ok"
*Both men leave the club*
"...waitress, another drink if you can"
Ughhhhh that covered up man again
"Yes customer what drink would you like this time?"
"A beer….."
This freak, is that all you have to order?
Ughhh I hate working here
"Jeremy please give me a beer for the customer"
And give drinks to these pathetic people, I am a beautiful girl who needs service and not serve
"Here is your drink customer"
That's all? Just a thanks, let's see if I can take some money from him
"So, what's your name kind sir?"
Now that I am having a closer look, he looks like a robot, like full robot not a suit but like his body is Robotic
"My name?"
Didn't he hear me?
"Yes your name"
"Well I had many names along the years but this is the one I am most known with"
What the?
"And it's?"
To be continued