2 doors are slammed open, one where our heroes come out of, and the other where a slaughter machine comes out of, but let us see where our heroes are going.
"W-Wait Bordor where are taking us to?!"
What is this fairy thinking, where is he taking us into!
"Don't worry Saava, although the fortress is boring the same can't be said for the market, it holds many things from all around the world, from food to books to weapons you can find everything in the market, now then do me a favor and grab my hand you cutie!"
Well to buy all those items we need money which I don't have, well The Order will take care of it
The market seems very interesting so it might not be a bad idea to check it out
"Ok then please take-"
*grab* Eh? Did he just
Heheheheh time to fly~
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa soooooo fassssssttt
Eh? Did they leave me behind?
"Whatever I will follow them later"
But this fortress is pretty interesting, while on the outside it seems like a pretty small castle, on the inside it's almost endless, every corner of it is painted in white, it makes me loose track of time, and these red carpets, why are they the only different thing in this fortress, is there a meaning behind it or are they some sort of relic, nothing inside here makes sense at all, it gives a weird feeling, I should get out of here and go to the market
Arius takes out his dagger, making sure it's sharp enough, he doesn't know how to explain it, but a sharp feeling crawling on his back is whispering to him that a strong force will appear, he puts the dagger away and rushes to the market
* Meanwhile at the market *
Ahhhh Ahhhh I am so tired
"Bordor wait a minute, we should take our time and enjoy the stuff here not just rush it, there are books in here which I want to read"
Seriously why can't he stay in one place
"Well there is no need to stay in one place when all this food is waiting for me to EAT IT!"
Hehehehe so delicious
Food? He came here for the food?
"T-Then what about the Books..."
I was expecting too much
Huh? Is she about to cry? Maybe I teased her a little too much
"There there Saava no need to be sad, we eat then we go pick up the books ok?"
Well I would be a pretty bad senior if I don't do this much for a junior
"Are you not lying?"
Hold up, did she take me for a liar? *sigh* Wow no wonder everyone is annoyed by me
"Yup I am not lying, listen we have fun and then go pick up the books you want, deal?"
Behold, a good senior taking care of his junior
"Really? Thank you Bordor you are the best"
Fufufu keep hugging me
"Say who is your best senior?"
That's right, nobody can surpass this senior
Ah, Saava and Bordor are there, thankfully I found them quickly, this place is very crowded
"Saava, Bordor, I finally foun- *bump*"
Ah, I hit someone
"I am sorry sir, I wasn't looking, please forgive me"
Well hopefully he won't make a big deal out of it-What the? He is pretty big...
"...….just make sure you don't do this again, maybe you might bump into the wrong person"
"Thank you for forgiving me sir"
What was that, he was tall, around 220cm tall, he was pure metal, his voice was robotic too, pure black metal, probably Nyxium, and his face, he had a skull shaped mask, and his presence too, terrifying, it felt like I died 10.000 times, I hope I don't encounter him anymore, I have seen many things in the battlefield, but this guy...
"Hey Arius you listening? We have been calling you over and over again, are you sure you aren't deaf?"
H-He looks so pale, like he has seen death or something, that tall guy, maybe they know one another
That guy...
"Ah sorry Bordor I was just lost in thoughts"
"Well you better get your brain out of those thought clouds because we need to find some Books about Saava"
Well actually Codexs but I am going to explain it to them later
"Yeah let's go"
Bordor is right, I should enjoy the moment, it was probably a nobody anyways, no need for me to worry about
And as Arius, Bordor and Saava continue their fun time in the market, we cut to Deathmetal and what he is planning, what he wants to accomplish here at The Capital, where he is going and what he is going to find.
That child, he was a human, around 178cm tall, a well built body, not surprised as he comes from a warrior race, brown eyes with orange hair, normal grade at best, his Origin core is underdeveloped but he looked very experienced in combat, his name was Arius,
that's what that fairy and elf called him, speaking of the fairy, it was male but dressed as a female, around 167cm tall, purple hair with blue eyes, it's on the brink of reaching High Grade, but something was off, it was like the body was used as a prison for something sinister, and that elf, gray hair, purple eyes, 185cm tall, she holds the most potential out of the three, the least with potential is that child named Arius, but those with least become more, he will outgrow them eventually, and when he does, I want to face him in a fight, so I can rip his head off his body and keep it as a trophy, hehehe I really hope he grows strong now,
now then where was the spy, Eye of Information activated.
[ Eye of Information ]
{ it's a normal grade Origin Eye wich allows the user to get basic information out of everything it targets }
*creak* this door...
"Anyone in the shop?"
Why is nobody replying…..
"You have 5 minutes to answer or I will blow up the entire city"
Get your head out filthy spy
"P-Please don't do that sir Jack, it would be a pretty bad thing if The Capital is blown up "
C-Crazy piece of junk
This filthy dwarf
"Then if you don't want me to do that tell me the information"
I just want this shit to be over
"T-Then sir Jack how about you get insi-"
"No, I remain here, now hurry up I don't have time to waste it with you"
I am really itching for a fight right now
Huh? Whatever
"W-Well since you want the short version I will sincerely give it to you"
Yeah this is for better, I can go home faster
*phew* ok
"Well I work as a janitor in the fortress, I happen to overhear a conversation between 5th Commander Bordor and General Aegara, she is on a mission outside the planet, possibly on another realm to retrieve the Power Fragment of The Key"
The WHAT?! THE KEYYYY!!!!!Why didn't she tell meeeee!!!!
The Key is known as the absolute device in the entire Cosmos, it allows the user to have access over everything, but it's broken in 8 fragments, The Power, The Space, The Time, The Soul, The Divine, The Corrupt, The Concept and The End
Without the key coming to existence a single Fragment is strong enough to reshape the entire Cosmos, and even if a Low Grade gets hold of a Fragment they can easily kill a Omni Grade
That's how much power they hold.
Is he angry?
"This is all I know sir"
"I see"
"T-Then if you would be kind sir, my payment plea-"
*silent gunshot*
W-wha *falls*
".....blood....am I dying...."
Everything is fading away...
"That's your payment, your assistance is no longer required to the cause"
*slams the door* A fragment of the key, to be honest Aegara is a Power Grade and I am only a High Grade, the difference is night and day, but that fairy might be a good bargaining chip, the sun is starting to set, in 10 minutes I will blow up the market and steal the fairy, he hehe hahahahaha, that child Arius, I wonder what face will he make, I will start by blowing up the market, then I am going to break Arius apart, knock out that elf girl and finally kidnap the fairy.
That fairy is very valuable, it's definitely a vessel, Aegara would willingly give me the fragment any day for that fairy, which begs the question, how dangerous is the being residing within and is it a worthy opponent, I am loving this mission even moreeeeee.
And as Deathmetal is ready to carry out his plan, we switch to 30 minutes prior to the Attack, where Arius and Bordor are ready to choose a Codex for Saava.
*door opens*
Are they enemies or friends...
"Excuse me, can we discuss about the co-"
This fairy
"Haaaaa, step aside Saava, ok old man how much does he owe you?"
Well the debt can't be that big right
"50.000 Gold"
"Kill him"
Well time to find another shop
This stupid soldier!!!!!!!
"Come on Saava now, I don't want you to stand around someone who is in debt"
Such a bizarre situation
"B-But what about my Codex whaaaaaaaaaa"
I want it I want it I want it!
"Listen here Saava, I love you and I would do everything for you, but no way in HELL I AM GOING TO PAY 50.000 GOLD, I don't even have that much in the first place, also he works for The Order, they basically have unlimited budget THEY ARE THE GOVERNMENT!"
So yeah I ain't paying for the government
Arius please look me in the eyes and feel pity
Yeah those pitiful eyes are NOT going to work on me
"H-Hold up guys, it's not over this quickly, hey old man"
I ain't falling for this
"What do you want?"
You know what I want
"The forbidden one"
This fairy!
"Are you sure the elf can handle it? Wouldn't it be better to give it to the human?"
Is he trying to kill his own comrade….
"Nope, the human won't do, I want the elf to have it"
She is more compatible with the Codex.
Damn you fairy
"Ok then, I won't charge you because I wanted to get rid of it, and if anything happens I have nothing to do with it ok?"
The Codex of Purification enhances the users abilities by ten times but in return they loose themselves
Well if she lives or dies is nothing of my concern, she made this choice at the end kf the day, I just gave her the opportunity.
But I know Saava wil succeed in the end
*poof* *grab*
"*throws* Here take it, now get out of my shop and never show your face here ever again"
Hahahaha got it
"Ok ok old man, I will be gone now bye"
Hmm Hmmm Codex of Purification
Oh there they are
"Ariussss Savaaaaa I got the Codex"
"Well good for you Saava, the codex you wanted is here"
"Yup, but she needs to make a contract with it"
Or in other words a slave contract, a slave to POWER.
"I see, well how is the contract made?"
If he pulls anything-
"Oh, she just needs to hold the book"
{Saava you have been accepted as the new contractor}
"It told me I was accepted"
That easy?!
"Ahhh seriously, this side of Origin is not for me, I am going to get us something to drink, you two discuss or whatever"
I am seriously drained, it was such a fun day tho, sadly it's coming to an end, well I hope tomorrow is as beautiful and calm as this one.
And in center of The Market the two Encountered one another, again.
What should I get them to drink-
"Huh, is that the guy from"
Yes it's him, from before, what is this feeling that he is giving, the feeling of blood and death, he reeks of death, and he is staring right at me, as if looking at my soul directly.
WHAT? Is he raising his hand and pointing towards me?
"Child...do you think you can Fight me and win?"
What the hell is he saying
"Listen sir, I don't think anything, I am just a soldier who went outside to enjoy-"
"No No No, don't give me that answer, I want you to FIGHT ME"
This is really bad news
"Listen if it's for before I can pay you and we leave it at that"
I just don't want to involve myself in anything
"I see if this is how you want to play then so be it"
What play-
What is he holding? Is that a button?
"Bordorrrrrrr Saavaaaaaa runnnnnn"
"Let the fighting begin"
To be continued