*cough cough*
Ahhhhhh ahhhhh, this fucker, he won't stop hitting me, my body won't recover, I can't feel a single thing, spine is broken, lungs are almost nonfunctional, almost all of the bones are broken, broken is a understatement, they have become dust, if this keeps going death is not that far away from me.
"BOY, are you having fun?"
Deathmetal keeps on punching Arius in multiple places, nonstop, Arius currently looks like a piece of meat, constantly getting bashed by the chef, ready to be served to death.
After one hour Deathmetal stops hitting Arius, he backs off and looks at his arms, completely covered in Arius's blood he looks down, staring at the piece of meat Deathmetal opens his mouth and says:
"Boy, who do you beg, life or death?"
Silence, the world stops at this question, a question nobody thought of, even Deathmetal was confused, "why did I say that" he thought to himself, but he rubs the thought off, and just keeps looking at Arius, or what's left of him, he stares down, looking at the hole they created during their impact while falling, he stares, and times keeps moving, until Arius heals, Deathmetal remains, he doesn't care about the mission anymore, he only cares for the answer.
After four hours Arius is finally healed, he wakes up and stands up, looking around he realizes he lost, but Arius has no pride when facing such enemy who is way out of his league, Arius disappointed face quickly shifts to a serious one, he raises his head, and looks at Deathmetal who is looking at him, Arius jumps and gets out of the hole, now face to face with Deathmetal he opens his mouth but remains silent, his mouth remains open, not a single word coming out, he just stands there with his mouth open, Deathmetal doesn't bother Arius, he is waiting for the words of Arius, what will he say, this is also a fight, but different from the physical one they had this is on a mental level, a fight of ideologies, and as two hours pass, Arius finally speaks, his answer is:
"None, I begged none"
Deathmetal remains silent for a while, he then asks Arius:
Arius replies instantly, like a nephew and his uncle having a conversation, Arius says:
" Why should I beg to them, they are gears of Cosmos, if I deserve life I will live, if I deserve death I will die, why beg when things will go like they want, begging to them is nothing, they do as they will, but they are fair, when one delusional enough thinks of itself as a vessel to them, they will judge "it" in the most fearsome way possible and make devil look like a joke,but they won't judge beasts who respect them, so I didn't beg them, I don't worship them I am not their vessel, I am a boy that believes it is the right thing to not kill, you too, you see yourself as an independent man, you believe the right thing is to kill the weak, neither me or you are their vessel, we are beasts that live and die, we have nothing to beg for, it is our cycle, it's up to us what we do with our time here"
Deathmetal stays silent, his face with no emotions, he looks up at the sky, parts of it bright with stars and the other part pitch black, although he can't smile he is very happy, Arius answered truthfully, for the first time Deathmetal feels proud, he feels very proud of Arius and what he represents, Deathmetal doesn't agree with everything Arius said but that won't stop him from feeling proud, during this fight both of them grew closer, Arius a soldier who only knew how to kill, and Deathmetal a man who gave up his body for power, over the course of their fight they grew closer, although the physical battle was lost by Arius, Deathmetal lost the mental one, Deathmetal wipes the blood off his arms, and with his right hand he starts patting Arius on the head, they aren't blood related, but through their fight they become a family, Deathmetal stops patting Arius and says:
"Become stronger boy, this cosmos is not as easy as it looks, we are nothing but a fragment in this wild place, make the most of it and overcome it, we are what we are, even if we don't like it, that's why we must make the most of it, if you have people you love and care about protect them, but do not forget boy, where there is power there is suffering"
Is what Deathmetal said to Arius, he then turned his back and started walking forward, going out of the city, Deathmetal whith out turning his head around said:
"Don't worry boy we will meet again, and I hope you have surpassed me by then"
Arius shocked with himself, the brain who recognized Deathmetal as his enemy for killing innocent people, but his soul who recognized him as family and a broken man left Arius with only one answer:
"You can count on me"
Arius felt nothing for himself, did he betray his ideals or is he trying to save this suffering man who longs for a worthy opponent to take his life, he was left clueless, confused, not by Deathmetal, but by himself, he started to think:
Do I know myself?
While Arius is left confused with himself, from the ashes Bordor and Saava appear, right on time to save Arius from going insane.
"Ah Arius are you alright, do you need any healing?"
Saava asks with a worried look on her face.
"Nah he needs a good sleep"
Bordor says while yawing, he actually wants to sleep for himself but wants to get Arius mixed up on this
"Bordor are you sure you are not the one who wants to sleep here?"
Saava points at Bordor
Bordor yells while pointing back at Saava
"Dog? Arius is not a Dog!"
"Yes he is~"
"No he isn't"
"Yes he issssss~"
While Saava and Bordor keep arguing with each other if Arius is a dog or not, he is relieved by them, his friends who were faced with such cruelty were still smiling, they helped people as much as they could without a thought, Arius feels true happiness when he is together with them, without them he would be like Deathmetal, maybe that's why the two bonded, they see each other like no one else, a long night, in one hour the sun rises, Saava and Bordor are still debating about Arius being a dog or not, but they keep walking, towards the fortress, Arius is relieved, it was a long day after all, but something doesn't quite feel right, Deathmetal just left like that.
Arius whispers to himself, but Fate is cruel, the question Arius asked was about to be answered quickly, looking forward, Deathmetal was rushing towards them, as fast as he could, like the fate of the world was depending on it, Saava and Bordor froze in place from terror of Deathmetal, they went silent and were about to cry, but Arius knew that it wasn't Deathmetal they should fear but someone else, he used his Origin to see if there was anything unusual in The Capital, and there was, for a split second, Arius was able to detect a force so great he almost thought of ending his own life so he wouldn't face such opponent, the Origin traced the being up in the sky, a dark figure standing there, the more Arius looked at it the more he was going insane, and then Deathmetal yelled:
"BOY!!!!! LOOK OUT!!!!!!"
In a instant, the entire capital was gone, all Origin traces of everything gone, everyone dead in a instant, the buildings gone too, the animals gone too, nothing left, only 5 people alive, thankfully Deathmetal was able to reach them in time to place up a barrier, but it wasn't enough, Saava had lost her left arm
"Ahhhh dammit, my arm, ahhh ahhh, Arius what the hell is going on?"
Saava h-her arm
"Saava are you-"
Saava slaps Arius
"I am fine don't worry, I can heal this but the problem is that figure and why is a Dark Enforcer helping us?"
Deathmetal lowers the barrier and says to Arius:
"Boy, whatever happens don't talk, you understand?"
Arius understands the situation and looks at Saava and Bordor, who simply nod, and so does Arius, he nods at Deathmetal.
"Good, then we are se-"
In a instant the figure appeared right before them
*cough* *blood*
Saava and Bordor could not handle the high pressure and were knocked out, Arius fell down to his knees, forcing himself to stay unconscious at all cost, while he is trying his hardest Deathmetal stands between Arius,Bordor, Saava and the figure.
The Figure uncovers itself.
"Jack, what the hell is this, why are these 3 pests alive, are you disobeying your leaders orders?"
The leader of Dark Enforcers, Morgana Le Hecate, she is one of 13 legendary Witches, she is the witch of Origin, her power is told to rival that of Emperor of Cosmos, Morgana is 170cm tall, with purple hair and golden eyes, her skin is white like snow, and talks calmly, her voice and eyes look like they are piercing your soul, she wears a black cloak, underneath she wears a mystical armor that makes her invincible, considered one of the strongest beings in the cosmos.
"No Morgana, I am not disobeying your orders, I simply found these "pests" entering and thought it was a good idea to keep them alive"
Deathmetal is clenching his fists as hard as he can, ready to fight Morgana if he has to.
"What Jack? You going to fight me? You think you can beat me you piece of trash?"
Deathmetal shapes his hand into a sword and points it towards Morgana
"Yes you filthy witch, I am going to tie you up and burn you at the stakes, YOU think you can win just because you are the leader? Don't forget Morgana I am part of your organization to find a worthy opponent not to fulfill your dreams, I do not recognize you as my leader, I can leave the organization this instant, in fact it would be good, you are one of 13 legendary witches, that means you are a worthy opponent"
Deathmetal is overcome with excitement, the very thought of fighting a legendary witch is driving him insane, he is one step away from piercing Morgana with his sword
"Both of you enough"
Deathmetal and Morgana are interrupted, by the second in command of Dark Enforcers, Yorg'arth Kathiolaros, She is 178cm tall, in reality she is a Old Grand One, a being who was summoned by the foolishness of elfs a long time ago, Yorg'arth fused with the elf sacrifice, not wanting to destroy the soul of the elf it became one entity, Yorg wears a military uniform, with high boots, leather gloves and a military hat, she also wears a black fur coat, with a mask to keep her face hidden, her hair is long and black, except her appearance nobody knows the strength of Yorg, only few who were able to survive.
"You two forged why we are here, we must first collect the Power Fragment from Aegara, then you can continue with your childish behavior"
Deathmetal puts the sword away, changing it to his hand again, as he looks at both Morgana and Yorg he says:
"Agreed, but only for now"
Morgana on the other hand does nothing, she just looks up at the sky ans says:
"Speak of the devil"
Deathmetal, Morgana, Yorg and Arius who is barely conscious look up at the sky, like a goddess she floats, shining brighter then the sun, lowering her eyes, looking down on them she says:
"Who dares to mess with this planet, while it's under my jurisdiction?"
Everyone and Everything starts shaking in fear, her presence alone changes the very laws of Cosmos, Aegara is the only being in the cosmos that can make Morgana shiver, at the end of the day as Morgana says:
"Welcome, The Strongest, The Next Emperor of Cosmos, Aegara!"
To be continued