Above them stands the next Emperor, with her sheer presence they bow down to her, dark skinned like space, white long hair like the moon, her eyes different from one another, her left eye is golden like the sun while the right eye is blue like the sky, she stands tall around 195cm, well built body with muscles, she wears a military uniform to show off her status, the universal is golden to represent the divine duty of The Order, as the next Emperor she is fated to be an Omni Grade but currently she is only High Grade, Aegara is the biggest obstacle to Morgana, both of them have the same goal, gather the fragments and become the next Emperor, but one is fated while the other wants to break fate and forcefully take that title.
"Morgana, I thought you weren't foolish enough to come in a planet that is currently under my watch"
In a instant Aegara teleports in front of Morgana, instantly grabbing Morgana by the neck, she starts choking her and says:
"You goddamn bitch, you think you can come on MY PLANET AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANT?!
I will dismantle you and use you as my personal pet"
Aegara chokes Morgana harder and harder, Morgana's eyes become red, blood starts coming out of her nose and mouth, she can barely breathe, yet even in this situation she only needs to say one word to make Aegara stop.
Morgana says while choking on her own blood.
Aegara turns around and sees a sword made out of Origin, pointing at the head of Bordor, ready to strike on the instant Morgana orders to, Aegara turns her head back and looks Morgana directly on her eyes and says:
"You think I am not fast enough to kill you and save him?"
Morgana starts laughing and says:
"Yes, you are not fast enough, especially with that creature residing inside him, yes you can kill me but what would happen when his head goes off?"
Aegara takes her hands off Morgana, but Morgana knows she is not safe, Aegara could kill her in a instant without even breaking a sweat, that's how dangerous she is, but with the right cards Morgana has in her hands right now she can make it out alive and with the fragment.
*huff* *huff*
"I know what resides within that boy, and you don't want it to get out yet, right?"
Aegara's face becomes angrier the more Morgana talks.
Got her, I can definitely make it out alive with the fragment too
"So here is the deal, you give me the fragment and let us go and I don't have to kill the boy and release that evil bastard that is sealed within him, deal?"
Morgana is making the bet of her life, this is closest she has gotten to death and she is not going to loose.
"So do we have a deal?"
As Morgana raises her hand, Aegara is filled with anger, if she gives up the fragment she is going to be left behind in the race to become Emperor but if she doesn't a bigger threat will release, one she can beat but the losses on her side would be so great she practically loses, she can't afford the being within Bordor to be released, so Aegara makes her decision, she raises her hands and shakes it to Morgana, Aegara leaves her anger aside and calms down, thinking only for the good of cosmos, she takes the deal.
"I hope you keep your side of the deal"
Morgana chuckles a little and says:
"Of course, we witches keep our part of the deal, different from you people"
The exchange begins, Aegara gives Morgana the fragment of power, Morgana takes the fragment and removes the sword from Bordor's head, then in a instant she along with Yorg and Deathmetal teleport away, Aegara is left with Saava, Bordor and Arius who is the brink of collapsing, she starts walking towards them, she casts a floating Origin circle on Bordor and Saava, then she kicks Arius and tells him:
"Wake up human, I expect you to be tougher, or do I need to babysit you around"
Arius laughs a little a replies:
"It wouldn't hurt you to ask if I was fine you know?"
Aegara then kicks Arius again, this time on stomach.
"Ouch, why hit me so hard?"
Aegara then grabs Arius by the head and tells him:
"I am your superior, you shall address me properly, do I look like your friend?
You are a soldier, you should be thankful that Bordor accepted you in the corps, a Normal grade like you is worthless"
Arius's face becomes serious, he grabs Aegara's hand and removes it from his head, then he stands up, looking her directly in the eyes and replies:
"Yes General, forgive me for my rudeness"
Aegara looks at Arius from bottom to top and says:
"Follow me soldier we have work to do"
Arius follows Aegara, he is angry from the way she grabbed him but brushes it off, He knows she is a general and it was foolish of him to expect a warm welcome, Arius starts feeling down on himself, thinking that maybe he doesn't belong here, but he continues to walk behind General Aegara, Arius vows to himself:
I shall surpass her and everyone else, I will stand at the top, these people who are born with power, they talk about worth yet they themselves are not worthy of their own power, I swear to become stronger and create a better world for everyone
*Meanwhile on a space ship owned by Dark Enforcers*
"Finally, The Fragment of Power is on OUR hands, 7 more fragments to go, and after we gather them all we shall finally control the entire cosmos, no more false rulers, the cosmos will finally be returned on it's original form"
At last, the fragment of power will be very useful in achieving our goal, Aegara and the Emperor will both die by my hands, those hypocrites who talk all about Justice and fairness yet they allow evil to exist, the cosmos shall return on its pure form, no more Good or Evil, nothing will exist anymore, all shall rest and none shall complain.
At a dark round table they sit, the Dark Enforcers gather to discuss their plans, The Witch Emperess: Morgana Le Hecate, The Old Grand One: Yorg'arth Kathiolaros, The Metal Knight: Jack Deathmetal, The Grand Sage: Marcus Sarius, The Thorn Princess: Eleonore Varter, The Queen of Night: Cyrus Darkius, The King of Torture: Ganther, The Beast King: Leonaidas, The Dictator: Julius Kaiser, The Chronicle: Ariestotel, The End Maker: Thanatos, The Assassin: Shinobu, The Chaos: Galarus, The Warrior: Kleitida, The General: Leon Von Krahserich, The Samuria: Senji Namakura, The Order: Ilya Ostroich, The Winter Man: Ivan, The Dragon: Oratan, The Fallen: A'kalua Opongo, The Lawmaker: Benjamin Wishingtown, The Sinner: Kein, The Mad: Sinister, The Hive: Lagartha, The Oracle: Circe and finally The Human: BATO.
"The Dark Round Table today gathers all its members, excluding the exiting news we shall also welcome our newest member, Bato, he is a human who has decided to join us in our struggle to return the Cosmos to it's original form,we welcome our new brother"
After Morgana's speech everyone starts clapping their hands to welcome the new member, but as they were speaking Deathmetal was thinking to himself:
Would you look at that, another human appeared, ever since I meet that boy things have started to get interesting, there is a folklore that if you meet a human things will get chaotic, I thought they were making things up to scare people but who would have thought, from meeting boy to almost fighting Morgana, to seeing Aegara and getting the fragment, and finally this new human appearing, the folklore is indeed true, they do bring chaos along with them, and I am all in for it, these beautiful events, one after another are making this old man very happy ha ha ha ha
While Deathmetal was laughing to himself, Yorg thought:
Damn, this guy is really insane, like why is he always so excited when it comes to fighting, conflicts are so annoying, can't we just solve things by talking *sigh*
Morgana shows her arm on the table and opens her hand, showing the Fragment of Power, it takes the form of a broken piece of glass, floating on her palm it shines different colors like a rainbow, the power it holds is tremendous, such a small object holding such power is insane, but something's in the cosmos are not questioned, although we try our best to explain as many things as the cosmos holds we sometimes accept things as they are.
Morgana closes her hand takes her arm off the table, she then starts talking about their next location:
"As of now we have finally concluded our mission in Atraks, our next location is Biartor, we shall talk with the prince and reach a deal out so he can handle us the fragment of space, he is the 8th in line of succession so according to their customs he should be immediately executed as soon as the 1st prince is crowned, the king is still healthy but he wants us to go there, kill the king and all the other princes so he can take the crown, easy task for us, we will start our mission on Biartor in 8 months from now, we should gather resources in order to prepare ourselves, we shouldn't trust the prince, just by the request we know he is a coward who wants to kill his family for power so I wouldn't be surprised if he attacks us the second we kill his family, so we make preparations and then we can carry out or mission, any questions?
Across the table a figure raises his hand, Morgana notices it and says:
"Yes Ganther, what was your question"
Morgana asks, then The King of Torture Ganther stands up and asks:
"How many members of the royal family are there, we should know that if so the prince betrays us we can pull a trick on him?"
Morgana is happy by the question of Ganther so she doesn't hesitate to answer .
"There are 8 princes and 5 princesses, 1 king and 4 queens, our order is to kill the king and 7 princes, now then here is the disgusting part, Biartor is a diverse planet with many species living on it, but the noble families and royal ones are ruled by Krakean species, they are basically squids, but they have a tradition to keep their bloodline as pure as possible so they-"
Gunther slams his hand on the table and yells:
"No way! Don't tell me"
Morgana starts to speak again.
"They mate with their own sisters and cousins"
Gunther is disgusted by this fact and wants to vomit, Morgana sees this but continues to talk.
"In theory the offsprings should come out defected but the fragment of space makes it possible for them to come out normal, they have been doing this for more then 100,000 years so yeah, nothing to be shocked about, wich is why I expect him to backstab us, but we shouldn't care what he does, we go in there kill those people, get the fragment and get out, that's it"
Everyone shakes their head agreeing with Morgana, the plan is set for Dark Enforcers.
*Meanwhile on Atraks, atop a mountain*
"General Aegara, excuse this soldier's rudeness but may I ask where we are heading to?"
Aegara releases her floating Origin and lowers Saava and Bordor to the ground, she then turns around to Arius and says:
"We are camping here tonight, tomorrow move to the dust palace"
Arius is shocked and thinks to himself:
The Dust palace? What type of weird name is that, shouldn't they have called it something majestic like the gem palace or the fire palace, but DUST PALACE?!
Aegara sees Arius's disappointed face and starts to laugh, she then says:
"If you are shocked why they call it Dust Palace is because they are creatures made out of sand, for them Dust is a very noble thing, anyways sit down no need to guard, I am here so no fool has the courage to attack us"
Arius is shocked by her good attitude, but he won't let his guard off like before so he replies to her:
"Thank you for the consideration general but as a soldier I have to guard, please understand"
Aegara is kind of disappointed, she wanted to kill some time but she understands, she was the one who told Arius to behave like a soldier so she had it coming, Aegara then replies to Arius:
"You are right soldier, continue your work"
And so Arius turns his back on Aegara, the night continues as they both don't speak to one another, the only thing making a noise is the fire Aegara set up, Saava and Bordor are asleep, Aegara looks at the stars bored while Arius is laughing to himself.
Yeah "General" you wanted a work relationship? Here you have it, look at the stars dumbass
The night is young, if time doesn't pass faster it will be boredom who kills Aegara and not Morgana.
To be continued