Booked out

The stars hung beautifully in the dark sky as the calming wind of Bora Bora Island hits. Alexi face as a affirmation to the fact he is back on land after all the endless meetings, he actually took a detour to Italy for a meeting that popped up at the last minute. The car made to take him to the hotel was present so he didn't have to wait,he got in with his face flushed from tiredness but it only adds to his handsome Ness. He rested his head on the back rest with a deep groan while the driver ignites the engine as he drives them to Bliss hotel, the biggest hotel there is in Bora Bora with top-notch room service and amazing oceanic sceneries.

The driver hauls to a stop in front of the hotel and cleared his throat to inform Alexi, he picked his luggage and suit which he put off in the car along with him making his way to the hotel entrance. He got to the front desk where two receptionist stood drooling at him, he sighs clearly not ready for all this he tapped the desk bringing them out of their dreamland.

"I made a reservation here...Alexi cross" Alexi said immediately they were in their right senses.

"Matai 'o ia ("He's handsome") " One of the receptionist say in their native tahitian dialect. The locals over here speak tahitian or French only those that are educated that speak English.

"Excuse me" Alexi seemed dumbfounded how could he have forgotten they speak Tahitian not English.

"Oh my...Sa voix, c'est tout pour moi, je suis déjà amoureuse ("His voice his everything I'm in love already")". The other receptionist chipped in her French native.

NOTE:There are three different language English, Tahitian and French but from now on I'll focus on French and English.

" Okay this is silly...can I get your Manager! "He said emphasising on the last word, his whole mood changed from neutral to deadly cold aura in no time and they were scared to their wits that they didn't try to breathe at all just looking gobsmacked like they have seen a ghost but they are actually wrong they are seeing the monster hiding beneath those charming look.

"What's going on here" A young petite lady came holding her handbag in her plain floral dress. They eyed her from head to toe u

In pure distaste for so many reason she is the prettiest, youngest, adoring, fluent and most of all naive of them all.

"How may I help you sir" She asked professionally.

"You tell your people give me, my room number and we will have no problem" Alexi said in his hoarse voice making her smile.

"Mia, Carlie his room number" She turned to the two receptionist looking stern.

"Ne nous apprenez pas notre métier Natalie. ("Don't teach us our job Natalie")" The one named Mia said sneering at her.

"Si vous ne pouvez pas le faire bien, quel mal y a-t-il à ce que je vous aide ? ("If you can't do it well, what's the harm in helping")"Natalie retorted fiercely.

" are going to be doing these give me the key to my room" Alexi said completely pissed off. Their faces turned pale, they understood English but saying it is their problem.

"Pas de chambre disponible Natty, toutes les chambres sont déjà attribuées. (No available room Natty all room has been given out) " Carlie who was checking the system during Mia and Carlie little fight said tearfully with an expression that says "I'm doomed". Mia eyes widened and they instantly filled with water setting her gaze on the manager arrival.

"Oh...Mr Cross right" The manager said to Alexi stretching an hand to him which he took ignored. His accent was an heavy French accent that makes it hard to hear what he is saying, seeming like he forces himself to speak English.

"Tell this incompetent people to get me a room or I'll sue the hotel" Alexi said with his voiced laced with venom. Natalie whispered what Carl said in his eyes.

"How's that possible any other substitute" He asked her in a whisper also. He turned to Mia and Carlie who looked like they were caught bedwetting as adult. "Explain in English" He said glaring at them.

"Apparently they thought he won't be arriving because he came late" Natalie answered with a smug look.


" Your accent is terrible let the lady speak"He said as his ears are hurting from their constant bad accent as she was the only one with a normal tone without a thick French tone.

"I do not know how to say this sir but I'm afraid that all the room are are occupied including yours as they thought you wouldn't becoming today as it's quite late already" Natalie said with a sad smile.

"We can take you to the other hotel with half the price you paid refunded back to you...

" Us this how a hotel is meant to be run, with incompetent and irresponsible staff"He growled angrily, everyone is currently holding their breath.

"Sir...The other hotels are booked with the tourist that arrived earlier and the others won't have a decent taste for Mr suit here" Natalie said in her small babyish tone after making some calls.

"Do I get to sleep on the road then" Alexi asked with obvious rage, the air was literally suffocating but she put on a reassuring smile.

"Mia, Carlie...He will stay in one of you home" The manager declared, their faces turn sour and they made different excuses.

"please Natty" Carlie looked at her with a babyish pout.

"Fine...I'll save your ass this time but there shouldn't be a next time got me". Natalie said with a sweet smile like a mother scolding her children,. She walked towards where Alexi is seated served red wine.

"I'll be I charge of both your welfare and accommodation and you would receive a refund in full..."Natalie stated tactfully.

" Should we go then" He asked coldly she nodded with a small smile not minding his coldness she is glad they were able to settle him and he won't give a bad review to them.