The End of the City

The city once lives by many people, and has a lot of beautiful scenary with its unique places to explore by tourist.


"This is echo one...we will arrived to the battlefield shortly.."

A massive battlefield between the Army of soldiers and an Army of deads were happened.No one was left unarmed with a weapon.

"GET ON YOU FEET SOLDIER!" yelled someone from the outer Flying Fortress.

"uhh? What is this a dream?" Lawrence thought.He open his eyes slowly and see an unspeakable battle between a human and the undead.

"SOLDIER, GET YOUR WEAPON AND JOIN THE FIG-" shouted a soldier who got bitten before his eyes.Lawrence realised that he got into an accident during on the Flying Fortress because of an undead Jumped from a building and hitted the left wing of the Flying Fortress.He quickly snaped out of his thought and takes a rifle from the ground.

"SOLDIER! GET YO ASS UP HERE WE NEED TO RETREAT!" shouted by a soldier who's in an helicopter not to high from the ground.

"This is Alpha One, we have a visual of the target"

"GET US DOWN TO THAT SOLDIER BEFORE ALPHA ONE TAKES THE SHOT!" shout the soldier in the helicopter to the pilot of the helicopter.

"alright, make sure not to let any undead in" Said the pilot of the heli.

"SOLDIER GET IN THE HELI FAST!" yelled the soldier to Lawrence.

"Yes Sir!" Shouted Lawrence while grabing the soldier hand.

The helicopter then fly high to the highest building.

"Sir, why are we going here? Isn't it Safer to just retreat to the S.T.F Base?" Asked Lawrence with a very confusional voice

"We're gonna call the reinforcement Squad to rescue us at this building, because an undead hitted the helicopter so hard.It can barely fly, by the way the names Roger" said the soldier.

"Oh so it can't fly for a very long distance, my name is Lawrence sir" Said Lawrence.

"What a nice name you got there" Said Roger.

"Nice to meet you, cyres by the way" Said cyres who's laying on the floor of the heli.Lawrence was shocked to see a soldier laying on the floor of the heli.

"It's very funny that you don't realise me" Said cyres.Every soldier in the heli started to laugh.Lawrence was suprised to find a people who would still laugh in this situation.

A loud explosion was heard.

"That was closed" Said Roger.

"Yee, if not we're all gonna turn into ashes" Said cyres.

"Attention to all soldier, we'll be landing on the roof of this building.Prepare your guns lads and lets move out"

The helicopter was landing smoothly on top of the roof of the building.With no undead sighted on the roof of the building.We began to construct a temporary base at the top.

"It still morning, I see" Said Roger while holding a watch.

"What?" Lawrence asked.Roger was suprised when Lawrence asked that.Lawrence then tells them what happen to him before they rescued him with an helicopter.

"Oh, I see that is tough" said Roger.

"Yeah, I know" Lawrence said.The pilot of the heli receives a radio transmission from the base says the reinforcement Squad will arrive shortly.

"If we need to evacuate from this building safely, we need to check the down floor of this building" said Roger to all of the soldiers on top of the building.

"Why do we need to do that?" said a cyres who's laying on the floor.

"That is good question, cyres" replied Roger to cyres.Roger then explain why we need to check the down floor of this building.

"Oh, I get it" Said cyres.

"Okay, well lets do this lads, grab your weapon and move out" Said Roger.

We then began our little operation to check the down floor of the building using night vision gogles.

"make sure you are using a silencer lads" said Roger to all of us.

"Its pretty dark in here" said lawrence.The little operation of ours was going smoothly until we saw a kid sitting at the corner of the room....