The little operation of ours was going smoothly but then we saw a kid sitting on the floor crying.
"Cyres go check the kid" whisper Roger to cyres.
"Is the kid breedable?" Whisper cyres to Roger.All of us heard what cyres whispered to Roger and began to gigles.
"Whats wrong with you, just check the kid will ya" whisper Roger to cyres.Cyres just nodded and slowly walk towards the crying kid who was sitting at the corner.
"Hey kid, are you a human" whisper cyres to the kid.But the kid didn't respond to the word that cyres said.Cyres then look closely to the kid body and hands.looking for any sign of bite and found it.
"Boiss, this isn't any ordinary kid" said cyres to all of us.And he began to point his rifle to the kid.We were shocked on what he was doing.
"What do you mean by that" said Roger to cyres And just then an undead was sighted by a soldier at the staircase.
"Roger, I saw an undead just now" the soldier whisper to all of us.We quickly turned to face the staircase to see what it is but there was nothing.
"Are you sure you saw an undead?" Whisper Roger to the soldier but the soldier replied
"Yes, dead serious right here" whisper the soldier.
"Take your position lads, we bout to go on a chaos mode" whisper Roger to all of us.We then take our position and are prepared to face the undead.Just then an undead is walking upstair towards us.We're ready and was about to shoot the undead.But the kid at the corner began to cry loudly and attract the undead that was below the floor.
"Fire your guns lads, we ain't stealthy no more" Said Roger to all of us.
"What in the bloody hell is going on, bruv" said cyres.We can't avoid the fight and quickly engage to a fierce battle.
"Damn, the down floor is loud" said the pilot of the helicopter on top of the building.
"WATCH YOUR NINE SOLDIER!" shout Roger.The fight was intense.Suddenly Roger says " We can't just stay like this, there will be a hundred more undead if we stayed too long at this place, lets MOVE OUT!" Shout Roger.
We begin to push forward..But we didn't go to the upper floor.We instead push downward to the stairs.Floor by Floor were cleared by us until we saw woman laying down on the 16th floor.
"Another breedable" said cyres.
"Stop with the jokes cyres and help us barricade this door!" Shout Roger who is holding the door from the undead.
"Wait hold on Roger, we can leave the checking to cyres!" Shout Lawrence to Roger while holding the door too.
"Oh, what a magnificient idea you got there" Said Roger.
"I heard what you bois discussing" Said cyres with a dissapointed voice.But just go with it.
"Hey bois, this is a fine lady right here" Said cyres.All the soldiers were suprised on what cyres just said.
After barricading the door with a lot of chairs and tables.All the soldiers gather to cyres to see the fine lady he was talking about.
"It is a fine lady" Said Lawrence.
"She was Not bitten for sure" Said cyres.
"How' you know?" Asked Roger.
"She got no bite scar on her" Said cyres.
"This is your pilot speaking, the reinforcement Squad is here lads.Get yo ass up here before we leave you there" Said the pilot on the walkie talkie.
"Sheeeshs what a timing" Said cyres.
"Alright lads, lets bring this lady and get the hell outta here shall we" Said Roger.
"Are we going to break the barricade that we build just a while ago?" Asked Lawrence with a dissapointed voice.
"What a pain in the ass" Said cyres.
We began to break the barricade that we just build a while ago to let the undead pass just to kill them.We then make our way to the top floor by floor.But the unexpected happen.
"Oi oi, isn't that the kid from the upper floor?" Asked cyres.
"Just carry her and go, we don't have much time here" Said Roger.The kid then was carried by Lawrence at his back.The kid suddenly cried again.
"Oh my god, here we go again" Said Roger.Swarm of undead was chasing us from the down floor.
"Watch my back cyres" Said Roger.
"Gotchu" replied cyres.It was very horror-like movie the undead are crawling from the dead body.But Roger and his squad was able to get to the top of the building safely.
Roger and his squad were greeted by the Reinforcement Squad.
"Pheww, that was close" Said cyres.
"We don't have much time, lets go" Said Roger.
We then go to the rescue helicopter, and was greeted by the pilot of the previous helicopter.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you already have an helicopter?" Asked Lawrence.
"My heli was broken right?" replied the pilot followed by a laugh
"Bruvv" Said cyres.