Previously, The Reinforcement Squad have arrived just in time to rescue Roger and his squad.They now are on the way to the S.T.F base.
"Hey cyres, don't lay down like that" Said Roger to cyres.
"Ehh...? don't worry I'm just chilling on this steel floor" replied cyres to Roger.
"Suit yourself" Said Roger.
"Attention to all soldier, if you look outside.You might see a disturbing place"
"Its just a desroyed city" Said cyres who's still laying on the steel floor of the helicopter.The city was completely annihilated by the undead.A place once lives by many people.
"Oh, you awake little one?" Said Lawrence to the little kid.
"Where's my mommy?" Asked the little kid with a slow english.
"Umm, don't worry she's okay" replied Lawrence to the kid.The kid suddenly started crying again.
"Daddy Lawrence, please calm down the kid will ya or you will wake up your wife there" Said cyres to Lawrence with a funny voice.
"How' you become a soldier when your personality like this, and I'm still single you know" replied Lawrence to cyres.
Cyres then look at the kid hand and saw a bite scar but he didn't say anything about it and just take a quick nap.
"Hey cyres, don't sleep" Said Roger.All of the soldier in the heli started to laugh.
It takes 15 minutes to finally arrive at the S.T.F base.
The helicopter sound were heard all across the base notifying the Reinforcement Squad have arrived with Roger's Squad.
"Yoo Roger, welcome back friend" Said a soldier who greeted us.
"Who's that Roger?" Asked Lawrence.
"Ehh? You don't know? That is Rika, General Rika" replied Roger.
"Yes that is right, l'm The General of this base.It's rare to see someone who doesn't know me.Is he in your squad Roger?" Asked Rika to Roger.
"The story is long let us get some break, we're tired from all of this " Said Roger.
"Oh well, I see you brought some Civilians with you" Said Rika.
"Yeah, they're civilians that we rescued" replied Roger.But Suddenly, cyres yawn so loudly.
"OHH MAN, what a nap" Said cyres.
"My god, cyres you are here too?" Said Rika followed by a laugh.
"Ehh? Rika? This is gonna be a terrible day when you see Rika" Said cyres.
"That is rude you know" replied Rika.
Roger and his squad were then taken to their dormitory.
"Here we are, the valor Squad dormitory" Said Rika to all of the soldier.
"Wow, feels like yesterday since we leave this dormitory" Said cyres.
"Oh, and you there.Can you give me the kid so I can take her to the medical room?" Asked Rika to Lawrence.
"Hey Rika, don't you think you are being rude right now?" Said cyres to Rika.
"Ehh? How come?" Asked Rika.
"Well don't you think the kid need a medical treatment right now?" Asked cyres.
"Well, I don't see it because she's sleeping so peacefully right now" Said Rika.
"See, the kid is fine.Leave it to us to take care of the kid.Please?" Asked cyres.
"O-okay, jeez whats got into you" Said Rika.
General Rika then left with a confused thought.
"Whats wrong with you cyres, you not being you right now" Said Roger.
"Ehh? Let us go to my room and I will tell ya" Said cyres.Roger,Lawrence and his squad then goes to cyres room.
"Okee, all are here.Why only theres 5 of us here?" Asked cyres.
"Cyres, don't say like that" Said Roger.
"Okay okay, Lawrence can you give me the kid? I want to carry her in my arm" asked cyres to Lawrence.
"Ehh? What will you do to her?" Ask Lawrence.
"Don't worry just give me the kid will ya" Said cyres.Lawrence then give the kid to cyres.
"What is the meaning of this? Cyres?" Ask Roger.Cyres then lock the door of his room and told us what is going on.
All of the soldier including Roger and Lawrence was shocked to heard what was cyres just said.
"Calm down Roger" Said cyres.
"How are we gonna calm down when the kid was already bitten!" Said Lawrence with a loud voice.
"Oh my, just calm down" Said cyres.Roger then point his rifle to cyres.
"You've made the wrong move, cyres" Said Roger.
"My god, just calm down.You see, it takes 1-2 minutes for someone to turn into an undead" Said cyres.
"So, what do you mean by that?" Asked Roger who still point his rifle to cyres.
"This kid didn't turn into an undead after 1-2 minutes.You know what that means right?" Said cyres.
"Oh, I get it" Said Lawrence.
"Yeay, I know you will get it Lawrence" Said cyres.
"We still don't know what are you talking about cyres" Said Roger.
"In a simple word, this kid have the antidote to cure the undead" Said cyres with a confident voice.Roger was so shocked to heard that from cyres.
"Are you sure?" Ask Roger.
"Roger, I'm your Vice Captain.How can I lie to you and can you stop pointing your rifle at me" Said cyres.
"Okay, but be yourself now.I don't like cyres who are good at thinking" Said Roger.
"Ahhh, man you are making me blush" Said cyres.
"Okay that is gross" Said Lawrence.
"Nooo, don't say that Law-chan" Said cyres.
"Seriously, that is gross" Said Lawrence.
"Lets bring the kid to the medical team, they are more clever at this" Said Roger.
"Roger, we still have to confirm if this kid have the antidote or not" said cyres.
"Where's your confident? Are they faded?" Said Roger.
"We have to check it, but this base doesn't have a DNA scan or what so-call a machine that can scan if this kid have the antidote or not.So we have to go to the city Medical centre" Said cyres.
"Wow, that is a lot of yapping" Said someone from the corner of the room.Every soldier in that room was shocked when they heard that and turned to see who it was.
"PILOT?!" shout Lawrence.
"Hey I have a name also, don't call me pilot.My name is Steve, nice to meet you" Said Steve.
Every single soldier were left in speechless and was thinking why Steve was there.
Steve then explain why he was there and why he didn't talk until cyres talks about going back to the Ruined City.
"You are there because you are BORED!?" Said Lawrence.
"Yes, and if you want to go to the city back.You have to go there by heli right?" Said Steve.
"That's make sense.But NOT, why are you at the corner of my room!? Wadahel!" Said cyres.
"Eyy, did I already told you about it.Lets discuss about our strategy shall we" Said Steve.
"Oh my god, it is a terrible day when you see General Rika" Said Lawrence.
They're then discuss on how to go to the city back without General Rika sussing about them.
"Alright, its been desided" Said Steve.
"Yeay, lets celebrate it with a drink" Said cyres.
"Oh, I forgot.Where is the fine lady that we brought with us?" Asked Lawrence.
"Don't worry she's in the medical room right now" Said Roger.
"Hopefully she didn't have any bite scar because this kid is her daugter.Oh my god this kid is sooo cute" Said Steve.