After discussing about their plan to go back to the city at midnight without General Rika sussing on them on something dangerous.They're now preparing for the stealth operation to the city.
"Yoo Rika, can Valor Squad use the training facility just for today?" asked cyres to Rika who's watching the fine lady that Roger and his squad brought to the medical room.
"Yes you can, because nobody use that facility no more" Said Rika while chewing bubble gum in his mouth.
"Heh? Okay then" Said cyres while grabing a pack of bubble gum from Rika's hand.
"Hey thats my chewing gum!" Said Rika.
"He-he byeee" Said cyres to Rika.
Meanwhile at the Valor Squad Dormitory.At cyres room precisely.
"I can't belieave it" Said Roger.
"Yeah, who have thought that this kid is the fine lady's daugther" Said Lawrence.
"Hey, the lady have a name too you know" Said Steve who's laying on cyres bed while reading a book.Suddenly cyres kick the door open.
"YOO, I have arrived just in time!" Shout cyres who's holding a pack of bubble gum.
"Can you just open the door in a normal way cyres?" Said Lawrence.
"He-he I bring some good news you know" Said cyres.
"Then? Why do you have a pack of bubble gum with you?" Asked Lawrence.
"I stole it from Rika just now.By the way, Rika said the training facility is free for us to go there" Said cyres.
"cyres will be always be cyres" Said Roger.
After they heard about the training facility is vacant and are not being use in the moment from cyres.They all are on the way to there.
"It's very quiet, isn't it?" Asked cyres who's still holding the bubble gum pack.
"They're all at the frontline remember? And can you share that pack of bubble gum with us? Asked Steve.
"Heh? Its only three left...I want to save it for later...." Said cyres to Steve.
"Yeah yeah, stingy" Said Steve.
"Hah?! You want to get brrrtt by my Uzi bro?" Asked cyres with a high tone voice.
"Try me" Said Steve with a confident.
"Oi oi, we are walking to the training facility right? Stop that childish act" Said Roger.
" are lucky Steve" Said cyres.
"But, it is a little too quiet here" Said Roger.
"Just let it be like that...We don't want to get caught right?" Said Lawrence.
"Yesh, mmm" Said cyres while chewing a bubble gum in his mouth.
"YOOO?! YOU SAID YOU WANT TO SAVE IT FOR LATER WHY YOU CHEWING IT?!" Asked Steve with a high tone voice.
"It's yummy yeshh" Said cyres.
"Oh my god, what ever stingy" Said Steve.
"Oh my, I hope this will end soon" Said Roger.
They're finally made it to the training facility.
"Woahh, I've never seen this before.Why this training facility have a building inside of a building?" Asked cyres with his eyes wided by the training facility.
"Oh? You never been here before cyres?" Asked Roger.
"I've been here before, but they upgraded the training facility well" Said cyres.
"Well, this training facility has been modified to replicate a city" Said Roger.
"Ehh? So that's why it is sooo big.But i can't imagine how they build this" said cyres.
"Hey, it's year 2044 what do you expect? Everything is possible with the latest Technology" Said Roger.
"Ohh, okeey that's make sense" Said cyres.
"Okay lads, let us suit up and do some training before midnight arrive" Said Roger.
"Yes captain"
"Yoo, this room is insane! Look at that equipment, dayummm" Said cyres.
"My god, cyres looks like a child seeing its first toy" Said Lawrence.
"BAHAHHA, cyres why are you holding a rocket launcher like that?" Asked Steve followed by a laugh.
"Ehh? Isn't this the right way to hold it?" Asked cyres.
"Hell naww" Said Steve with a slight laugh.
"Hey, stop it we don't have much time let us do this" Said Roger.
But then a loud bullet sound was heard.
"What the hell was that?" Asked Lawrence.
"That must be Mina, she's always in this training facility" Said Roger.
"Mina? Oh that girl" Said cyres.
"Lawrence you might not know her" Said Roger.
"I know her, she's the greatest sniper among the greatest" Said Lawrence.
"Ehh? I thought you will not know her" Said Roger.
"But where is she?" Asked cyres.
"Hey its been a while since you here" Said someone from the next room.
"That scare me for a moment, you really have a sharp ear Mina" Said Roger.
"Yuhh, what are you doing here by the way with your whole Squad?" Asked Mina.
"Doing some training" Said Roger.
"Mmm? It's very rare to see you training with your squad.Hold up I'm coming to you" Said Mina.Knocking sound were heard at the door.
"That must be her" Said Roger.The door opened.
"Yooo, seems like a new soldier joined your squad Roger" Said Mina.She was wearing S.T.F soldier suit and have a piercing on her lips with a wolf cut hair and a tired eyes height of a 170cm.
"Yes, his name is Lawrence" Said Roger.
"What a nice name you got there" Said Mina.
"Thanks" Said Lawrence.
"Okay, lets go do some training shall we" Said Roger.
"I might want to join you guys for today" Said Mina.Roger was suprised and so do Lawrence and cyres.
"Ehh...? Why would you want to join us all of a sudden?" Asked cyres.
"I just want to...and I'm interested with the guy named Lawrence" Said Mina.
"HEHHHH...??!!" Shouted cyres.
"What the hell..." Said Roger.Cyres then walk slowly towards Lawrence.
"Be sure to use protection" whisper cyres to Lawrence.Lawrence blush and says "What do you mean by that" with a shaky voice.
"Forget that, lets do this" Said Roger.
"Training facility activated night mode"
"Woah its night time bruvv" Said cyres.
"Sheeeshs are you guys doing some sort of night stealth mission?" Asked Mina to Roger.
"Why you ask?" Asked Roger.
"So cold, hey Lawrence what a you guys doing actually?" Asked Mina to Lawrence.
"Umm..nothing just do some training" Said Lawrence.
"Suspicious..I'm gonna tell Rika about this" Said Mina.
"Hol on there..." Said Cyres.
"We should tell her Roger, we also need a sharp ear soldier" Said cyres to Roger.
"Fine fine" Said Roger.Roger then explain to Mina what was their plan.
"Owhh, so where's the kid?" Asked Mina.
"She's in cyres room, guarded by my soldier.Until the midnight arrive we will take her" Said Roger.
"Owhh, okayy" Said Mina.
After Roger explained their plan,They began their training until the midnight arrive.After their long training..they're now at the Rest Room of the Training facility.
"Okay lads, that is how we going to get to the medical centre at the Ruined City" Said Roger.
"So we just need sharp ear,sharp eyes and quick movement to go there?" Asked Lawrence.
"Just like a while ago...we need to team up and do this right" Said cyres.
"Yeah I'll be the eyes and ears guys" Said Mina who's next to Lawrence.
"Okay...everyone is prepared" Said Roger.
"Lets do this shii bruvv" Said cyres.