Fable Class Item!

The morning rolled around smoothly with no interruption. However, Galen found that his Golem fought with a few beasts while he was asleep. 

"There were three wolves according to the Golem's records. The Golem managed to injure one of them while the leader was able to put a dent in the Golem."

The Golem could regenerate due to its ability [Reconstruct], but this was only possible after a battle. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible during battle. 

"These wolves are no doubt stronger than Goblins. Moreover, they seemed to be much smarter than the green humanoids." 

Galen frowned as he studied the Golem's records. They were very coordinated in their attack against the Golem, which lasted because of its insane durability. Otherwise, it would have been struck down. 

"These are wolves, they will surely come back to try again. Could it be that they sniffed me out and discovered me?" Galen surmised that this was likely the case.

He saw the leader's size, which was much bigger than the wolves he knew. The black wolf looked slightly bigger than a bear and had a fierce and aggressive expression.

Galen's eyes turned cold, he had to kill these wolves as soon as possible. He could tell from its expression that this thing wouldn't give up. 

"I've already eaten my whole sub sandwich yesterday." Galen sighed and decided to buy a bag of smoked jerky from the market.

This bag alone cost him 5 copper coins.

While eating his jerky, Galen searched through the market for weapons. He had been sleepy before coming to the world. Galen had been playing video games online all night with his friend Roman. 

"I have a free voucher to buy any item for free, while I have one that will allow me to purchase anything for half the price." 

These vouchers were one-time use as he couldn't receive any more after they were used. Galen searched thoroughly through the market for powerful weapons.

After going through the market for about an hour, Galen somewhat understood the rank system for items in this world. 

The rank of items went as such: Basic, Rare, Unique, Heroic, Legendary, Mythic, Fantasy, and Fable. There was even a rank below Basic, which was called junk but Galen didn't want to count this as a rank.

Galen saw that he could also purchase elemental abilities for himself. He could buy Time, Shadow, Lightning, Fire, and many other masteries. These items came in the form of Rare stones that could be found around the world.

They were quite costly, but he had enough elemental abilities for now. What he lacked was a good weapon.

"Fable Grade should be my target since it's the highest rank as of now." Galen checked out a few weapons, Elixir, items, etc.


-Infinity Sword: 10,000,000 Platinum Coins

-Void Bow: 12,000,000

-Aether Spear: 12,500,000 Platinum Coins

-Randolf's Sword: 9,000,000 Platinum Coins

-Elf Crown: 12,600,000 Platinum Coins

-Universal Tree: 15,000,000 Platinum Coins

-Origin Cube: 25,000,000 Platinum Coins

-Holy Grail: 25,000,000 Platinum Coins




This list went on and on.

"This Universal Tree is really interesting, it can bless the land and people the owner chooses."

This blessing wasn't simple, this would bless people with an extremely long life span. It could bless an individual with powerful skills, fate, strength, etc. Divine Protection was another thing, this tree was for people trying to build a powerful nation. 

"The Elf Crown works exclusively for elves. It could also aid the said Elf in becoming Ascended. The said Elf could bless other Elves and strengthen them to the extreme."

"Elves exist in this world as well? I guess I should have expected that since it's a fantasy-like world." Galen smiled and nodded.

The crown couldn't be stolen since it only chose the Elf who wore it first. This crown could, however, be passed on to other Elves.

Even though it was passed on, the previous owner would still retain their powers from the crown. However, the person in question must have worn the crown for a certain period.

This time wasn't short, either.

The Origin Cube caught Galen's attention. When he analyzed it, he found that it resembled a certain artifact from comics.

It could control Space, Time, Reality, and Soul, Galen was currently checking its stats.


•Effect 1 / Soul Control: Allows the user to control, warp, shape, and imbue the souls of those who have died. This can also allow the user to take the abilities and skills of a soul and imbue them to another fallen soul. 

•Effect 2 / Space Control: Allows the user to control, warp, shape, and create pockets of space effortlessly. The Origin Cube can support and house living organisms within it. This cube allows the user to warp anywhere within range across the world. 

•Effect 3 / Time Control: Allows the user to stop, speed, slow, and reverse time within a certain range and time frame. This ability is enhanced exponentially with the confines of the cube.

•🔒 Effect 4 / Reality Control: ??? 


This item would alleviate him from needing to invest in Wisdom so much. Galen could increase other stats instead. After all, he really wanted to create a Pocket Dimension to hide in if needed. 

"I can even see extremely far distances across space and even teleport to these locations!" Galen decided to buy this item due to how convenient it was. 

Once the item appeared, Space and Time halted for a moment. The whole world turned gray for ten seconds before continuing. 

"What the heck was that strange phenomenon?" Galen knew it was Cube's doing, but an event on such a large scale stunned him.

The cube was Red, Yellow, Black, and Blue that shimmered together. This cube also seemed cosmic-like in nature. 

The cube slowly floated toward Galen before entering his body.

"What?!" Galen jumped in shocked and started patting down his body.

However, he calmed down once a chain of information entered his mind. Galen's eyes widened before a smile appeared across his lips. 

At that moment, it almost seemed like Galen had farsight. His vision easily pierced through the Void.

Galen made several great discoveries: He saw large Mountains toward the East, where an Orc village was located. There he saw mines filled with Silver ore and blue glowing gems he had never seen before.

Galen saw the Cities, Villages, and Town of Humans far away from his current location. This was located toward the West, which was out of and far from this forest.

To the South, Galen saw more mountains, but this time he spotted what appeared to be a Dungeon!

"What? It's an actual Dungeon!" Galen knew this because the sign said the name of the Dungeon.

The Rats Nest Dungeon!

Galen saw many monsters of different types in the East, which included: Orc, Goblins, maybe Trolls, maybe Ogres, and certainly, Gnolls!

There were other monsters he couldn't identify. He saw Slime monsters and Rabbit men who looked hostile to the West. 

The South Mountains actually housed a Mountain Wyvern on top of it. 

Galen saw that the Wyvern was in the process of laying eggs! To the North, Galen spotted a tundra; a cold, snowy landscape. This landscape held several monsters such as fierce-looking Bears, Goblins with Blue skin, and more. 

"I'm practically surrounded by monsters!" If Galen didn't have this cube, he would have remained ignorant about his situation.

Galen also saw a village of people, at least what appeared to be people to the North. They had human and animal-like features. One man had a human face, but he had the ears of a bear with a hairy chest.

This was the same for other 'people' in this village. One looked and was even built like a human woman, but she had rabbit ears. Galen couldn't tell if their feet looked human like since they were all wearing shoes. 

"This village is about 40 miles from here, it's a bit deep into the forest." There were several more monsters he couldn't identify. Galen also managed to locate the wolves from before. 

"I'll level up after building and forming a mini landscape in the cube." Galen stood up and went outside the stone walls.


Suddenly, a large black hole vortex appeared in the sky. Dirt was lifted from the ground and devoured into this Blackhole. The trees weren't any different, as they were uprooted and sucked in the massive vortex.

Many trees were sucked in and disappeared, causing the forest area to look somewhat out of place. This strange phenomenon didn't go unnoticed by the few monsters close by. 

A large Black Bear with a white crescent moon on his forehead. It stood on its hind legs and gazed into the distance with a ferocious light in its eyes. 


It let off a deafening roar before walking back into its cave, it would investigate this place at a later date. Galen had also discovered this bear during his mass scanning. This bear lived around 8 miles from his location, so he couldn't see it with his abilities. 

The landscape within the cube was starting to form. Galen didn't stop until he had completely formed a world with dirt and trees as its foundation. 

He appeared within the Origin Cube to check the world. There was wind blowing and a false sky appeared within it. The Origin Cube had a day and night cycle which were under his complete control.

He could also control the weather here.

When he looked again, Galen saw that he had cleared out a large part of the forest. There weren't any trees as far as the eyes could almost see. 

"I better go level up to increase my strength. I also need to make some money to buy skills and other essentials."

"This time I will go kill the group that has the Hobgoblin as their leader." Galen transferred the Rock Golem to the Origin Cube. 

In the next moment, Galen teleported near the location of the Hobgoblin's group. They were currently confronting the large boar that destroyed the Goblin group yesterday. 

"Go for the legs, you idiots!" The Hobgoblin was speaking in another language, but Galen understood it.

The Goblins tried to go for the Boar's legs, but its charging force was too strong. These Goblins carried clubs that couldn't even put a dent in the boar.

The Boars roared before glaring at the Hobgoblin, it seemed to understand that this was the leader.

It didn't hesitate before charging toward the Hobgoblin.

"Stop it! Hold it off!" The Hobgoblin wanted to deal a deadly blow to its weakpoint. However, they couldn't knock the Boar over.

"Gigigi!" Several Goblins were thrown away like rag dogs, they simply couldn't stop the Boar with their strength and low-quality weapons. 

The Hobgoblin dodged to the side before stabbing at the boar's side. His Rusty sword managed to pierce through it a bit, but not nearly enough.

Nonetheless, the Hobgoblin smiled because this was progress. They could defeat it in time, they just needed to wear it down. 

Suddenly, the Shadow appeared over the Hobgoblin, and before he could react his body was crushed!

"GIGIGGII!" The Goblins in the area were shocked and horrified by this scene. Their leader was crushed to death just like that.

Indeed, the Rock Golem had appeared overhead. Galen had released the Rock Golem over the Hobgoblin for just this.

'Hohoho! I leveled up!'