Merchant Caravan!

Galen had no idea that he and his classmates had been summoned by people. He continued to experiment with his soul fighters. Galen knew that he had the ability to shape these souls into whatever he envisioned, with his imagination being the only constraint.

Thus, it could take on the appearance of a Knight or Dragon to fight for him. Galen believed having Goblins fight for him wasn't as appealing as a Knight or a Dragon.

For now, Galen decided to mold some of these Goblin souls into White and Golden Knights. These Knights were suited in all white armor, while some wore golden armor.

"This doesn't matter because their bodies are transparent." In this transparent soul form, they didn't last long during the day.

Their defenses were also weaker; after all, they no longer had a body. 

By this point, Galen had spent four days in this world. He had run several tests and had concluded his results. 

Galen continued to hunt and kill Goblins, but they didn't give him any new skills. He wanted to hunt new prey, so he ambushed an Orc who proved to be a challenge to kill.

Their sense of smell was exceptional, so as soon as Galen approached, he was noticed. The Orc had three abilities: [Enhanced Smell], [Iron Lungs], and [Enhanced Strength]. 

Its [Enhanced Strength] level had reached the E-rank. It was so strong that it created large cracks on his Rock Golem's upper body—eventually causing part of its chest to explode into rocky shards.

The battle raged on for a while with Galen needing to bind it and attack it. Yes, he had to get involved, often using Water to deter it. 

With the combination of the Wood Golem binding skill, which really couldn't hold it. This and a Rock Golem fighting it to the best of their abilities. Galen used Water Bullets to attack it from afar.

Water Bubble didn't work on it, so drowning it was out of the question. 

During this battle, Galen had been targeted by this Orc. It caught Galen's scent and understood that he was the leader. However, Galen teleported away and continued to shamelessly attack from afar.

Eventually, the Orc was defeated. 

Galen didn't want to fight another Orc for the time being. They were too strong for the current him and his army.

"This Enhanced Strength skill can increase the strength of the holder by 35%. This is primarily due to its E-ranking. If it had been D-rank or higher grade, it probably would have easily obliterated the whole Golem."

The problem was how easy the Orc could crack the Golem's arm and chest. However, Galen noticed that the Orc had hurt itself from exuding such strength. Its muscles had been pushed beyond limits, and had begun to bleed from using so much power. 

The Orc had sensed the threat of the Golems and started utilizing all of its strength to defeat them decisively. Galen had checked the Multiversal market and saw Golems for purchase at his level.

The stats difference from the markets and his Golems was like the difference between mud and clouds. His created Golem stats were far superior to the market Golems at his level. This meant the same type of Golem, and not other variants.

His Golem's strength likely had something to do with his Mastery over the Earth Element.

The only concerning issue was that the Golem's statistics had remained unchanged. Galen had assessed the Orc's soul and understood its power and level.

"This mob was at level 40 with 135 strength as its base. If you included the 35% boost then its strength stat should have increased to 182.25!"

Galen's expression was darkening just thinking about it. This strength stat was enough to blast a regular human into meaty bits.

"It's a good thing my Rock Golem has Physical Resistance, or else." The Rock Golem was able to somewhat offset the Orc's Physical prowess due to its E-rank Physical resistance. 

"This [Iron Lungs] skill allows one to hold their breath for a long time. It's no wonder my Water Bubble skill didn't work on it."

The best part about fighting the Orc was its money drops. It had dropped 5 silver coins and 10 copper coins. 

It may seem like a lot to the current Galen, but in actuality, it wasn't even enough for the lowest priced skills. Galen had that battle yesterday before coming home to eat and sleep from exhaustion.

"I haven't taken a shower since I appeared in this world." Galen decided to buy a bathtub and a Void Toilet at this moment.

In this time, he was forced to take a number 2 in the wild. This made him feel uncomfortable, but at least he could wipe himself with tissues instead of leaves. 

"Thank goodness for this Multiversal market." Galen smiled before filling the tub with water.

The water element allowed one to control the temperature of the water released. Naturally, Galen made sure the water was heated. He also bought soap and shampoo for himself for a full clean up.

"Now this...this is living." Galen ran through his funds and cost.


-Bath Tub: 40 copper coins

-Void Toilet: 70 copper coins

-Bar of strawberry scented soap: 1 copper coin

-Bottle of strawberry scented shampoo: 4 copper coins


This was equivalent to spending 1 silver coin and 15 copper coins. 

"Now that I've made so much money, it's best to start a vegetable and fruit farm for now." This was easier than starting and managing an animal farm, so this was his first option.

"The vegetables should be something easy and worthwhile to farm." Galen thought for a moment before deciding.

As of now, Galen had 3 silver and 31 copper coins in total. Galen chose to farm the following by purchasing 100 seeds each since they were sold best in this way.


-Food & Beverages-


After purchasing these seeds, Galen was left with 2 silver coins and 54 copper coins. As of now, Galen was located inside the Origin Cube so he was safe. 

"I'll start farming after this bath." Galen placed the seeds into his separate storage space.

Galen washed himself thoroughly, after all; it had been too long since he had taken a bath. Afterward, he purchased two sets of simple clothes, six pairs of socks, six sets of underwear, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a bottle of lotion, and a bath towel for 38 copper coins. 

"Jeez! I'm going broke fast, huh?" It was a challenge to earn money, but hard to keep or maintain it. 

Galen stepped out of the tub and onto a mat before drying himself off. Bath water would be nice for growing plants, but the soap residue could prove harmful.

Afterward, Galen moisturized himself with some lotion before getting dressed.

"I extended and cleared this land just to grow these vegetables and fruits." With the help of his Wood Golems, Galen was able to plant every seed swiftly. 

Suddenly, a downpour occurred within the space and onto the farm. The downpour lasted for five minutes before subsiding. This was naturally Galen's doing, he could control the weather within the Origin Cube. 

Afterward, Galen dumped the bath water elsewhere before exiting the Origin Space.

"I'll use the time function on the garden to speed the process up a bit." Galen didn't want them to automatically grow, for reasons.


A Golden light appeared over the garden within the Cube space. Galen could see the vegetables and fruits growing in real time.

"That's crazy!" Galen smiled as he witnessed this process. Afterward, he brushed his teeth before taking a seat on the ground. 

He closed his eyes and used the Origin Cube's spatial ability to thoroughly investigate the area. Galen hadn't done this before because he was pressed and rushed for time. 

His sight effortlessly penetrated the emptiness for a distance of one hundred miles. Galen beheld a woodland, where the trees had ash-colored trunks and crimson foliage.

The foliage was a dark crimson color, which worried him. Out of nowhere, he spotted what appeared to be plant-like beings; they seemed to have a malevolent quality.

A living tree bore a menacing expression, its thorny vines appearing poised to ensnare unwary prey.

Galen felt chill and steered his senses and vision further. This forest seemed to have a red theme to it. Even the wolves and monstrous foxes here were red in coloration. 

"There's even a Red Bear in this forest!" Galen was alarmed. He knew Red Bears weren't something to be trifled with, according to fantasy lore.

The sheer size of this bear easily dwarfed the Wyverns. Galen was certain that the Wyvern wouldn't have a chance against this thing.

"This must be the bigshot of this territory, as it seems that no beast dares to venture within 3 miles of this beast's den." Galen couldn't hope to trifle with this beast and he wouldn't try it.

Overall, this place looked to be at least three times as dangerous as his current position. Galen turned his sights elsewhere and discovered humans for the first time.

"Oh, what's this?" Galen spotted caravans with several knightly dressed figures. They appeared to be escorting these caravans as they rode their horses. 

"There are so many rare looking treasures inside of these caravans." Galen saw amazing looking weapons, rings, armor, and other commodities inside.

As he was watching, the caravan stopped when suddenly several humanoid monsters burst out of the forest. 

These events were taking place east of Galen's location, where most monster activity occurred. 

"What monster are these? Are they Trolls or an Ogres?" As they were fighting these monsters, new foes had appeared. These were Goblins and Blue furred Kobolds; they were armed to the teeth at that.

"Goodness, the Knights are friggin powerful!" Galen watched in astonishment. 

They blocked and followed up an immediate strike and defensive parries. They Struck the vitals of these monsters, killing them with ease. 

"What? Those are definitely Trolls!" Despite having their vitals struck, they quickly regenerated.

Galen could hear who appeared to be the captain, giving out orders on how to deal with this beast. Destroying the head might not defeat them depending on their regeneration rank.

While the Knight guard was occupying the Trolls, the caravan's merchant handed the captain a sword. 

This sword was fiery in nature, there was a type of crystal lining in the middle of it. Right then, the sword blade combusted into fire.

According to the captain, Trolls were weak against fire and corrosive in nature weapons. These types of weapons destroyed the Troll on a cellular level, making it hard for them to regenerate due to these aspects destroying their regenerative cells. 

Troll could be beaten with weapons, it was just that this Troll seemed to be special." Galen saw that the others Trolls had been defeated.

"These knights. Just what is that dark rose red energy outlining their bodies? They were able to cut through Goblins and Trolls like paper."

Galen watched as the Troll Leader and the Knight captain battled it out. The Troll attacks were strong and fast, but the captain was faster and well trained. 

The captain struck out at the Troll legs, which didn't heal before quickly beheading it. Afterward, the knights gathered the bodies and placed them on a large carrier carriage.

Galen listened and from what he heard, Troll's blood was good for creating healing and regeneration Elixirs. The bodies could be used for other things, but this was the most important. 

Galen watched as they removed a core from the chest of each of these monsters. They cut off the ears of the Goblins as well before tossing the body to the side.

"What? There's such a thing?" Galen's focus was almost broken since he was eager to check for himself. 

Using the soul aspect of the cube, Galen could see the lingering souls. They would only be present for an hour before returning to the vanishing. 

"I hope these guys leave so I can absorb them for myself." Before that, Galen stood up and released the bodies of the previously killed monsters.