Chapter 5 The hitman

sfx: woosh...

Then a sudden fall of a leaf did appear embracing the air within it. It starts to fall until it reaches the shoe of one man. Then the body of a guy did appear coated with a formal attire. Behind him is a great and old car. On his eyes there lies a still old town. Then the guy did remember everything that had happened so far. A burning dark and grey fume. A dark smoke, that rises mid air. It raise and raise until it reaches the sky. What comes next, did devoured it and turns it into orange and yellow bright flame. He did started to remember the carnage of that town. He then did start to walk by himself. Every step of his shoe did start to remember how the carnage begins. "One rusty, dark, family line did start to destroy the entire town. Their greed, madness did destroy one family line.". Then he remember how he caused carnage. With his hands he murder them all. "I am the werewolf, after all.". He remember how it all started, their greed did destroy everything. They were filled with greed. He stopped and went to a nearby konbini. "They all were given, and provided with everything yet it is not enough.". Then he went to the nearby fridge and he took a bottle of water. "In the younger age, they all were provided, yet it is not enough. Their greed reaches the heaven. I can, feel it.". Then he sent the bottle one the nearby counter and he paid for it. "Greed and madness, did consumed them. I saw it with my eyes and am a witness of it.". He went out of the konbini and he went on his way. "In a wood, I consider them as termite. In an iron I consider them as nuisance. So they all must be taken care immediately.". Then he remember an incident, how he killed them with his hands. He continue to walk and walk on the local town. "If I myself did continue and make them live, then the family will be sent to ruins.". He stopped on a nearby chair and sat on it. He opened up the bottle of water and took a gulp of it. He then did remember how he start to clean the town. "Never would I thought that they all are mad. This place is filled with madness.".

One family did appear, one woman talking to a poor little driver on his sit did appear. The driver is hungry and wants his regular wage. He was hired to do his job and labour yet they deprived him of his wage. The woman did rejected him, and he the worker went for a ride. Later a tragic sad news did appear, he, no longer lives, he died. The woman, with death behind them asked for help , a money, an assistance, as help to the deceased. Then the guy said "How canny of them, to do that to the deceased. We the family gave them a right amount, as compensation to the death. Yet they took a portion of it and gave only a little amount of it, to the decease.". Then the hitman did laugh so hard. "One scenario again. Same family line, his brother did he's best. Sold him, for brother Hood. Sold everything for friends. Poor guy, and he did reproduce same genes.".

He then did remember himself with a gun and he start to remember how he killed them one by one. Then he suddenly saw someone which is familiar. He stood up and he start to give a respectful bow. The man did only smiled and he went pass to him. He then did saw the back of the guy. Then he went for a sit. "That guy, is not a human. Like me, he too decided to live the life of carnage.". He look above him and he saw how high the sun is, it is already at its peak. Then he look at his bottle of water and he there he saw how crystallised it is. "If I am a hitman named as werewolf, then that guy is the literally named as werewolf.". He smiled and he remember how he saw him that night. Fur, more fur, and claws, sharp fangs, and blood. "I could still remember the horror that guy created, as soon as he arrive on our place.". Bullets and bullets were fired. Pellets landed on the ground, voices of police resounded, the once silent town were jeopardised and were filled with loud roaring noises of guns. Patrol cars rolling unto the ground. Then he remember how everything changes that time. "They are now afraid of the government even I.". He stood up, and he took the bottle with him and he went for a walk, far, back to his old Nissan car. "How could the government do have eyes and ears, that even them could tame a horrible and terrifying werewolf like me". He went inside the car and he start the engine, then he went off on his way. Hahah, I pity the sinners for the government are now in the public.". He closed his eyes and all he could see are carnage, rape, thief, carnage, rape and thieve, harassment, carnage and thief. "See you later guys.". At that moment, the werewolf is headed to somewhere. "Good to see the witch being alive. Come to think of it, this placed used to have a lot whores. They will do everything, that's how hungry they are even the deepest trick they would do, even if they jeopardised someone's life. This place is filled with carnage. So I decided to show them horror. A horror they would never ever knew.". He stopped on a single street, a place were the action started. He stopped and he remember how the eyes of the people who did saw him were filled with fear. Their eyes shows it well, the blood of his claws did made them fear. The authority and the government were the same. None of the bullets could penetrate him, patrol cars were running around, and the pellets landed on the ground. "There was carnage that time". Then he remember how the choppers flew, mid air, and he the bombshell landed on him. But his thick skin is an armour, not to be break. "The eyes of the people around were terrified.". That time, a great news, a wave of news arrive. The government did show their colours to discipline the people around them. The government did show their fangs and colours so that they people around them would know were to stand, between right and wrong. They did also send shivers to them. That time even the authority did explained what an intelligence is and how would they monitor civilians around them. Then I the werewolf from then on was being watched.".

On his front is a simple house, not to be called as house because it is too small for them. He went in and there he saw a so called silly little stairs. He went up and he was welcomed "How are you? How are you doing?". "Were great, welcome come here.". The werewolf did enter the house and they talked casually. Inside the house there lies a great family. A simple and great family filled with professionals. One is a doctor, a doctor on a mission. "So why are here and decided to visit us great wolf.". Then the wolf said "I am here looking for professional like you. I want you to be trained in pharmacy. So I have here I contact if you like.". Then the guy said "I am professional doctor, I could give prescription.". Then the wolf said "You know the medicine, and their names. But you do not know how to create it. I will give you time to think. Please, here us the video of her, doing the brewing medicine. If you are interested, then i will by my hands will let you undergo training. So you would be able to create your own medicine hands on.". The doctor realized his intentions, then he did asked "Why are you doing this?", "I need professionals in my city. I won't be here if I don't need you, plus, you are doctor, so better get to know how to brew medicine.". Then the doctor nodded "sure, but for now. Why dont we celebrate.". Then the doctor and the wolf with his family and friend decided to celebrate for awhile. The family gave out a barrage of bubbling beer, bottles and more glasses. On their tables where fries and fitters, there also a black dyed and coated pork intestine, and fresh raw fish dyed with special vinegar sauce with chilli and calamansi, above it were onions diced well and cube cucumbers. They also have fried pork chops and dazzling grilled tenderloin, juicy hot dogs and more rice. One man took his fork and he took a fresh fish meat called as kinilaw and he sent into his mouth. One man took a fried pork chop, he pressed the meat and the oil did suddenly drop. "Look how greasy it is.". He put it on a sauce and he start to coat it with the soy sauce, then he smelled it. It appears on his mouth, and lips were filled filled grease. Then he said "Love it?.".Afternoon passes by, and the person around him are already drunk, down and asleep. But he is not a human, so he stood up, fix himself and went for his ride. "Thats another professional added on my team. Later that place which I did reserve for myself will be called as city.". So he went on his way and he start to drove his car. Headed to the nearby city, while the wheels are rolling on the groun, while he passes on several traffic lights. The man did smiled and he said "Next, I'll have to visit a certain tomb, which I respect most of all. The 40 days burial, and the 40 days living soul.".