Chapter 4 Baba Yaga

Sfx... twit..twit..twit...twit..twit...twit...

The silence of the night envelope the great evening, and while darkness is filling the great forest of the philippines. Above it there lies a great woman, mid air. She is riding her big broom, with a cap on, pointy black cap. She is headed somewhere in the deep forest. With her pointy hat she rode the air professionaly on her back is her so called things. 

Sfx : woosh....

She looked beneath her and all she called check are towering trees and trees. Then she saw a hidden pond on the forest. "There you go.". Then the hovering broom landed. She landed unto the ground, just right in the front of the icy cold pond. She clapped her hands and the broom did vanished and she took her cap and cape. Like magic, the old wrinkly baba yaga did start to become young. Then she said "No one knows what chemist are. They all are professionals in medicine field.". Then she start to look for something and there she saw a silly little pointy vine. She took it and raised it while being basked by the moonlight. She smiled and she said " Time to make a powdered drug.". She sent it on her pocket and she said "There is an ancient method of making an edible drug. It was an ancient method passed to generations and generations.". Then she remember how she start to create drug by herself. When she was young with her silly little hands she start to create drug of her own. First the pain reliever, the anti inflammatory drugs, she all did start to create it with her own hands. Then she clapped and the broom did appear. It hovers in front of her and she rode it. Then with a wistle, the broom hovering mid air dis start to move on its own as it start to flew mid air. While the moon light is on a colour of dark blue and grey, and while the foggy clouds were hovering in the air. The witch her self called as baba yaga is like santa claus with a herb on her pocket flying at night. "One more ingredients to go.". Then she flew in another place, looking for ingredients.

An hour seems too short, perhaps it is not, and she landed on her little house. It was located at the top of the mountain, enough to make her be hidden from the crowd. She landed and she clapped her hands. "Too cold, too cold.". Then she entered the house. To her surprise one man is present. "How are you old woman?.". When she saw the guy and she saw the panacea on the table. She went nuts. Then the door was broke into two, as if not, but it is fine. However the way the witch closed it were the same. The werewolf did smiled andhe said "Another drug powdered again?". "You betcha. What are you doing here pup?". Then the man said "trying to confirm if you are still alive.". He looked at the wall and there he saw a flat screen TV. He took the remote and turn it on. Then the TV screen opened up, there lies a televised channel. Then the man himself talked like a lunatic. "Show me your true self.". The witch raised her brows, asking if the guy is mentally capable of doing things which is of not the norm. "What are you doing?.". Then the man himself, went serious and he said "oh come on, stop playing show yourself.". Then the woman once again said "What are you doing? Hey what are you doing.". Then the man himself said "No shush, government show yourself.". Then he became serious in front of the TV. "Yoho, show yourself", said by the government. Then the woman said "No shush, your wasting my money. Please turn it off.". Then she went to the guy and she tried to take the remote. But the guy insisted and he keeps on talking to the television. "Give me the remote.". "Not in a minute". Said by the wolf, and he stood up running from the witch. "Show yourself nick Fury, you incredible bastard.". Then the woman asked while trying to get the remote "whose nick Fury?.". At the end the woman did turn off the television not with remote, but by the plug. Then the TV was off. 

"Now stupid werewolf. Why did you come here?"., asked by the witch. The man put the remote on the table, and like a pup he sat on the chair. Then he said "I am just..." he hesitated a little bit and he looked at her "trying to confirm if your alive.". "I am the witch, why would I die?.". Then the werewolf talked once more and he said "That.". Then he looked at the television. Then he looked above him. "Never mind.". Then the witch "now that you are here". Let me ask you?." Get out...". Then the wolf stood up like a pup and he turn the TV on. The witch trying to save money tilted her head "Not again.". The wolf said "shush.. nick Fury, you see. The government is watching us. ". Then the woman tilted her head once more. Then she asked to herself "Is he nuts?.". So she let the wolf talk. "As you see, the government is watching us.". Then the woman tilted her head once more "Is he really nuts?". Then he talked like a pup to the television. "Come on show me yourself please.". Then the woman took the remote and turn it off again. Then she talked seriously. "The government. You said, can't you not see where I am?.". The pup the answered by saying "Above the mountain?". Then the woman said "Is there any houses in here?.". Then pup answered "No?". Then she asked once more "Where do you live?.". Then the woman said "The city?". Then she stomped her foot, angry as hell. Then she said "stupid as hell.". The werewolf put one of her foot backward, like a pup wanting to run. "You live in the city?.". The witch went forward and the pup went back. "You live city?.". Then the pup said with a mix emotion of being afraid and trying to ask things if it is right, then he spoke it as if asking if what he is trying to relay would somehow de escalate the situation by saying "Yes?". Then the witch closed her eyes. A huge amount of wind, did passes on her nose. Then she releqse it once more. Then she went to the nearby chair. The werewolf, no the pup, gave out a great relief. Then he said " I almost died that time.". Then the withc sat on the chair and she said "You live in the city. You see little pup, who do you think are managing the city?.". Then the pup said "The mayor?.". Then the witch clapped her hands "great, anything else?.". "What do you mean?". Asked by the pup. Then the woman said "Where do you think I am?". Then the pup once again said "The mountain?". Then the woman said "Uhuh?" Can't you comprehend the question mark.". The wolf of guilt then did said "as you see,i am not alone. I am just afraid of the government.". Then the witch said "You are a lycan, you are not a human?. You see this is why I am telling you, you are stupid?.". Then wolf said "I am a human once.". Then the witch hold her laughter and how she remember how she turn the little guy to a wolf. Out of conscience the woman closed her eyes. A human, like a kid did drank the potion and just like that he became a pup. Then the man himself remember everything that happened so far. Then a guilt of anger appear. Then the silence of the night was disturbed. It was on the mountain.

That night, a legend did appear. Those that are living near the foot of the mountain did hear a terrible voice. It was enough to make them shiver. "Who the hell is that?.", said by the dweller at the foot of the mountain. "Did you hear that. It comes from the mountain.". "Someone lives in the mountain dad?". "That is not the human language, that is a lycan.". "What's a lycan dad?". Then the dad said "Once upon a time". Then the dad starts to give our story. "One man depraved by the gods were cursed of stupidity. But the guy did not listen and he cursed them instead. The god was enraged and he bestowed a curse, so the guy would no longer be understood. So the guy learned how to howl. But the guy continued to howl even more and it enraged the gods. So they gave him another curse. Then the guy became a lycan. But one goddess is kind enough and she sent a blessing unto him, making him a human at daylight.". The dad ended the story and the kid is afraid.


The roar the wolf, engulfed the night. He is stupid so the villagers beneath the mountain hear his cry. It is enough to make them shiver. Such echo is called as "The cry of the wolf". Then the witch raised her brows once more and she said "You should not do that. Anyway I am alive anything else.". The wolf then did saw the panacea on the table and he asked "What antidote are you creating this time.". "Then the witch said "A powdered panacea for flu.". Then the wolf look at her and asked "Good to know your still alive. Why Dont you show me your skill once more.". Then the woman decided to work on her table. Like an expert she start to pulverised things. Bit by bit, and with a mortar and pessel she start to eork on her powdered solution. The pup on a chair did start to watch her thing. Time passes by and the woman took a cauldron. Then the pup did asked "What's that for?". The woman said "Going to use heat, so i could create a pill.". "What's a pill for?" Asked by the pup. "You see it is a medicinal pill that will stop my flu and fever.". Then the man nodded, he starts to observe as the woman carefully cooked the powdered ingredients. So they waited and while they are waiting for the witch did asked "How's the city life.". Then the wolf said "Not safe, i got eyes and ears. They all are observing.". Then the witch asked "Why did you choose to live on the city, you are a lycan.". Then the wolf said "I grow tired, and tired so I decided to mingle with society ". Then the witch said "How stupid for a lycan to live like a human. Why dont you observe how I live. A solitary life.". Then whe wolf said"Isnt it too boring.". Then the woman said "Might be, at least I'm safe.". Then the wolf said "Safe, yet lonely.". Then silence filled the both of them. "You see, I face the Jesus christ army myself when you and the grinch did flee. That time my heart skipped several times. It enraged me but the Jesus christ army is brave so I left the house of that count and did flee.". The witch said "We are too afraid of that army so with my broom , I and the grinch did flee. I'm really sorry about that". Then the cauldron did stopped and he opened it. Then the witch smelled what is inside. The wolf raised his brows, and he asked "What are you doing?.". Then the witch said "I am trying to check the validity of the pill. It is indeed a pill for flu and fever.". So she took the paper and with gloves she took the pill out of the cauldron.with a paper he start to wrap the things out and she smiled to the wolf "This is a medicine. I needed money, so this is how I create one.". Then the wolf smiled and he said "Then you better be thankful.". He took a credit and he handed it to the woman. "What is this?" "Use it however you want.". "How gallant of you, thanks.". "No worries" said by the guy. Then the wolf stood up and he said "Time to go, be wary of that television. The government uses that. ". The witch said "No im fine.". "Just be careful". Said by the wolf and the withc said "I am the baba yaga. Why would I be afraid.". Then the wolf start to change and he vanished in the air. The witch then did remember how the pup did face the army by himself and she said "That pup is a tough one.". She closed the door and she resigned for the night. While the pup jumped jumped high that it even reaches the sky. His figure went in front of the moon changing its view, it is not longer the rabbit and the moon. It is now the wolf and the moon. 

While wolf is headed back back his place. One governor is watching his eyes and he said "So they are still alive. What a shitty work is this. The governments.".