Kushina drove her kunai into the ground first signalling she was done, then Tsunade and then followed by Jiraiya and finally Minato.
"NOOOOOO," the Kyuubi roared Minato threw one of his three pronged kunai at its head which when hit dispersed an eight trigrams seal on top of its head.
Minato looked down at his daughter with a sad and apologetic look on his face before he made the necessary hand seals.
"Eight Trigrams SEAL," he called out as the blood marking and kanji's he made earlier began to move onto the baby's stomach and wrap around in a spiral like formation with eight symbols around it. Four at the top and four on the bottom.
The Kyuubi's body changed in a giant shroud of orange chakra as its continued to try and break out of the four corner sealing barrier but the eight trigrams seal appeared on its stomach before it just became a cluster of chakra.
Letting out one last roar that seemed to echo and be louder than the rest, the Kyuubi began to get sucked into the eight trigrams seal on Mito's stomach until eventually the Kyuubi had completely vanished leaving only the five shinobi and a baby left in the area.
When it was over the area was just silent as they all looked at the baby solemnly thinking how unfair it was that after being born not even an hour ago, she already had to carry such a heavy burden.
"Mito," Kushina muttered as she went to walk over to her daughter. Though the toll of the sealing and getting the Kyuubi finally began to hit her as she tripped over her feet and collapsed onto the ground, sheer exhaustion taking over. "Kushina," Minato called out as Tsunade put the little girl in her arms and watched as Minato ran to his wife.
The four all appeared around her as Minato rested her gently in his lap with a worried look on his face.
Tsunade checked her pulse and her breathing but smiled and breathed out easily. "She will be okay. She is just exhausted which I am not surprised about after what she had been through today. Let's get them both to the hospital."
"I have the nurses looking after Eiji along with a few chunin bodyguards to be on the safe side. And we have a private room set up for her which we were going to transfer her too once the twins were birthed," Minato said as Tsunade nodded.
"Flash her there and make sure to put her straight to bed. She will be weak for a few days but her Uzumaki blood will do the rest. And take me with you so that I can check on the other bay," she said with Minato nodding in agreement as he picked Kushina up bridal style.
Minato was about to go before he had a pained look on his face and looked over at Sarutobi. "Sarutobi I am sorry I could not protect Biwako," he said wanting to send the older Hokage his sympathies.
The Third got a sad look on his face as he silently mourned his wife's death but he knew such a thing would have to wait until later. So for now he just nodded his thanks to Minato while Jiraiya patted his sensei's shoulder.
Minato as about to flash this time when Tsunade grabbed a hold of his sleeve with Mito still in her arms but then another thought crossed him. "Naruto. Someone will need to collect Naruto."
Jiraiya looked ready to offer to get him but Hiruzen beat him to it. "I can do that. I will bring him to the hospital since I am sure he will want to see that his family is safe."
Minato nodded his thanks and within a second disappeared in a yellow flash along with Kushina, Tsunade and Mito.
No longer needing to stay in the area, Sarutobi and Jiraiya took off back to the village.
In Village
"What's happening?" Naruto asked for Kurenai's arms as they watched as the barrier that was stopping them from leaving disappeared and a few of the chunin and Jonin that fought against the Kyuubi appeared in front of them.
They explained how the Kyuubi was defeated though they never said how. It did not matter though since the younger generation all cheered. The only one who was not cheering was little Naruto who just wanted to find his Kaa-chan and Tou-san.
Naruto the young boy heard as he looked over form all the chattering around him to see Sarutobi approaching him.
"JIJI!" Naruto cried as he jumped out of Kurenai's arms and jumped into the embrace of the old Hokage.
"Where is Kaa-chan and Tou-san. Are they okay?" he asked with tears threatening to spill again.
Sarutobi soothed him and calmed him down as best he could but he knew the boy wanted to see hsi parents.
"They are fine Naruto, they are at the hospital with Tsunade, Jiraiya and your baby brother and sister."