

Naruto's eyes went a little wide when he heard brother and sister and it only made him want to get their quicker.

"Your mother will most likely be asleep so remember to be quiet when we get there since today has been very taxing for her," he said as Naruto quickly nodded his head.

When he did Sarutobi said goodbye and thanked Kurenai, Asuma, Gai and Kakashi for watching over him in this time of need and quickly set off for the hospital.

It did not take long him long though when he did get to the hospital it was all in a rush as stretchers with people being carried on it were brought in and some of the nurses working on the injured in the lobbies or in the hallways.

He spotted Tsunade's apprentice Shizune ordering a few nurses while helping a young kunoichi, quickly showing how far her studies with Tsunade were coming along. "Are all these people going to be okay jiji?" Naruto asked looking around t all the hurt shinobi.

"Eventually they will. They had a hard fought battle tonight and lot of people got hurt because of it. However we have some of the best doctors around in Konoha, as well as Tsunade so they will be back on their feet in no time," he said as Naruto nodded.

They walked up a few flights of stairs before they arrived at the prenatal zone. Naruto saw a few of the pregnant moms women around who had been sent to the hospital to make sure their babies were okay. One of which was his mothers friend Hitomi Hyuuga who as far as he knew was expecting a young girl.

Leaving that little area Sarutobi walked them down a quiet corridor before stopping at the third on the right. "Here we go," Sarutobi said to Naruto as he opened the door and walked inside. As soon as they walked in he spotted his father with Jiraiya and Tsunade in the corner of the room talking with serious expression on their faces. He saw they were all looking tired, especially Minato and his his clothes were ripped in a few places and he rubbed his eyes a little.

"Tou-san," Naruto quietly called remembering what Sarutobi about him needing to be quiet. He saw Minato look in his direction and a smile appear on his face.

"Naru-chan," he said leaving the corner and taking his son from Sarutobi.

"I missed you Tou-san. I thought you and Kaa-chan were hurt," Naruto said beginning to sob as his father held him close and soothed him as best he could.

"It's okay Naru-chan. Your Kaa-chan and I are made of some pretty strong stuff. It will take more than that overgrown fuzz ball to hurt us," he said trying to make his son smile though he just sobbed a little harder.

Wanting to calm his son down he made Naruto look at him. "Hey Naruto-Chan, would you like to see you new baby brother and sister," he asked.

Naruto eyes went a little wide but nodded his head. Minato smiled and led his Naruto over to the other side of the room.

Naruto turned his head and saw Kushina sleeping on the bed with her red hair swept onto one side. "Kaa-chan," he said looking at her.

"She is okay Naruto. She has had a long and tiring night and just need the rest. I know she was very worried about you but I know she will be very happy to see you in the morning," Minato said as they reached who they were looking for. Situated next to Kushina's bed was a cot with two little bundles sleeping peacefully inside. One was wrapped in a blue blanket while the other was in blue. The little boy had tanned skin like Naruto and Minato and had blonde hair but could see small red streak in it.

The little girl had similar hair like her twin but her skin was a lighter shade like Kushina's. However Naruto noticed that on her cheeks she had whisker like marks. Though he and his little brother has similar marks, the ones on his sister were more noticeable and definer.

"Naru-chan I would like to you to meet your brother and sister Eiji and Mito Uzumaki Namikaze." Minato leaned down with Naruto still in his arms and towards the sleeping twins.

Naruto gasped a little as he looked at his younger siblings and outstretch his right hand and gently stroked his sister's cheek. "Mito-chan," he said as a smile made its way onto his face. Minato, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Sarutobi smiled as they watched Naruto interact with his two new siblings. After such a long day and after all the tragic occurrences that had happened, it was good to finally see something good happen considering the twins birth which should have been a joyous moment was interrupted by a madman and the attack.

He did the same with Eiji and laughed when the baby wrinkled his nose from the contact.

"Tou-san can I hold them?" Naruto asked looking his father in the eyes.

Minato smiled and nodded. "Okay but one at a time," he said as he put Naruto down and the boy sat on a nearby chair. Minato gently picked up Mito and walked towards Naruto.

"Remember to be careful of her head," he said to his oldest son who nodded and gently put her in Naruto's arm. Tsunade and Jiraiya sat beside him looking down at the little girl.