

Naruto raced from his room and into the nursery where he already found his mother holding and rocking his sister Mito back to sleep.

"Is Mito-chan okay Kaa-chan?" he asked walking in front of his mother as he saw Mito's wriggling form in his mother's arms.

Kushina looked towards her oldest son and smiled. "Yes she is okay Naru-chan. She is just being a little fussy. She seems to have a lot of energy like another little someone when he was this age." she said laughing a little at his big smile he was giving her.

Naruto turned towards the crib and as his little brother Eiji still sleeping peacefully. Both babies were very active he had noticed though they never seemed to wake up at the same time during the night. He looked at his mother and saw her yawn a little. "Are you okay Kaa-chan? You look sleepy." he asked with a worried look on his face touching his mother's sleeve.

She nodded her head a little and noticed Mito was calming down and her eyes were beginning to drift off again. She delicately placed her back in the crib and saw she stayed quiet.

"Don't worry about me Naru-chan. I'm just feeling a little tired. Having two new babies will do that to someone. I will be fine, I promise." she said as Naruto nodded though the little frown on his face showed he was not all that convinced.

Kushina was about to move but saw Naruto holding a book in his hands.

"Naru-chan what do you have there?" she asked taking the book gently form his hands and crouching down in front of him. Looking at the book she saw it read Chakra for beginners. She looked at Naruto and saw him shuffling a little.

"Is my little Naru-chan wanting to become a ninja like his Tou-san and Kaa-chan?" she asked teasingly and saw him nod his head though he was looking down at floor in embarrassment. "What brought this on?"

"I...I want to get strong so I can protect you," he said quietly to himself though Kushina had heard him and was a little surprised by his answer.

"To protect me?" she said in a sweet voice.

"To protect you and Tou-san, Mito-chan and Eiji-chan too; I don't want you to get hurt again." he said sniffling a little, but felt his mother's arms wrapping around him.

Kushina had a smile on her face as she kissed the top of his head. "My brave little Naru-chan; how lucky am I to have you as my baby. My big strong boy." she said leaning back and cupping his face in her hands and kissing the end of his nose making him wrinkle it.

"Do you think you could help me?" he asked with a hopeful look on his face since he knew his mother was a powerful shinobi who was on par with his Baa-chan Tsunade.

Kushina bit her lip a little and shook her head a little making Naruto feel a little disappointed.

"I am sorry Naru-chan but I am too busy to help you at the moment. Plus I have some of the other moms coming over in a little while. I would love to help you but it will have to be another time.

"But hey," she said giving him a smile. "Why don't you ask you Tou-san? I'm sure he would like to help you." she said.

Naruto thought about it and nodded. "I guess I could." he said with a smile.

"I'm sorry again Naru-chan." "It's okay Kaa-chan, your busy so another time." he said making his mother smile as she watched him leave the room.

She felt a little disappointed that she could not train him but she really was busy and just did not have the time.

She had some of the other new shinobi moms coming over so they could catch up and so she could have them all meet Eiji and Mito.

There was her oldest friend and childhood rival Mikoto Uchiha who was brining over her youngest son Sasuke. Then there was Tsume Inuzuka who was bringing her son Kiba. Then there was Yoshino Nara and Inora Yamanaka who were bringing over their babies Shikamaru and Ino.

Shaking her head knowing she could help him another time she continued with her work and preparing the living room for when the other mothers stopped by. Naruto meanwhile went into his father office at the back of the house and knocked on the door.

"Come in," he heard from behind the door and opened the door and walked in.

Minato was hunched over his desk filling out some paperwork when Naruto walked in. Since the twins birth he spent some of his time in his office at home instead if the Hokage office just so that if Kushina needed any help with the twins, he could be there to lend a hand.

"Hey Naru-chan," he said seeing Naruto walk through the door. He scooped Naruto up and put him on his lap getting a small laugh from his son.