

"Is your Kaa-chan okay?" he asked wanting to know how his wife was managing.

"She is okay. She is getting ready for some of the others mommies when they come over." "Ahh, well then we best stay out of the way. You know what your Kaa-chan is like when her girly friends come over." he said as they both laughed.

Whenever Kushina and the other moms got together, Kushina and Mikoto always ended up arguing whether it was over something as trivial as who has the best cooking to who won the most matches from their past spars. Even where they were pregnant there was a sense of competition from the two that drove both husbands into the crazy house.

"So is there something you need Naru-chan?" Minato asked looking at his son. Naruto nodded and showed him the book.

Minato took and looked at the cover and smiled at the title.

"So you want to start training to become a shinobi? You have already impressed me and the others with those sensor abilities you seem to have." Minato and the others were still a little astonished that Naruto had it since there was no indication of it before which made them think that Naruto was either not aware of it or it only manifested during the attack.

Naruto nodded again. "I was wondering if you could teach me how to use chakra since I want to get strong."

"And why do you want to get strong Naru-chan?" He asked.

"So I can protect my family and the village." the little boy in his lap said. Hearing his words Minato smiled a big smile and ruffled Naruto's hair.

"That's a great reason for wanting to get strong Naru-chan. If you have a goal like that then you will definantly become a strong shinobi one day." "You think so?" Naruto asked so innocently that if Kushina was there then she would have put him in a tight hug.

"I know so." Minato responded making Naruto smile.

"So do you think you could help me train?" Tou-san he asked hoping that his father would say yes. However is hopes were dashed when he saw him shake his head with an apologetic look on his face.

"I am sorry Naru-chan but I am too busy right now. I need to get this paper work done soon and then I have a meeting in half an hour. I don't have the time."

"Oh," Naruto said looking sad that his father could not help him either and now wondered who could help him.

"Maybe another time, huh? I can show you a few cool moves and I am sure your mother would like to show you a thing of two." he said encouragingly hoping it did not get him down.

"Okay Tou-chan." he Naruto said taking the book back from Minato. He got off his father's lap and went towards the door.

"Tou-chan is it okay to go down to the park?" He asked just as his father was about to get back to work.

Minato bit his lip. He did not mind Naruto going to the park but seeing as Naruto was only five, he did not want him going out on his own. He had made that mistake a few months ago and it ended with him getting a beating from his livid wife who was worried where her baby was all on his own. Of course he was then almost smothered to death by the hug his mother's gave him when he returned with Sarutobi bringing him back.

"Well I guess that would be okay but I want you back here by three o'clock," he said getting a nod from Naruto. "And you only go to the one that is a few minutes away, not the one in the center of the village." He got another nod.

"Plus you have to have an Anbu follow you." Naruto nodded again before Minato sighed. "Alright go on and have fun. But be careful."

"I will Tou-chan, I promise." he said before he walked out.

Minato sighed again before calling out Anbu.

When he did an Anbu male with a lion mask appeared beside him. "Follow my son and make sure he does not get into any trouble or gets hurt."

"Hai Hokage-sama." the Anbu said before he shunshined away and leaving Minato to get back to work.