"Well I am a medic nin. I practice medical ninjutsu which is why I work mainly at the hospital.
"Medical ninjutsu? What's that?" He asked making Shizune giggle a little at how he said medical.
"Medical-ninjutsu is us a type of ninjutsu that is used to heal people when they get hurt." "Like when people are sick and not feeling good?"
"Exactly, I am okay at fighting but I prefer healing people which is why I am Lady Tsunade's apprentice. She is the best medic nin in the whole world."
"Wow," he said quietly to himself. "Baa-chan is really strong."
"She is. She is one of the strongest in the village and is known all over the world as one of the strongest kunoichi there has ever been."
"So does that mean you are really powerful too?" he asked making her laugh again.
"I am nowhere near as powerful as your Baa-chan but I like to think that I am capable of looking after myself. I am a chunin level ninja so I know how to defend myself which is the main thing." Naruto just nodded and felt his eyes begin to get heavy. They appeared in front of his home and walked inside. He could hear female voices coming from the living room and recognized one as Kushina's.
As Shizune walked towards the stairs she passed the living room where Kushina and the others moms were. She was sat beside Mikoto Uchiha and Inora Yamanaka while on another seat was Yoshino Nara and Tsume Inuzuka. All the mothers were holding little wrapped bundles in their arms while the twins were in a little crib just in front of Kushina.
The mothers all looked up to see Shizune in the door way holding Naruto in hers arms looking like he will fall asleep at any moment.
"Hello Shizune," Kushina said standing up as the others mom all said hello to the teenage girl. She looked at Naruto and saw him giving her a wave hello. "Did you have fun today Naru-chan?" she asked and saw him tiredly nod.
"He has been great today. He unlocked his chakra for the first time." Shizune said surprising the women in the room before they all smiled and told him well done.
"Thank you," he said almost half mumbling and not really paying much attention making the moms coo at him. Kushina went up to him and kissed him softly on the forehead while he nuzzled into Shizune.
"My little Naru-chan, already beginning his path to becoming a shinobi; I know your Tou-san will be proud when he gets home."
"Little Naru-chan has gotten big since I last saw him," Mikoto said as she appeared next to Kushina and gave Naruto a small wave. "He is the same size as my little Itachi." They saw Naruto yawn and Kushina asked if Shizune could put Naruto to bed for her which the Shizune quickly said yes to.
Walking up the stairs and entering his room she saw how neat and tidy it was and put him down onto his bed with blue covers with little shurikan on the front.
She placed his book on the small desk beside the bed and quietly left the room leaving the door unlocked a little.
"Thank you for helping him today Shizune," Kushina said while Shizune just waved it off.
"I was happy to help him. I love spending time with little Naru-chan."
"In that case, might I ask you a favor?" Kushina asked as Shizune nodded. "With the twins, I might not have much time for Naruto and the same can be said with Minato with him helping rebuild the village. I was wondering, would it be possible for you to help Naru-chan with his chakra?"
Shizune was a little taken by surprise by the request but she could see where Kushina was coming from in a way. With two newborn babies, her focus would without a doubt have to be on them which would have left little time for Naruto. Plus Minato with is responsibilities as Hokage and the state the village was currently in meant the same thing towards Naruto."
"Of course Kushina-sama, I would love to help Naru-chan."
"Thank you Shizune," Kushina said before the two said their goodbyes and she walked back into the living room to continue her conversation with the others mothers while Shizune left the house.
"How is the exercise coming along Naru-chan?" Shizune asked from her seat besides the young blond as she read a book on medical-ninjutsu as well as watch Naruto who had five leafs in his hand.
Currently the young blonde was trying to balance the leaves on the end of his fingers by only using his chakra. Shizune had told him that it was an exercise that was used to help learn to control ones chakra.
"It's coming along okay nee-chan. I think I almost got it." he said from his seat on the ground as he shakily balanced the five leafs on the tip of his fingers.
Shizune leaned in to take a good look and a small look on her face that showed she was impressed. She couldn't help but feel a little amazed that despite how young he was and how big his chakra was at his age, Naruto had surprisingly good chakra control and learned at a very quick pace.