

He was eager to learn and loved anything that was ninja related. Plus he was always full of questions which Shizune knew to be a good quality since the best way to learn was to ask question and ask for help which Naruto had no problem in doing.

She had been teaching Naruto for almost a year and had mainly taught him bits of history on the leaf along with its clans, taught him more about chakra and over the last month beginning on his control since Naruto now had a decent understanding of it for a six year old.

"That's very good Naru-chan. You control is very good. Your parents would be very proud." she said.

"I guess," he said with a half-smile that was not full of the usual cheeriness that he usually carried. One that Shizune had recognized. She had an idea of what had him so down. She had noticed that over the last few months Kushina and Minato had made very little time for Naruto and had spent almost all their time with the twins. The twins both looked almost identical though they could tell them apart by the deep looking whiskers marks on Mito's cheeks.

The twins had celebrated their one year birthday a few weeks ago and the mother and father had made a big deal of it, wanting their first birthday to be something to remember.

Only a week before that it had been Naruto's birthday which was a quiet affair. He got presents and cake of course as he saw Hiruzen, Tsunade and even Jiraiya and Kakashi who were always away on missions.

Though Shizune had noticed that despite it being Naruto's birthday, Kushina and Minato had spent most of it focusing on Mito and Eiji which Shizune had to admit, she was not all that impressed. She understood the twins needed more looking after the Naruto did to their age but she did not like that Naruto was getting a little left out.

"Let's take a break Naru-chan. You have done very well today. I think you have earned yourself a little treat for today."

Naruto face seemed to brighten at the word treat and let the leaves drops from his fingers tip and float to the ground.

"We will take this stuff home first and then how about we get some ice cream since it is quite warm today. Does that sound good?" she asked as Naruto quickly nodded his head in agreement.

She took his hand in hers and together walked towards Naruto's house.

They talked a little as they made their way to Naruto's home with Naruto once again asking questions about Shizune being a medic-nin. Ever since she told him about her being a medic-nin he had asked many questions over the year about why she wanted to be a medic-nin and what kind of abilities they have.

She thought maybe Naruto was interested in taking up medical ninjutsu which she would be a little surprised about but would also love if he would. He had shown been t six that his control was pretty good and if focused, could one of the best at controlling chakra.

Though a medic-nin was not what she pictured Naruto as despite liking the thought of him being one. But it did not hurt to maybe show him some medical ninjutsu in the future.

"I want to make sure little Naru-chan is prepared for the life of a shinobi as best as I can."

Some of the civilians and shinobi they passed gave a small wave to the two and greeted them warmly since the village had all but loved Naruto the moment he was brought into the world.

As they approached the Uzumaki-Namikaze home they saw Kushina just exiting the door with the twins strapped into a stroller. Eiji was fast asleep while Mito had a dummy in her mouth.

"Hi Kaa-chan," Naruto called with a bright look on his face and walked up to his mother making Kushina look in his direction and giving him a smile.

"Hello Naru-chan. How was our study session Shizune?" She asked as she checked the stroller had everything she needed and that the twins were safely strapped in.

"It's going great. I can balance five leaves on my fingers now."

"That's great Naru-chan," she asked not looking up from the stroller. "So where are you going?" he asked with a little frown on his face.

"I'm taking the twins for a walk around the market and then we are visiting your father at the office." she said as she patted his head and giving him a small smile.

"Maybe I can...," he started but saw Kushina had already begun to walk away, said goodbye to them both and left the house.

"Go with you." he finished looking at the ground sighing a little.

Shizune meanwhile had a frown on her face. It was like she had thought before. Kushina although giving Naruto her attention at first, it quickly shifted back to the twins.

"You okay Naru-chan?" she asked in slight worry.

"I...I'm fine nee-chan. Kaa-chan is just busy again and I understand." he said with a half-smile again and quickly went inside to put away his equipment before quickly returning.