"Faster! If you can't attack any quicker then you will fail in life." The man screamed at you
"Shut up or I'll punch you in the gut!" You yell back.
He just walks away while you continue to fight the other trainee. Her skill is higher than yours which made fighting complicated.
She lands a punch in your gut and then elbows your nose. Blood gushes down your face. You scream in frustration and leap at her. She easily side steps you and you fall flat on your face.
"Shut up or I'll punch you in the gut!" You hiss, spitting blood.
"Never you fool. You will die by my hands!" She replies calmly. Right after she lunges for you. This was what you had hoped she did.
You fling your first out and make contact with her gut. She crumples and you smash her head to the ground.
As you stand up, it sinks in that you might have killed her. You reach down and feel her pulse.
Still beating. Thank God!
One rule when fighting had always been to not kill the people you were training with. Killing them was ironically punishable by death.
You get back up and pace the perimeter of the training room. The man who had been watching you came in.
"Good job (Y/N)! I'm honestly shocked you were able to win." He states while walking to the woman on the floor.
You just stand there silently. This man was known for making violent decisions without any reason. Most ended in death.
He glances up at you with a smile. "Congratulations Assassin. You have been upgraded. Be ready for your assignment tomorrow. "
The man walks out leaving you stunned. Assassin? That was a big skip. All of your missions have been easy. What would this one be like?
Time skip to tomorrow
A package was waiting at your door in the morning. You picked it up and ripped it open with ease. Inside there were several papers that spilled out onto the floor.
You pick them up and shuffle through them. Your assignment was to track down the Avengers and take captive at least one of them. For the first time ever you would be working with someone else. This someone was one of the best super soldiers you had ever heard of in HYDRA.
His name was Winter Soldier. Well that wasn't his real name but no one had an actual name when you were just a pawn.
A knock came at your door. You glance up and contemplate not answering it. The knocking comes again, louder this time.
You get up and open the door.
"Get ready Assassin, you will be leaving in about 20 minutes." The woman at your door said.
You nod and start to get ready.
The whole time you are singing your song under your breath.
"She said she wants to end it all when she's all alone in her room
She cries
The way she feels inside is too much for her
When all you got is these four walls
It's not that hard to feel so small
Or even exist at all
How come no one heard her when she said"
Once you change, load your gun, and grab your knives, and walk out the door.
The paper said to meet in the main room. You walk as quickly as you could to it. This was exiting!
The walk to the main room is longer than it usually does. When you finally reach the room there is a man standing there.
You instantly recognize that it's the Winter Soldier. He had greasy black hair that was longer than most men you had seen. Under his eyes was heavy black eyeshadow and covering his face was a metal mask. One of his arms was completely made of metal and on the top of his shoulder was a red star.
He coughs and you realize that you had been staring at him.
"I assume that you are (Y/N)?" He speaks in a rough voice.
You nod, scared of how weak you might sound if you talk.
He nods and walks away from you. As he walks away you let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding.
Something about this dude just seemed so wrong. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
Right as you where about to leave, a sophisticated woman walked in.
"Hello Assassin and Winter Soldier. The helicopter is waiting for you on the roof."
She walked back out of the room, most likely expecting us to follow her.
The Winter Soldier walked right behind her with me trailing behind. The stairs that led to the roof seemed to be miles long! There was something about this dude that made you really nervous.
On your way up you pass cells with rows of beat up men and women. Most of them are beaten beyond recognition. You shiver and look away. This was the side of HYDRA that you always tried to forget.
There were a lot of amazing things about it! Like the fact that we were working for a way to make this world peaceful. Even if that means taking away the Avengers.
You reach the roof to see a small helicopter waiting for you. The woman stops at the door. "Remember your orders. Make no banter or anything. Be silent and deadly. Kill minimum unless they are in your way. Bring back at least one Avenger. And please, please, don't get caught." She says before opening the door for us.
You slide in first with the Winter Soldier squished beside you. He grabs the control stick and the helicopter takes off.
The ride was forever! You made a mental note to never fly in the same thing as the boring Winter Soldier. All he would do is stare ahead and hum a song. You felt bad for whoever would end up his soulmate.
You must have ended up falling asleep, because the next thing you know the Winter Soldier is leaning across you shaking you awake. His eyes are larger than ever and he seems concerned. You meet his eyes and he instantly looks away, regaining his "don't touch me" attitude.
What had just happened?
"Are we here?" You ask, trying not to sound tired.
He just nods. What was his problem?
You get out of the helicopter, trying to avoid looking at him. Maybe he was just messed up from all the things HYDRA had done to him.
The Winter Soldier gets out and walks over to you. "We need to head to the Avengers Tower. Only one of them is there right now and it would be best to get them now."
This was one of the first times you had ever heard him speak.
"Umm ok? Which Avenger is there?" You ask timidly.
"Well that I don't know but it better be one that is important." He says and walks off. You grab your gun and follow him without a second thought.
Pov Switch
The girl had fallen asleep in the helicopter. Who does that? Especially on a mission. When the Winter Soldier had heard the song she sang in her sleep he knew instantly who she was. Of course this timid little girl, who had no idea what she was doing was his soulmate.
Who else could be?
Something had happened in her sleep and she had started to cry. At first he hadn't noticed but he soon realize that she had stopped singing. When he landed the helicopter he leaned over to try and wake her up. She had woken up faster than he thought she would.
It had startled him to be so close to someone when you didn't know them. When her eyes had opened they had been staring right into his.
Maybe it was his imagination but ever since she had walked into the main room there had been this tug that pulled him to her.
This had to stop. Missions were not the place to find your soulmate. No matter what happened, this would not end well.