Stupid Life

The Winter Soldier must have been in quite a hurry to get to the Avengers Tower. 

"Hey!" You yelled out when he got too far ahead of you. He whirled around to face you. 

"What?" He asked, looking bored out of his mind.

"Could you walk a little slower? If not that's okay, it's just that I'm scared and I need to mentally prepare myself." 

He doesn't say anything, just grabs your wrist and pulls you into a dark alley. He pushes you against the brick wall and looks you dead in the eyes.

"(Y/N) you will be absolutely fine. It will be scary the first time but don't worry. These missions get easier I promise. Just follow my lead and do everything I say." He whispered into your ear. 

A shiver went down your spine. "Okay..." You said quietly. This was most likely one of the only times you would see the Winter Soldier with real human emotions. 

He didn't move when he was done talking. You and him just stood there. Suddenly he leaned down towards your lips. Your eyes grew wide. Could this really be happening?

Then he moved his face towards our ear. "Call me Bucky. I don't know how I remember that but I know it's my name." He then pulls away and walks out of the ally, leaving you stunned.

Had all of that really just happened? The Winter Soldier, wait no, Bucky had just been nice?

You shake it off and follow Bucky from a distance the rest of the way to the tower.

The entire time he keeps glancing behind him to see if you are following him. On the way to the tower you begin to sing your song under your breath.

"How come no one heard her when she said

Maybe I'm better off dead

If I was would it finally be enough

To shut out all those voices in my head?

Maybe I'm better off dead

Better off dead!

Did you hear a word

Hear a word I said?

This is not where I belong

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Gone, gone

This is not where I belong

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone"

Your voice must have gotten louder because Bucky turns around to face you.

"Why are you singing? We are on a mission." He asked sounded pretty pissed.

"I..I..I just wanted...." You stammer.

"Wanted what?"

"I wanted the comfort of singing okay? Listen my life in HYDRA hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows so I'm allowed to do things that comfort me!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. "I've never felt included and it's hard so just shut up. Why do you even care if I sing?"

At this point you were crying harder than you ever had.

Bucky's eyes filled with concern.

"Oh (Y/N) I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. Here, let's go sit." He says motioning to a bench.

You sit down beside him and lean into his arms. Bucky wraps his arms around you. "Are you okay?" He whispers into your hair. You nod, scared that if you talk everything will rush out.

All the things about your parents and everything else that you keep hidden. Things that no one would ever find out.

You lay in Bucky's arms for at least 10 minutes before you remember that you have a mission to get to.

"Bucky?" You mutter, barely making any noise.


"We should probably get back to our mission."

He suddenly stiffens as if he had been doing something wrong.

"You're right. Let's go." Bucky says with a hint of sadness.

You jump up and start walking to the tower. Bucky trails behind, for the first time ever, distracted. What had happened?

Why had you broken down?

You brush off those thoughts and decide to focus on what you had to do. Just get into the Avengers Tower and kidnap an Avenger. Simple right?

Well, it would be simple if Bucky would stop acting like his puppy just got ran over. This dude was supposed to be one of the best soldiers like ever. Yet here he was, not being amazing at all.

You shake your head. He had been amazing. Maybe he just needed some encouragement like you had.

No! This was the Winter Soldier! You can't just walk up to him and give him advice.

The tower came into view and you knew that it was time to actually start the mission. Bucky had finally caught up to you and was now standing beside you. 

"Are you ready (Y/N)?" He asked.

You nod. "Are you?"

He smiles, "I never am." Then he runs towards the tower. You sprint to catch up to him. 

You end up beating him to the doors and you push through them. Inside there is a lobby with so many stairs.

Shockingly, no one was there. It was like we had walked into a ghost town. Bucky had heard towards an elevator.

"(Y/N) come on." He said across the lobby.

You walk over and join him in the elevator. He clicks the top button without a second glance at you. What was with this dude?

Not even five minutes ago he had been nice and now? He was a complete opposite person. It was like Bucky had turned back into the Winter Soldier.

The elevator moved at an incredibly slow pace. There wasn't even any elevator music! Your first instinct is to start singing or at least talking so that the silence isn't too awkward. 

"So uhhh how long have you been in HYDRA?" You ask, quite nervously.

"Long enough to know not to talk while on a mission." Was his harsh reply.

The silence consumed the elevator once more. You stared at your feet, wishing you had just stayed quiet.

It was like this the whole way up. You stood in the corner trying not to talk and Bucky just stood there like he owned the place.

After what felt like hours, but was only 5 minutes, the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened and it took every ounce in you not to leave before Bucky did.

On the floor that you were on there was a lot of room. Couches and tables were arranged all around the room. Sitting on one of these couches was a strong man. All you could see was the back of his head.

This dude had blonde hair and seemed to be wearing tights. Blue tights to be specific. In his hand was a bottle of Root Beer and he seemed to be reading a book.

"Tony is that you?" He asked when he heard the elevator open and shut.

There was no reply.

The man got up and turned around to see you and Bucky standing there. Both of your guns were pointed at him and Bucky had his gun pointed at him too. 

Tights dude looked confused for a second before he opened his mouth.
