Blue Tights Dude

Right after this dude calls out Bucky's name you shoot him.

"Bucky, who was that?" You ask him.

"I have no idea..." Bucky replies, trailing off.

Right as the guy in blue tights hits the floor an alarm goes off. You and Bucky glance at each other with panic. What do we do?

Vibranium sheets begin to cover the windows and the elevator shuts, plus the stair door locks itself. 

Bucky walks over to the stair door and punches it with all of his might. All that it leaves is a small dent. 

"You've got to be kidding me!" He yells to no one. 

You just stand there trying to figure out what had just happened. 

This was your first and maybe only mission! If you got caught everything would be over. HYDRA would never forgive you and life would be done.

Suddenly a voice started talking.

"Whoever has sprung this alarm, please prepare yourself. The Avengers are on their way to capture you. Place any weapons on the table to your left. Thank you for cooperating."

You scoff. As if you would listen to a voice that came from nowhere. 

A sudden bang at the other side of the door made you jump. Bucky just smiled. He walked over the you and smiled even more.

"Thanks for helping with this mission. It's been great but I gotta go." He said calmly. 

You just stood there, confused. "Wait, what do you mean you gotta go?"

He just smiled, leaned down and kissed your cheek. "Till we meet again." He said into your ear. The next thing you knew you were being grabbed and tied to a chair.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) this is what has to happen." Bucky says before grabbing the guy in blue tights and leaving through a now broken door. Behind him several men who must have been from HYDRA followed him. 

"Yes. He remembers some stuff. Have it ready when we get back to base." One of them muttered before they walked out of the room. 

That was the last thing you remember before darkness stole you. 

Pov Switch

Bucky hadn't wanted to go along with this plan. Get her caught to see how loyal she was. It made HYDRA stronger but still. 

The entire time of the mission he had been getting random memories back. Things like basic training camp and a person that looked a lot like the dude in tights. Some other things like a train and snow came and went. Had this been his past?

Bucky got into the helicopter that the HYDRA agents had brought. All the agents had been muttering to one another, something about remembering and loyalty. Could this be about him?

Maybe it was about (Y/N). That was always a possibility.

That made sense, especially because the whole point of this mission had pretty much been to test your loyalty. But still. Something about this was a little off. 

The helicopter landed at the HYDRA base. Right as Bucky got off a group of 10 agents same up to him.

"Please follow us." One of them said with a blank expression. 

That was when Bucky was sure. They had been talking about him.

"And if I don't?" He asked.

"Then I hope you are ready to die." Was the agent's only reply. 

Bucky gave up and went with them. He had no idea what to do but whatever it is must be bad. 

The agents walked beside, in front, and behind him as they walked to a room that Bucky didn't recognize. Inside was a chair hooked up to a bunch of computers and machines. 

"Sit." The agent who had done all the talking said.

Bucky sat with little hesitation. 

The last thing he saw was a man with glasses saying, "This time he will not remember."