
You wake up to a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on you.

"WHAT THE HECK!?!?" You yell.

You try to jump up and run but you quickly realize that you are still tied to the chair. 

In front of you stands 4 people. One of them is in a black suit, looking bored and a little drunk. Another has red hair and a black combat suit with guns at her hips. The third one has a t-shirt and jeans and is holding a hammer. And the finale one has greasy black hair and some sort of green robe on, with a fancy golden crown helmet thingy.

The man in the suit speaks first.

"Hello. I'm not sure if you are aware of this but you seem to be in the wrong place."

You roll your eyes.

"For your information I know exactly where I am and no I am not in the wrong place." 

The man looks shocked.

"I thought she wouldn't talk." He whispered to the red head.

"Well then you thought wrong." She whispered back.

The dude with the hammer began to speak.

"Look little person, we just want to know why you are here. I promise that we will not hurt you, even though it seems you will be hurt easily."

Once again you roll your eyes.

"Brother, can't you see that this girl is stronger than she seems? Not all earthlings are as weak as Tony." The man with greasy hair states, looking quite bored.

The man in a suit, who must be Tony, looks shocked.

"I am not weak!" He yells.

The girl with red hair looks incredibly annoyed.

"Boys, can we get back to the fact that there is a girl tied up to a chair? I promise you can continue this later."

Tony and greasy hair look down at their feet. Redhead walks over to you.

"So, what's your name?"

You just stare straight into her eyes.

"Hail HYDRA." You whisper.

She backs up and whispers something into Tony's ear. He nods and glances at you. This was gonna be a long wait.

You attempt to slouch in the chair, before remembering that you are tied to it. 

The man with the hammer looks at you with pity.

"Let's at least untie her! She looks so uncomfortable. Plus then she might be nicer."

"Thor, I think that's the stupidest thing you've said all day." The greasy hair dude says.

"For once I will agree with Reindeer Games." Tony says.

"Umm what the heck?" You ask.

They all turn to stare at you. It was almost like they had forgotten that you were even there.

Everyone remains in silence, just staring at each other. Hammer dude keeps trying to move to untie you but seems to think better of it. After what feels like an eternity, Tony speaks.

"Sooooo? What are we gonna do with her?"

"I vote we untie her!" 

"Shut up Thor." The redhead yells. "We are going to keep her here until she tells us her name. Then we will go from there."

Tony nods and walks out of the room. The redhead and hammer dude follow suit.

You notice that the greasy haired guy is still in the room. This whole time he has pretty much just been standing there staring at you.

"Listen I know I'm pretty but you don't have to stare." You say rather bluntly.

He seems to be brought out of a trance when you say that.

"I wasn't staring." He muttered while looking at his feet. You notice that a small amount of red creeps into his cheeks.

"Sure. What do you want then?" 

"I don't want anything." 

"Then leave." You say, finalizing the fact that you want him to shut up.

He just stood there. "I'm not leaving." He said before walking closer.

"Just so you know my name is Loki." He whispers in your ear before going back to where he had been standing.

Now it's your turn to stare.

"If you think that I will tell you my name you are very mistaken." You say with a piercing glare.

He just smirks and looks out the window.

All of the sudden some sort of wave comes over you. It was like nothing you had ever felt. Almost as if something magical had taken something and replaced it with something else.

For the first time in forever a new song was in your head. You frowned. What in the world? Everyone knows that you only have one soulmate. How could you have two?

Pov Switch

"Longing. Rusted. Furnace. Daybreak. Seventeen. Benign. Nine. Homecoming. One. Freight car."

"Ready to comply."

The Winter Soldier sits up in a metal room. All around him are HYDRA agents. The one in front of you smiles.

"Hello Soldier." He says.

"Hello Zemo." The Winter Soldier replies.

Zemo smirks. He turns on his heel and beckons with his hand for him to follow.

He gets up and follows him out of the room. They walk till they reach a conference room. Inside is a circular table with a bunch of pictures spread out across it. They were all of the same girl. A girl with (y/c/e) and (y/c/h) and a pretty smile.

"This is your mission. Find this girl and bring her back." Zemo says.

"What's her name?" The Winter Soldier asks.


As soon as your name is said something rushes over him. Something like a magical wave. All of the sudden the song that had been in his head went silent.

What was going on?