Chapter 3: Aftermath (battleworld)

[Battle world; 10 minutes earlier]

The scene shifts to the ruins, destruction of the dying realm between realms, Junn king's battle world. The atmosphere is cold and windy, and in a dark reddish color due to the events that has occured in the realm. The vast rocky land is filled with an Immeasurable number of corpses, most splitted into parts, burnt, frozen, turned to stone, etc. The land filled with craters and most debris float due to the lack of gravity the realm currently had and at right at the end of it all is the dark citadel where inside is infact a space like dimension where an asteroid with a flat surface is seen surrounded by other asteroids float. The atmosphere is exactly like outside the citadel where it us cold and windy and the scenery is in a dark reddish color. On the flat asteroid there is a burial is occurring.

Raziel Yakane, Daryl Smith, Haze, David Morgans and Kai Novato all stand silently in a circle around the mound if stone, the corpse of Seto Novato lies buried inside. "

Daryl: I don't mean to break the moment and all but... how are we going to get out of this place?(Daryl asks the whole group before Raziel looks at him and answers.)

Raziel: I dont think We can leave. Troy the door was a one way ticket.

Daryl: No... there has to be a way out of here, I mean can't you teleport us out or cut open a hole with that sword of yours? (Daryl asks Raziel before getting an irritated response to him)

Raziel: I've tried that and it didnt work because this place exists within the battleworld, it's rules of dimensional travelling apply here too.

Daryl: Tch...

A male voice is heard behind Raziel and Daryl greeting the group "Greetings." The whole group turn to the direction of the voice heard, Raziel, Daryl and David all stand with their weapons in hand; Raziel wields the Rakshasa claw still in its scabbard held in his left hand, Daryl wields the Amaterasu with his right hand and David creates two daggers of energy in reddish colors. To their surprise the male standing infront of them is the Celestial of knowledge Elknoe who stands infront of a bright white circular portal.

Elknoe: hm... now this is quite a team. The descendent of Ulrich Thrawne, A soulreaper, the great son of Ezra Darhk, the inhuman Assassin and The legendary Titan. Wow... I'm honoured to be standing here with actual legends. (Elknoe says with a short applaud that gets interrupted by David's question.)

David: How'd you get here Elknoe?

Elknoe: (Elknoe chuckles as he walks pass the Daryl and Raziel to stand infront of David) I'm the Celestial of knowledge David. I know every ins and out of every realm even outside of the realms. (Elknoe looks at Raziel who doesn't know him) I am the Celestial that banished Your brother to the spirit realm Raziel. I know everything about you, And no... (He says to Daryl "I can't see the future...) I mean I used to... but now after the recent events regarding the omniverse... the future has become unseeable, and All of time nolonger moves in a straight line as it did before the opening of the gates of time.

Haze: Gates of time?

Elknoe: Yes the gates of time. The remains of the omniverse before this one were all kept sealed away in a realm existing outside of time before they were... opened into the omniverse.

Haze: Who opened the gates?

Elknoe: Jack Drake. And by doing so, both worlds began to merge and exist at once. The merge altered alot of futures of so many living and many that have died and destroyed the lives of many in different timelines.

David: hmmm... Can't you fix time like most of the speedsters and Zyr?

Elknoe: No. Without the nexus completed with all its shards as one I including Zyr cannot fix it all at once.

Kai: I'm guessing that's how Aggregor and Lucis alive too?

Elknoe: Yes... (Elknoe walks back to the portal he had used to get here.) And their goals is to destroy it all.

Kai: Tch... (Kai looks at Elknoe with his arms crossed and says) look... I may not have had that much experience... but my dad did. He fought until the very end... people like Lucis, Darkness, Satoshi, Troy, Aggregor and more have all tried to extinguish life.

David: Troy Harper... wanted To destroy the omniverse for what happened to him... Now that he's gone... it all feels... regrettable to me. I experienced what he went through... but worse. But still I decided to bring hope instead of despair into the world i came from. Here... with my world fully gone. I feel less glad about killing the threat to the nexus...

Elknoe: (He interrupts David's speech.) The nexus.... has been shattered into shards across the omniverse.)

Daryl: Oh... that's not good... how we still... living and shit?

Elknoe: The shards needs to be destroyed to end every life Daryl. *Elknoe smirks and tells them all that.) The first shard is right here in Troy's body. The rest lie on earth and the spirit realm.

Raziel:Raziel chuckles after hearing that the shards are in the spirit realm) Let me guess... You didnt come here not to SAVE us, you came here to send us all after the pieces of the nexus like your dogs right?

Elknoe: i did mean to save you all. I did want to send you all after the shards because, You see the Celestials are unable to enter the spirit realm aswell as normal humans and others outside the species of the realm and since you and David have been to the spirit realm I have decided that you, Him and Nathaniel are qualified in... retrieving the shards of The nexus that are in the spirit realm

David: Hold on... did you just say Nathaniel? As in... Nathaniel Darhk? David asks him and gets a nod from the Celestial surprising David as he asks the question) he... survived... wait... who else survived the Massacre?

Elknoe: You'll see in the end David... (Elknoe says before opening up two portals on each side the one of the right leads to the spirit realm and the one on the left leads to earth.) Raziel, David the portal on my right and your left leads to spirit realm, the rest of you will head into the other portal, it'll take you all back to earth, your mission... is collect all the shards of The nexus of the omniverse. (Elknoe then uses his telekinesis ability to remove the first shard of the nexus from Troy Harper's body, once in hand the shard levitates in his left palm as he steps into the portal he had came from and says his last words to them) Beware... Aggregor still lives and is on earth. I wish I could help stop him but there are other things... i need to attend to immediately.

Daryl: (Daryl chuckles at Elknoe's reasons and says) What a load of crap from a Celestial of "knowledge." (Elknoe stares at him in irritation before exhaling and fully stepping into the portal and closing the portal on his way in.)

After Elknoe's departure the groups split into two teams the one heading into the portal leading to the spirit realm with the members being: Raziel and David. The other group heading into the portal that leads to earth with the members being: Kai Novato, Haze and Daryl.

Haze: Think we got this Kai? (She asks with a slight nervous tone of voice.)

Kai: Yes. No matter how strong or how fast or smart our opponent will be... We'll always win.

Haze: Tsk... I... I hope you right.

Kai: Me too.