[West queens West]
7:20 A.M.
Amidst the destruction of a 100 meters radius stood Aggregor in the center of that destruction with a grin of joy for what he has done.
Aggregor: Aaah. I MISSED this! (After a few seconds of silence, his grin fades away as he looks down at his left arm, noticing 3 red torn spots on his wrist.) It finally started. And at a slow pace... Tch! (He froze with his muscles tensing up after feeling an imperceptible tingle start from his spine, spread across his body like static.) The shards... (He closed his eyes, concentrating) They calling. (He smirked, opening his eyes as he extended his hand forward to conjure a portal that doesn't show on his first attempt.) Eh?? (He looked at his palm in confusion) Come on... WORK! (He shook his palm roughly before attempting to conjure a portal.)
From a distance Aggregor's can be heard.
Aggregor: c'mon. Come OOONnnAH!!
Jimmy: Urgh... (He pulls himself out from the rubble with his clothes severely torn in certain places. He is in a dizzy state, seeing double of everything moving around him.) My head... (He coughed while trying to keep himself standing before hearing a scream of anger from Aggregor that caused Jimmy to cover his ears in pain as the ground began to quake from his scream.)
Aggregor: (The iris of his eyes are lit in yellow as he breathes heavy and rapid after his scream.) This... This vessel... (He clenches his fists tight enough for the nails to punctuate into palm. He grunted before opening and extending his left bloodied palm infront of him. His irises light up more, covering the whole eye sockets in bright yellow before a heavy thud is released with the presence of a thin orange jagged tear in the air that slowly extends into a full circular portal.) Ah... Finally.
Aggregor takes his first steps towards the portal before getting hit to the side by a Boulder shattered from impact. Aggregor grunted furiously while kneeled down on one knee before looking aside, seeing Jimmy run up to him.
Aggregor: Hm. Inferior beings should stay DEAD! (He raised his right palm to Jimmy's direction.)
Nearly reaching Aggregor, Jimmy suddenly stops, looking down in confusion that turns into pain as he screams with light bursting out of his eyes and mouth.
Aggregor smiled as Jimmy fell to the ground shortly after the burst of light and He chuckled, walking towards the portal before noticing the state of Jimmy's dead body besides the burnt out eye sockets.
Aggregor: Interesting. Not a scratch is present on you after the explosion... TCH?!
Aggregor witnesses the flesh of the eye sockets slowly reform, surprising Aggregor.
Aggregor: Impossible. Not even a god should be able to be STILL alive after my smiting... What. Are you...? (He facepalms with a grunt) Urgh, Getting side tracked here. I should make sure that you NEVER come back.
Aggregor snapped his fingers, causing Jimmy's body to combust into black flames that quickly breaks the body down into fragments of his skeleton as Aggregor walks into the portal, leaving the site as is.
After Aggregor's departure, the ground began to quake with everything around distorting in two colors; red and green before Akashi appears warped into the area with quakes and distortions vanishing.
Akashi: Tch? The... hell happened?
Akashi looked around in confusion, seeing the destruction around him and a burning corpse that's unrecognizable.
Akashi: Ah... the explosion... did... Was i saved by an alteration? (He looked at his palm before he started walking, searching for any survivors.) HELLO! BRANDON! JIMMY!
Akashi slowly began losing hope that there is any other survivor in the area.
Akashi: Tch... (He fell to his knees and looked down, closing his eyes.) Rest well... my friends.
The air thickened with the sound of a rifle being cooked behind Akashi after his bid of farewell. He opened his eyes seeing the air warp around him with faint whirring sounds before soldiers in grey overalls with rifles appear having Akashi surrounded with their rifles all pointed at him.
Akashi: Tch...
Before Akashi attempted to do anything, each soldier fires a round of tranquilizer darts at his body.
Akashi: ?!
A wave of dizziness washes over Akashi as he feels his limbs becoming heavier by the second. He fell back onto his back watching the soldiers advance towards him in a hazy blur.
Akashi: I... swear... you guys are the worst...
A soldier crouched next to Akashi's fave.
Soldier: Funny coming from a mutant terrorist. (He knocks Akashi out with a direct hit to the head from the butt of the rifle.)