Keep Fighting

Deep in the Forest, Max and Robin are sparring together and that are not holding back, Each punch, kick and slash had the emotion of weakness as both of them felt like they were useless when Chaos attacked, "hey Max" Robin looks at Max "i know what you want to say, if i did it maybe I'll still be in bed by now" answered Max as he clenches his fist " So we can't call Void then what we do" Robin said in anger.

Max slaps himself in the face " I can't stay angry forever, I'll get wrinkles" said Max and Robin laughs "Right, Lets give it our all in this next round" Robin said as he sets his fighting stance and Max smirks and does the same, they charge at each other and start by throwing a right jab the fists intersect and becomes a test of strength, they back away and charge at each other, and they draw their swords and they use their mana to enchant the swords.

the swords clash each strike and they both smile, Two people approach " Yo Max, you didn't tell us there was a party here!" Max and Robin stop to see who was yelling, Max smiles " Jonathan!" and he sees Elena when he looks at her she blushes an looks away, Max was a little confused about Elena's reaction.

"Lets party 2v2 Max" As Jonathan says that he smiles "sure choose your teammate" said Max " Ok I choose you Max"

As they group themselves a person was watching them and it was a girl, he face is unclear but she wore a beautiful necklace, the Match was Max and Jonathan VS Elena and Robin, They stood with their fighting stance and they drew swords, they waited for a moment and they charged at each other and their swords clashed, Robin and Elena used a fusion attack called "Lions Den" which was a barrier that enclosed Max and Jonathan and they were trapped with elemental lions that were different elements.

Jonathan smiles than he swings his sword and everything is cut into half, Max puts his hand on the ground he calls upon an earth giant and he commands it to attack, but Elena uses a reversal magic which confuses her enemies sense of direction and both of them jumped on top of the giant, Max notices and leaps out of the way Jonathan was confused why leaped away, when he turned his head he saw the giants fist coming to him, he tries to block the fist but he couldn't since gravity wasn't by his side.

 Max asks "Are you okay" but there was no response from Jonathan but when Max listened more carefully he heard groans, "Nah he's okay" After Max said that he covered his sword in lightning and he slashes towards the giant "After shock" the attack was silent, Robin thought that was a fault slash but his hair stood up, then there was a huge thunder roar it landed and slashed the giant in half, Jonathan started to wake up and after he did he went to Max.

Robin and Elena were barely able to dodge the attack, Robin used a technique that gave his allies strength and power and they charged, Elena engulfed her sword with water and slashes "festival" there were barrages of water slashes, and Robin charged his body with darkness along with flames "Unholy Crucifix" Flames spouted from different directions and went towards Max and Jonathan.

The attacks landed they left Max's shirtless, Elena blushes for a moment, "Jonathan let's end this" said Max as he holds out his hand Jonathan nods and their hands touch palm to palm, " Unison Rage" they say at the same time and a pillar of two different Mana converge into one giant ball and they put their hands in the air palms facing upwards "Gods Hand" The ball falls on Elena and Robin and they can't block it.

After the attack Robin and Elena a down on the ground " we win" said Max as he pants from exhaustion, and they all laugh and then a giant serpent appears " Talk about Deja vu" then the girl that was watching then leaped in and killed it, the girl turned out to be the Princess, all of them were surprised that the princess was nearby.

The princess complimented them about their match, Max was too tired from that final attack and the Princess asked them who made that attack they all pointed to Max, The princess wasn't surprised but it looked like she expected it to be Max As the princess was about to leave she asked for Jonathan to meet her at the Palace, Jonathan was shocked that he was summoned by the princess herself after that the princess told them to say nothing about her being here.

Robin felt a little dizzy after their match so he asked Elena and Max for help, It took them 3 hours to walk to the Capital since they didn't have enough Mana to teleport once they got there they each went their separate ways, Max went to his house he found a note that Emma was at work " Emma works were!?" Max is shocked to find out that Emma works at the Royal Palace as a chef.

He is just happy that she works at a place that was the most safest in the capital, he finds food that Emma left for him he eats it then goes to take a bath and brushes his teeth and heads for sleep.

In his dream there was nothin but a white void until he saw Void he went to him " Yo Max, i was just getting ready to ruin your dreams" He said with a smile in his face, Max asks "Void i need to know a way i can use your power", Void smirks and he tells him to imagine a bench so he can sit down, after that Void told Max that their is a way but he needed extreme concentration " What's that" Max asked with enthusiasm and Void answers " You have to venture my memories"