Chapter 7
His body was on the verge of exploding, but suddenly, something happened that really surprised him.
The magicules stpped raging around frantically and started to flow around in body along his blood vessels. The surrounding red mana particles swirled around Julian, creating a vortex of red around him.
Now that the magicules stopped intervening with his healing process, he could finally recreate his broken bodyparts. While he was concentrating on repairing his body, the magicules flowed with his every breath and accumulated with every beat of his heart. Around Julian's heart, a huge amount of red magicules gathered, forming a gas-like cloud around it.
Julian laid back on the ground, heaving heavily. 'Fuck... That was exhausting!' He stayed like that for a few more minutes, letting his mind calm down a bit.
Although everything happened within a few hours, the pain in his mind went on for multiple years.
After having calmed down, he sat back up and tried to feel if there were any magicules in his body. And for sure, there was a bunch of them flowing around his body, most of them gathering around his heart.
'Are they waiting for me to create a circle? Well anyways, since I've already been accepted by the fire element, I can now absorb all of the mana within the crystal, can't I?'
This time more carefully, he picked up the crystal and slowly threaded the containing mana through his body and around his heart. Julian gritted his teeth. Although not as bad as before, it still hurt as hell. The bloodflow was also being slightly interupted and his blood vessels also ripped slowly.
But for Julian, who basically "trained" this healing process for multiple years, he could easily fix his body, while also guiding the mana through his body. Soon after, when the sun had already set, he was done with extracting the mana out of the crystal. Now that it didn't hold any mana anymore, the crystal started to crumble under the slightest breeze.
'If this doesn't work, then this would've been a complete waste of resources.' Julian then took out his Magic Book and begun to read the rest of the instructions.
After being accepted by an element, you will be able to gather small amounts of mana in your body. Create a center point and concentrate all your mana into one spot. Afterwards, create a magic circle and anchor it on the spot or else the mana could disappear. The magic circle can vary with each person. The power of a circle is made of:
Complexity of the pattern
The amount of mana used to create it
The innate talent
The compatibility with the corresponding element.
After having read the instructions, instead of immediately starting to create the circle, he made a sketch.
'Since the complexity of the pattern is the only thing I can improve right now, I will definitely use this chance to make it as difficult as possible.' Just like he wanted, it was extremely complex. So after he finished his "Blueprint", he went on and begun to construct it using the mana that surrounded his heart.
Even though it was way more difficult than he thought, he finished his circle after 2 days of forming it. It took him 2 straight days to use all the mana he had to form his circle. It wasn't big by all means. Only a dozen centemeters in diameter. But it's detailes were very refined. He even engraved runes in it, that were only a few micrometers wide.
When he anchored his circle the magic within him started to fluctate a bit before settling down and flowing through him, as if they have always been meant to do.
Julian who hasn't slept in 2 days. Physically, he was already on the verge of collapse, but mentally, he spent way more time because of his ability. Because of all the training he had done, his ability could now slow down time to a new niveau, which also meant, that these 2 days were also way longer for him.
Noone in the world would spend all this time, creating a circle as refined and detailed as him, because they, firstly would lack the time and energy, and secondly, not many in his current world would be able to make a circle as detailed as his.
So, after all this time creating a single magic circle, he collapsed under the pressure exerted from his head.
He slept through another 2 days before he finally awoke on the third, starved and dehydrated.
His body felt extremely weak and heavy, because of the lack of nutrition, but his soul and mind felt extremely refreshed and relaxed.
He picked some food, he gathered on the way, aswell as some water he found in a river, from the void. After having drunk and eaten, Julian tried to take a glance at his circle. To his relief, the circle was exactly as he had imagined it to be.
'Okay! Since I have formed my first circle, I should change my training plan a bit. I have about 4 more weeks until I reach Alfheim, so I will train in either magic, soul or the scythe every day.'
When he made up his mind, he stood up and got back on his way to the elven capital. Each and every day, he trained in one of each techniques. Although he was already familiar with the scthe and his soul, the fire magic started off a bit explosive.
'So, I just need to lead the mana, from my heart, to the tip of my finger. When it exits the finger, I need to condense it as much as I can.'
Julian did just as the book had told him, but his first dozen of tries kept failing. Every time he condensed the fire magicules, it exploded right in his face.
But after a few days of training, he got a grasp of what he needed to do.
'The book fucking lied to me! I don't need to condense it!'
Julian figured out, that he shouldn't condense his mana, but just, use it? Julian's mana was already so pure, if he condensed it any further, outside of his mana circle, it would explode with a heavy impact.
Just like this, Julian kept going for a month before reaching his destination. In the past month, Julian learned how to let the mana flow outside of his body fluidly, exeeded in his scythe wielding and was now able to teleport 400 meters in one go every day.
The city walls were hundreds of meters tall, and a river went around it. It spread dozens of kilometers in each direction. The city alone was about 100 kilometers in diameter. This was a huge collossus of a city. It was one of the biggest cities Julian has ever seen, by far.
Above the city walls, there were guards flying on griffins, overseeing the area. On the walls, instruments that looked like beacons, stood every few hundred meters. Hundreds of soldiers were patroling the top of the walls, on the look for possible intruders.
There were a total of 4 gates, positioned in every direction. The white marmor walls were crested with a mix of gold and green. Symbolizing the wealth and liveliness of the elves. In the most inner part of the city, the castle of the royal family stood.
It was a beautiful building, that hosted an enormous tree, which even made the castle look tiny. In Julian's world, this tree had many names. The most famous being: Yggdrasil, and, The Tree of Life. It wasn't either of them, rather, it had both abilities of both trees.
A few kilometers further away from the castle, a building, almost as big and aesthetic stood. Next to this building, a few, smaller, but similarily as the main building. The property was surrounded by a big, metallic fence, which was subtly envelopped in vines.
Julian prepared as much as he could. In a smaller city, he bought the finest accessories he could find. It fitted perfectly to his, peviously bought, clothes. He bought a silber ring, aswell as a black earring.
Before closing in, on the city, he put his scythe and cloak into the void. Now he seemed like an ordinary man, if he put some effort into his stance and choice of words, he could deceive others as nobility, or at least a butler. There was only one problem left. His name.
"Julian" didn't sound like nobility at all. Even in the human language. In the elven language, it sounds like a name, only a mutt would have. Using his ability, he thought of a name, that was subtle, but had a hint of nobility aswell.
'Let's start with my surname. It shouldn't be too long and fairly simple... How about Ythil. Diversed from Mythril. My family name should sound noble, but not made up. Hmm... Cromwell? No, too evil sounding. Van Baskerville? Nah, don't wanna copyright. This is hard. Yeah! I've got it!'
Julian headed down his path. Going to the West-Gate. There were only one pathway to each gate. Julian moved over the drawbridge. Infront of the gate was a long queue of trading caravans, adventurers and normal travellers. The line was only moving forwards slowly, if it kept going like that it would take all day, until he would get to the gate.
A few hours passed and Julian moved down half of the queue. Behind him, a bunch of new arrivals lined up aswell. Suddenly a carriage, which was white with a golden pattern, towed by two big, white-furred horses skipped the line, heading straight for the gate. When the carriage passed Julian, he slowed down time, thinking he was being attacked. When he turned his head, his sight met a silver haired woman before he stopped his ability. 'I shouldn't let my guard down, even when being inside the city.' he shook his head.
All the elves standing in the row bowed down when the carriage passed them, it seemed to be a common courtesy to the person in the cart. Julian just followed their stance and bowed down. He had learned the etiquette of nobility through online videos in his previous life. His movements were elegant and not at all hasty like the common foot-folk.
The carriage arrived at the gate and was instantly let in, not even having to stop before entering. 'They must be of high status to be let in this quickly, and since everyone bowed down to the person in the carriage, they must have had status as high as royalty.'
"Wasn't that the princess? Why was she outside of the city?" "I heard she was allowed to visit her master in Rahel. It seems her visit time has ended after the attack of the barbarians." The surrounding elves started discussing about the carriage that had just passed.
'Princess? It seems, it really was royalty...'
Julian soon arrived at the gate. There a guard stopped him and looked up and down at him. 'Black hair? And red eyes?' In the elven culture, black hair was extremely rare and were always seen as a sign of change in history, so most of the time thy weren't welcomed by other elves. They could either mean a gift to the elves, or a disaster coming true.
Red eyes also meant chaos, but the one who possesed them was always one of the strongest of his peers.
"Halt! State your business in coming here!" "I am here to attend the royal academy ‹Reliquia›" 'He is here to attend the academy? That must mean he is of noble status! I shouldn't mess with him.' "Then may I know your name?" "My name's Ythil Le Tenebris."
'The name alone sounds very noble and although I've never heard of this family, it seems to be of very high status!' "I've recorded your name. You can now pass, please have a safe arrival." The guard clasped his hand together, humbling himself slightly.
Julian nodded and went through.
Behind the walls, Julian was welcomed with large buildings, made of stone and wood. The streets were full of people and there was also a long row of people wanting to exit the city.
'There are two weeks left until I can get tested. So it seems I have a lot of time left.' Julian sold the Minor Beast Crystals at an adventurers guild, getting another 120 Gold coins out of it. He now could easily get through the first school year and even then have some money left.
The woman at the adventurers guild told him when he could participate the test, so he just needed to wait until it was time to take the test.
After travelling to Alfheim, he had accumulated 43 Advanced Beast Crystals, but he didn't aquire another Major Beast Crystal. He rented a little room in a hotel for a silver coin a week, spending a total of 2 silver coins. His room was fairly luxurious. A comfy bed, a big wooden table and a wooden chair, made of high quality material.
'Since I've got 13 days left, until I can get into school, I should try to get as strong as possible in the meantime. Julian sat down on his bed taking out one of his Advanced Beast Crystals.
'I should still be able to absorb mana, I just need to enhance my Circle with it.' Julian started to absorb the crystal and didn't have any problem, absorbing everything. This went on for another 4 Crystals, but when he absorbed the fifth, his blood vessels and heart started to boil and rip again. It wasn't as bad as previously at all, so he could easily heal it within the blink of an eye.
From that point on, with every crystal, it got harder and harder to absorb mana, because of the increased damage it inflicted to his body.
'It seems, that 10 mana crystals a day seems to be my limit?' Julian made up his mind, to focus on absorbing the remaining mana crystals each day from then on. The following days, he only went out to buy some groceries. 4 days later, Julian absorbed all of the Advanced Beast Crystals.
He then practised the mana flow of his, every day until it was time to take the test. 8 days passed just like that and it was time to take the test. Julian had prepared the best he could, before participating in the test.
When he arrived at the schools outer fence, a lot of other kids, his age were standing around, nervously talking about the test.
"Please, by the Godess of Light, let me pass!" "I-I should've prepared more!" "Oh, Goddess, who is the proudest of the gods, please let me pass this test, so that I can learn at this noble school..."
Julian went to something that looked like a little booth, at which an old man with a modest smile sat. He was about 1.85m tall, had a long, gray beard and long, gray hair.
"Hello! Have you come to participate in the test aswell?" "Yes, I've come to participate at the test, hosted by Ms. Moonlith" 'Ms. Moonlith? What an interesting fellow... Huh? That's strange, why do I... No, my old eyes are probably deceiving me.'
"What is your name?" "Ythil Le Tenebris" 'What a fitting name, for someone like him..' "Here is your Participation Card. Don't loose it or else you will be disqualified."
Julian picked up the card and noticed that it was filled with mana. 'Why did they infuse it with so much mana?' After thinking about it, but not finding an answer, he just put it into the void without another thought.
The next second, loud horns and trumpets could be heard from the school building.
Chapter 7 END
As youo've probably already noticed, the name of the school and cityy were messed up a bit. I would like to apologize for this and tell you that we've come to following conclusion:
The academy will be namedd Reliquia
The city will be named Alfheim