We Will Remember You

The day was sweet and crisp. The sun shone through the shady trees. The butterflies swarmed around, the honeybees picked nector. What a lovely day!

What a lovely day to have a funeral.

From where I stood, I watched all the people that attended my funeral. Some came for politeness sake, while some came because they missed me.

Had a human being ever imagined to witness their own funeral? I guessed not. Looks like I was the only one with a lucky ass. Or am I not? Had their been anyone before me? I wonder.

People usually described ghosts to be ugly in their stories. With torn and worn out cloths. I seemed rather different. 

My black Heathens t-shirt, with which I died, was still new and clean. No blood stains. My black jeans and black trench coat was still crisp with newness. My hair was well combed.

The only difference was my face that looked like a corpse. My lips and eyes were blood red, and my skin complexion was pale white. If I would be alive with this face, I would be mistakened for applying too much make up. But I'm not and there is no one to see me. I'm all alone in my own lonely company.

The priest delivered his Holy Speech, or at least that was what I would like to call it. He told the people how caring, loving, affectionate and sweet little girl I was. Millions loved me and millions came to say goodbye, something they didn't get a chance to do. He told them that they might not know, but I might just be there within them right now, watching. I scanned the faces of the crowd.

Do they feel it, my presence? Do they know I'm here? Are they really here to say goodbye? Do they really miss me? Some do, at least my friends.

I watched as my friends stood there in silence.

Rea, Sindy, Meera, and Yovonne. How much I missed them already. Tears dropped from their eyes. They tried to bury their faces, only to finally hug each other, as they busted out in tears. They missed me.

I turned to look at where mom stood. There she was, standing in the front, in between Sera and Chris, holding them tight as if scared that I might jump out of my coffin any minute and scare the shit out of them. Once in a while, she would dab on her dry cheeks with a yet dry tissue, trying to save face.

Suddenly, a thought comes to my head.

How the hell did I know all these stuffs? How did I know why she was doing what she was doing? Was her acting just too obvious or by any chance, was I becoming a telepath? That couldn't be! Or can it? I'm a ghost after all, what else could I expect? Was it an advantage or a disadvantage?

When my coffin was dragged to the pit, mom created her own hysteria and started screaming and crying like a mad woman. Sera and Chris stared in confusion as if saying, 'This wasn't a part of the plan!'

I chuckled at their foolishness. At least they weren't acting like mom. Not sure what to do, they stood rooted in their place, as mom made her way by crawling towards my coffin. Anger boiled inside me. Anger of Satan.

How dare she? How dare she touch my coffin? How dare she even pretend like she loved me? That woman is not my mother. She never was. She should not be touching my body. She should be burning in flames.

And at that moment, the most extraordinary thing happened that took all the people, inculding me offguard.

Mom's right hand, the one she extended to my coffin, was ablaze. All the people started panicking as the paranormal activity frightened them. Mom, however, hadn't notice. A while later, she picked her head up as she started feeling the heat building in her hand and at once, she started screaming and acting hysterical like the mad woman she was. She waved her hand here and there, trying to extinguish it, but the fire didn't budge. Because I created it.

How in the name of the heavans did I do that?

I looked down at my palms, and they gave out smoke as if they were just in flames. I looked back at mom, and the fire was almost to her shoulders.

I had to do something. I had to make it go or she would burn to her death. But she deserved to die anyway.

Still, I couldn't do this. I couldn't become Satan himself. I had to make it go away. Go. Go. Go!

I brandished my hands like a fool in thin air, and the flames disappeared.

Mom was rushed to a near by clinic. My funeral was over anyway, so the people started dispersing once my body was buried deep under the ground. A bunch of teens stood in a corner, waiting until the way was clear.

One by one, they walked to my grave and placed a rose each with a sticker on it. Once they were all done, they stood in silence for a while and then walked away.

And did I mention that I didn't know who those teens were? They were strangers, or at least I thought.

Slowly, I walked to my grave and stared at the pile of roses sitting there. The names were unknown, but I already knew who they were.

They were fans.

I turned to see if the fans were still left, but they were already gone. A small smile played in the corners of my mouth.


They weren't strangers after all.

Among all the roses, sat a large placard that read, 'DEVILS FOREVER' and 'WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU'. I stared at it for so long, I lost track of time.

Don't cry. Don't cry. You already knew the fans loved each other. What's there to cry in this?

But no matter how much I knew it, how much I believed in it, the fact that it just happened in reality was absolute happiness. The fact that I am loved because I am a fan was not the point. The point was that no matter what happened, we decided to stick together and support each other.

There were thousands of fans around the world, 80% of which we might not even know. But if we were given the slightest of chance to be there for each other or get to know each other, so we will do. This was what we are fan's for. This was what Heathens want us to be. A global inspiration to the world.

I sighed and looked around me. There was nothing I could do here. I'm a lost spirit without a cause. I could just wait for a Grim Reaper to come find me and take me to my right place.

At that very moment, the thought of today's newspaper headlines come to my mind.



I still had them left! I could fullfull my wish which I couldn't when I was alive! I could see them and help them the way I wanted! Isn't that not what I had agreed with earlier?

