Don't know what happened there in the previous chapter... but I'm back. And in front of me... The scumbag who would do terrible things to Aoi.
I slapped the man several times to wake him up.
"Yo. Wake the fuck up.", I spoke in Japanese.
"mhhmm...", he slowly regained his senses and looked at me wide-eyed.
"MMGH! MMGHHG!", he tried to yell, but it was no use.
I still had my hoodie and mask on, so he didn't yet know who I was.
I took off my hood and mask and stared at him grimly.
His eyes widened even more and then he suddenly started laughing.
"Hahaha, yeah I bet this is funny.", I said before punching him in the gut.
"Ugh! Hmhmhmhm...", he quieted down.
"You've been working for Takeshi, haven't you?", I asked him.
He looked at me as if he had no idea what I was talking about.
I kicked him across the face.
"Don't play dumb with me. I already know. You do all sorts of things for his little gang, don't you? it's where you get the money to spend on gambling and whores, right? Fucking piece of shit."
He was staring daggers at me, with eyes full of hatred and rage.
I violently ripped the duct tape from his mouth.
"Argh! Hngh... Kehehehe... He banged your wife, you know? Kahahaha! She was screaming like a little bitc- ARGH!", I kicked him in the stomach before he could say another word.
"Fuck you... FUCK YOUUU!!! Yeah, so what if I work with him, huh?! You screwed us over in that fucking country, didn't you?! You just had to go run your mouth off... Complaining and ratting us out, like the bitch you are! I COULD HAVE GOTTEN HEALTH INSURANCE FOR MY MOTHER IF YOU HADN'T DONE THAT!!!!", he yelled, with even more rage.
"... Kehehe... Khahahaha! Fuck you mom, you filthy piece of shit.", I laughed and spat at his direction.
Before he could make any more noise, I brought out my knife and held it to his throat.
"Shut the fuck up."
"... What do you want...?", he calmed down after seeing the knife.
"Tell me everything you know about Takeshi's organization... If you do, I'll leave you alone. If not... You'll never see your mom again."
"Fuck you..."
I pressed the knife on his throat harder, causing his skin to puncture and leak blood.
"Okay, okay! I'll tell you... Takeshi, he... He's the boss of a gang that's pretty high-ranked in this city... He runs all kinds of businesses, from trafficking to drugs, to even carrying out hits for clients... on the surface though, he's the CEO of a private security agency... 'Platinum Security', is the name of his company... Speaking in terms of influence and trust, it's one of the best in this country... Not many people know that Takeshi's the CEO of that company...", he kept speaking.
"...", I listened thoroughly.
"And that's all I know... Please let me go man, I swear I'll forget everything about what happened here...", he pleaded.
"And what makes you think that I'll trust you?"
"Man, please, I beg you... I have a sick mom... she's probably going to die in a few months... Please, bro, I'm begging you... please just let me go..."
"... Bro? Kehehe, you've got some nerve, you fucking piece of shit."
"I-I didn't mean to disrespect you... what are you doing... n-no... p-put the knife down, man... let's talk about this... H-hey hey hey! HEY! LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS! F-FUCK-", he couldn't finish the sentence before I drove my knife deep inside his throat.
"You'll choke on your own blood soon... Goodbye, you piece of shit...", I kept the knife there and got up.
I watched as the life in his eyes slowly sunk deeper and deeper until it couldn't be seen anymore.
"Burn in hell.", I said in English as I started to walk back to the Hotel.
I slipped into the hotel through the blind spot of the camera again. It seemed like no one in the world knew what I just did a few dozen minutes ago.
I made my way back to my and Aoi's room and locked the door behind me. I immediately went into the bathroom and started to wash the gloves I wore. Some of that piece of shit's blood got on it when I stabbed him. Same case with my shoes.
After thoroughly cleaning everything, I packed my hoodie, gloves and shoes in the bag.
Then, I walked over to Aoi sleeping.
'... How pretty...', I thought as I looked at her face.
In a lot of ways, Aoi was the perfect wife. She wholeheartedly loved her husband and wished nothing but the best for him. What happened to her in that shitty hentai was... terrible to say the least.
Once again, rage started boiling up from within.
'Shit... not good... I'm doing that again...Calm down... Deep breaths...', I tried to calm myself down.
As I was doing so, Aoi flinched and it seemed like she was going to wake up.
'Oh wow... she must have some kind of tolerance towards this medicine... She's waking up way sooner than expected...'
"Mhh...", she slowly opened her eyes and saw me.
"... Hey...", she smiled as she looked at me.
"Hey...", I returned the smile.
"Is it already time...?", she asked.
"No, we still have around 2 hours left.", I told her after checking the time.
"Then... join me...", she spread her arms towards me.
"... Of course.", I accepted the proposal and laid next to her, hugging her tightly.
'She smells good... or perhaps it's because all I've been smelling for the last night is filth...'
My hands instinctively started caressing her.
It didn't quite feel right to caress her like that though... After all... I used these very same hands to murder someone a few hours ago...
'It's alright... I protected her by doing that...', I told myself.
"You're body is so warm... did you just have a shower?", Aoi asked me.
"... You're quite sensitive, aren't you? yeah, I did."
"... without me...?"
"Ugh, Uhm... well... y-you were sleeping... and I didn't want to wake you..."
'Something's wrong...', I had a feeling.
"Honey, tell me the truth... did you drug me last night?"