- "Yes!" Shin exclaimed excitedly, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
- That sounds like a great idea! Let's just act like we're friends in front of your mother and sister, and when Dad comes, the three of us will be there. He won't be able to pretend or deny anything. He'll see that we know each other and he'll have to say something!
- We're not going to say anything - Hanami interrupted, gesturing as she imagined the scene. - We're just going to stand there and play, as if nothing's going on. Then, when he arrives, we'll look at him like it's the most normal day ever. Let's see what he says.
- What time is he usually home, Boruto? - Shin asked, curious.
His eyes still downcast, Boruto answered, his voice low and bitter:
- He's hardly ever home.
- Come on, he'll turn up at some point, it's not possible - Hanami commented, her hand on her waist, trying to be optimistic.
- There's no timetable. - Boruto shied away from the conversation, looking away.
- I'll arrange for him to come home today. - Shikadai intervened firmly. - Leave it to me.
- And what are we going to do all day? - Hanami asked, arching an eyebrow.
- We've already skipped class, so... - Shikadai concluded with a subtle smile. - Let's go for a walk around the village.
- Yes! So I can show you what the real Leaf Village is like, Shikadai! - Shin said triumphantly, as if he had found the perfect solution.
- And if you show me everything that's different, Shin... - Shikadai replied, raising an eyebrow with a slightly wry smile. - Does that mean we're in another village?
- Actually, Shika... - Shin started to get up from the table as he spoke. - I suspect we're in a Genjutsu.
Boruto let out a loud laugh. The other three looked at him, exchanging silent glances, not knowing what to say. Until Boruto recovered and spoke, with a serious expression:
- Seriously, it's unbelievable the state of denial you're in, just to avoid facing reality! - He paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on the others. - Dad has two families. Period! There's no genjutsu here!
- I was in the middle of a battle when I fell on you, you idiot! - Shin advanced towards Boruto, staring at him with intensity. - I'm not in denial!
- Battle? - Shikadai asked, puzzled.
- Yes. Against The Fox.
- Who? - Shikadai frowned, not understanding.
- That's what he calls himself, at least. - Shin replied, with a tone of voice that mixed frustration and explanation.
- We don't have any enemies with that name. - Shikadai said, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked into the room, accompanied by the others.
- Could this be a disguise for Orochimaru? - Boruto asked, his voice full of doubt.
- The Sannin? - Hanami asked, looking bored. - He died a long time ago.
Boruto and Shikadai looked at each other, surprised.
- And Mitsuki? Where is he? - Boruto asked, with a twinge of concern.
- Sorry, we don't know this person. - Shin replied, looking uncomfortable.
Boruto, unable to hide his frustration, knocked hard on the kitchen door. His first theory was that his father was an old fool who had made another family, but his second, more disturbing theory involved the idea that those two could be from the future. And if they didn't know Mitsuki... maybe something terrible had happened to him. The idea seemed absurd, but the need to see him, to have some answers, made the desperation grow.
- Shikadai. Let's take a walk around the village. I need to find Mitsuki. Quick, you two, let's go. - His voice was tense, full of urgency.
Shikadai watched his friend with a half-smile, understanding what was going through Boruto's head. He was beginning to see that Boruto was starting to consider other possibilities than just seeing the Nanadaime as an asshole. He himself had his own theories, but he knew better than to risk saying anything before Naruto found the two brothers. And, deep down, Shikadai couldn't help worrying about what might happen to the world if this meeting really did take place.
They spent the day walking around the city center, talking about the different "Leaf Villages" they knew. The changes, however, weren't that significant - that's what they noticed. A few stores had disappeared or moved, but nothing else seemed really different.
Shin, however, noticed something curious: cell phones were not so common there. Hanami, on the other hand's eyes lit up when he saw the numerous combinations of snacks in the burger shop:
- Isn't fruit obligatory in the combo? Wow! Give me all the greasy stuff, sir, please! - he exclaimed with a mischievous grin.
Boruto was annoyed by the choice, but in the end, he paid for everyone, since only Hanami had a bit of money - which, apparently, was worthless there. Meanwhile, Shikadai left his friends eating and went off to talk to his father, continuing with his own plans.
When he returned, they followed Boruto to Mitsuki's house. While Boruto went inside and started talking to his friend, Shikadai and Shin sat in a nearby square, playing Shogi, while Hanami distracted himself by hunting insects. At the end of the afternoon, everyone gathered and headed for Boruto's house.
- I'm home! - Boruto announced, walking through the door. As soon as he entered, he saw Himawari running towards him, beaming.
- Welcome back, bro! - She exclaimed, reaching out to hug him, but then stopped, looking curiously at the two brothers standing in the doorway.
- I brought some friends, Mom. - Boruto said, still in Himawari's embrace.
- It's okay, son. Send them in. - His mother's voice came from the living room, warm and quiet.
That voice... Shin felt a strange sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember who it was. They took off their shoes under the watchful eye of Himawari, who was observing everything with curiosity. Boruto was sweating nervously, but tried to keep his composure as he introduced them:
- These are my friends, Shin and Hanami, Hima. - He turned to them both, still trying to look natural. - And this is my sister, Himawari.
Hanami, smiling warmly, came forward and hugged the girl affectionately:
- Boruto talks about you a lot, Himawari. It's nice to finally meet you. - She said, with a friendly smile on her face.