The little girl looked at them, and then at Boruto, visibly confused.
- Where do you know them from, Boruto? Don't they study at...?
Before Boruto could answer, Hinata appeared in the doorway, wiping her hands on a tea towel, and smiled warmly.
- Hello, children. - She greeted them softly. - Make yourselves at home. You're in luck, Naruto will be home today and I've decided to make him a palm heart pie, which he loves. Then we'll have a special dinner.
The three of them exchanged apprehensive glances, holding their breath. Shikadai had done it. Their father was really coming. The tension increased.
- Where do you know each other from, love? - Hinata asked, turning to Boruto, who seemed to hesitate as he tried to answer.
- É... from...
- ...Shogi, Hinata. - Shikadai intervened, saying the first thing that came to mind.
- Yes, Shin is from Shikadai's shogi club and we've become friends. - Boruto continued, trying to sound convincing. - And Hanami... well, she's, his sister.
Hinata stooped a little so that she was level with them and, looking at Hanami, smiled gently.
- You're so beautiful, dear. Your face is no stranger to me.
- Actually, Aunt Hinata, I... - Hanami stammered, her eyes watering. It was so strange to be recognized by someone with so many memories and feelings.
- Yes, Mom, of course, you've seen each other... you've seen me with them, yes. - Boruto tried to explain quickly, stammering as he hurried to take off his shoes, anxious to get out of that uncomfortable situation.
- Funny you should have that pink hair, dear. I've only ever seen something like that...
- I won't be able to stay for dinner, Mrs. Hinata. Sorry, my mother's waiting for me. - Shikadai interrupted, quickly descending the outside stairs and entering the house with a firm step, trying to divert Hinata's attention to him while Boruto pulled Hanami into the house.
- Oh, dear, what a shame. Send my regards to Temari, will you? - Hinata replied, with a sweet expression but a touch of sadness.
- Yes, thank you. - Shikadai waved quickly from the doorway, his fleeting, complicit gaze turning to Boruto. - Yeah... bye, Boruto! Bye, guys! See you later!
- Make yourselves at home, kids. - Hinata said, closing the door behind them. - The pie has smelled; it should be ready soon. Hima, let your brother play whatever he wants with his friends, okay? Naruto should be here soon. Do you know him?
- Yes!" Hima replied excitedly.
- "No. - Boruto shook his head, still trying to stay calm as the door closed.
The siblings gave opposite answers, not knowing exactly how to react. Hinata stood up, a little uncomfortable:
- I see. - She smiled softly, trying to lighten the mood. - Dinner will be out soon. Excuse me.
- Come on, Shin! I'll show you, my Shinobi Striker. - Boruto picked up the video game and settled down on the sofa. Hanami sat next to him, while Shin stood, watching the game from above. Himawari sat on the floor, watching the teenagers.
- This doll here is me. I control it the way I want to, see? Here you have life, Jutsus and weapons. And here I...
- I played this when I was about eight. - Shin said, shrugging, relaxed. - Today we're playing Shinobi Three. Do you know it?
- I don't think we have 3D technology here, brother. - Boruto joked, not really caring.
- Hey, wait a minute! - Boruto tried to be indignant, but was cut off by Himawari.
- I call my brother "bro"... it's... Hanami?
- That's right. - Hanami smiled.
- Do you want to see my new drawings? - Himawari asked enthusiastically.
- Yes, Hima. - Hanami replied with a warm smile.
The four of them continued to play and chat in the living room, the atmosphere more relaxed. Shin, however, glanced at Hinata from time to time, watching her through the kitchen counter. His eyes followed her movements with a certain melancholy. Boruto noticed and was annoyed.
- Stop fucking looking at my mother! - Boruto whispered, annoyed. - Are you comparing her to yours, you idiot? She'll understand.
- Actually... I'm comparing her to herself. - Shin replied, his gaze filled with a sadness that Boruto hadn't expected.
- Huh? What are you talking about? - Boruto asked, confused.
- We'd better get back to playing, man. - Shin looked away, as if to escape the conversation. - Let it go.
- Honey, I'm home! - Naruto's deep voice echoed through the small house, causing everyone to instantly stop what they were doing. Eyes widened, and a momentary silence spread through the room. If Naruto had intended to go unnoticed, he certainly hadn't succeeded.
Himawari was the only one not to hesitate: she ran with her arms open, eager to be welcomed into her father's lap. The other youngsters, on the other hand, stood motionless, wide-eyed, trembling and visibly moved in different ways, as they watched Naruto, the exhausted blond, remove his shoes at the entrance.
- Welcome, dear. I was surprised when the clone told me you were coming to dinner. - Hinata commented softly, heading for the door with a serene smile, welcoming her husband with a polite curtsy.
- You can't imagine how I felt when Shikamaru asked me to stay and sign papers today... - Naruto finished taking off his shoes and pulled Himawari into a hug, still talking to Hinata. - He said I look awful tired. Do I look that ugly, dear?
- Oh, never, of course not! - Hinata replied quickly, laughing softly. - Dinner will be out soon. Hima, set the table, please, dear.
- Yes, Mom! - Himawari smiled and rushed off to do the task.
As he took a step inside, Naruto noticed the three teenagers standing there, perplexed, with their gazes fixed on him.
- Are you having visitors, son? How nice! Aren't you going to introduce me? - he said, smiling.
- Introduce you? - Shin was startled, the surprise evident in his tone.
Hanami stepped forward, standing right in front of Naruto. He bent down to her height, gently smoothing her hair.
- Hello. My name is Naruto. And yours? - he asked, smiling.
But when he looked into the girl's eyes, he saw that they were welling up with tears, and that scared him a little.
- What is it, little girl? Can I help you? - he asked, the concern evident in his voice.
Hanami could barely hold back her tears. She just shook her head in denial before turning away. Naruto, although used to the effect his presence had on children and young people - many of whom saw him as the famous Nanadaime and overreacted when they approached him - couldn't help but feel that this reaction was a bit much.