Episode 1

[1 week ago]


*beep* "Su Lynn?"

 "Su lynn Yes! Yes that's me I'm here"

 "Yes okay, we have reviewed your application and we would like you to start by Monday"

 "Really? Oh okay thank you so so much"

 "Yes… Sure"



* Sigh*

It's been a while since mom and dad died…


"Momo where are you?"


It's been just us since then… My sister and me…


"Oh my God would you stop screaming? Jeez! I'm literally only a room away don't break our glass with your screeching voice"

"And what's that supposed to mean huh? Missy?"


She was adopted and I a biological child so we where like strangers for a while…


"I told you NOT to call me that!"

"But I thought you liked the name… Missy"

But we got around it…


"I did NOT okay, the orphanage kids already Traumatized me with that name Su and you know that!"

"Miss Missy of Mississippi is yelling at her people? What for I wonder?"


"Alright, alright jokes aside, I actually got a new job today"


"Yeah, So at least now we don't have to keep living off mom and dad's savings since we don't have that much left to pay bills anymore"

" Oh okay, that's cool"


She says it that way because in my record I don't keep jobs very well.


"Momo it's your turn to do dishes get back here!"


That was how we where.




*Front desk

"Good morning, Umm I'm Su Lynn coming in for the position of psychiatric Nurse. I was called on Saturday and told to start today"

" Oh You're the new Nurse, Okay right this way please"

 I was led down the dark eerie hall to a rickety Office with an old desk and chair, it looked like it'd been abandoned for quite a while. It had barely any windows and a weird smell that seemed to come from the vents.

 " This is going to be your office"


 "Sorry, I know it looks very…umm… disgusting, but the last Nurse couldn't take it and she messed up the place, Since then we've been awfully busy covering for her so we couldn't clean it up And we weren't even sure you'd show up but now that you're here we'll be sure to get it cleaned up for you.

 I stared across the small box that was to be my new office, There was a little hospital bed on it's far right corner. 'Our Bathroom at the house is bigger than this office' I thought. Some big organization it is.

 "Oh uhh o-okay" I said slipping past what I assumed was a moldy sandwich on the floor to check the rest of the place out. There were mushrooms growing out of the hospital bed with a particularly decomposed rat skeleton on the other end.

"That's Vomit" She told me when I stared at the mushrooms wondering how they could grow through the thin foam and metal.

"Uh -huh.. yeah umm how long has there been no one here again?"

Now that I think about it she had quite a cold kick to her voice… ["Yes her name is Su Lynn"]


 "I'll just be back at the front desk if you need me"

 …Like a cold insanity hiding itself underneath the soft warmth of human flesh…["Put her there"]

"Sure_ thanks."

 I walked towards the desk noticing a not-so-old camera that sat in the top right corner from where she stood. Beside the filthy chair. ["Quite a beauty she is…"] It's new white, shiny exterior was not befitting of the ancient, rusty, moldy, Bio-hazardous nature of the rest of the room.["…I might just give her… you know.]"

 It's almost… ["Nurse su?"]

 Like I'm in…["Miss Su?"]

 Like I'm in a…["Nurse Su"]

