Episode 2

o -Present day-

"Nurse su

 I can see your eyes twitching, I know you're not unconscious"

 Letting out a long silent sigh her eyes blinked open, darting around as if to take in the sudden change of location.

 'how long was I out?' she thought

Her eyes roamed into focus on the large shadowy figure speaking, His eyes having a strange inexplicable eerie glow, even though his eyes where a calm gold. Or was that just her illusion.

"Wh-who are you?" she stuttered

"Me? Why i'm Mr Mikado, Owner and founder of the Asylum and currently your kidnapper"

 Struggling to catch her breath from the memory that brought her here she looked at him dead in the eyes "I have to get out of here"

Watching her struggle to crawl across the room he smiled 

"i need to get out of here"

"I wouldn't do that if i were you :) You've been injected with a powerful substance that puts your muscle in a frozen state, if you so much as move an inch too much, your muscles will rip apart inside of you. I suggest you stay put until it washes itself out of your system"

 She froze in her spot, trying to process the information thrown at her.' A drug that puts your muscles in a frozen like state? That's impossible! If that happens wouldn't my blood and other organs be affected?, I mean it is actually hard to move, and yes i'm struggling to breathe properly- i assumed i was still in a state of shock- but that's impossible they can't possibly do that . but then again, If they can do that to a child...[Please, Save me... miss...su... Please Help...] Then there's no telling what they can do' Her breathing slowed down to a more calm state, trying to make sense of the situation. " What are you going to do with me?" She questioned, slowly getting into a sitting position. "i don't know, you tell me, clearly you've seen that the mental hospital is just a facade" he strolled to his desk "Well... not entirely" "I- don't know what you're talking about" " Su darling, don't play games with me dear, i play very dirty you know" "I don't know what you're talking about!" "Really? Then why were you running?" "I just forgot something i urgently needed and was going to get it from my car" "come on now woman you should know how to lie better, No one who just forgot something runs like that, Except, you know, life and death situations" "the patient needed something and i was going to go get it from my car"

"And what was that hmm?" Upon finishing his sentence his eyes widened and a small gasp escaped his lips,a smile creeping up his face, his brow raised"You don't really have a tell when you lie, seems like you're not new to the game"

" Well when you have two dead parents and one little sister who keeps the neighbourhood on their toes you'll have to learn to tell the principal that you where unaware that the child menace menace you're taking care of couldn't possibly set up another student after accidentally planting sleeping drugs in the teachers coffee under the excuse of she looked sleep deprived so she cant assume you're bad at taking care of her and call the cops on you or shame you claiming you're a bad influence and your parents cant possibly rest in peace knowing that their daughter is in hands like mine forgetting the fact that I am also their daughter so …yeah"

"ah, what a lovely story with a gloriously beautiful ending, but we both know you're still lying" He sat on the edge of his desk staring down at her where she sat on the floor, that wide smile nowhere to be found.

Su scoffed.

"Su lynn, age 27, Graduated valedictorian in psychology YALE university at the age of 26 with a PHD in psychology. Both parents died in a car crash at the fourth year of her university education. Owns a house left by her parents, sold car a year after their death. There was no car to run to, Miss Su what car where you running to again?"

By then, Su's eyes had widened, her stone face facade as she stared at Mr mikado in horror 'I-Am I going to die?'

Mr mikado smiled, but it seemed nerve racking than genuine.

" I'll admit Miss su, you arev quite over qualified for this job, PHD?That could get you a spot as a top doctor in a real hospital establishment. Not that- you'll ever get to leave of course" he chuckled,not breaking eye contact. Su remained still, the strange cold , gripping feeling in her body reminded her about whatever crap they'd pumped into her body.she didn't even know what it was, or what dosage was given.

" Speaking of free…" he held up his hand checking his watch-he wore three- "Sample Ic3 should be leaving your system right about now"

She stared in fear, contemplating if this was some sick joke to him. That is, until the pain started in her chest and she began screaming.

"Ah there we go, I almost thought It wasn't working" he said. Ignoring her screams of pain. He dialed a number on his desk phone. It msde a shorts beep.

"Leo, what was the timer for sample ic3?"

*Sample ic3 = Substance that puts muscles of a living organism in a frozen or semi frozen state"

"Oh, uh this is for that girl, su was it? Well for the dosage we gave her it would last about an hour" She coughed continuously, choking on something. A blue liquid poured out of her mouth, she kept coughing, the liquid pumping out of her lungs .

" There we go darling, now I can take a good look at you without ripping you to shreds" With a swift hand he grabbed her by the neck, lifting her already weak body off the floor.

"cre-ep" her last remaining air already running out on her

"Now that is no way to treat me you little RAT!" he tossed her to the floor

" Do you not understand how lucky you are?" he grabbed her by the hair, taking a few quick steps slamming her head against his table.

"Anyone else would be dead by now…" After kicking her on emphasis, he took a step back, catching his breath "thank your lucky stars that you caught my interest"

" I don't believe in luck"

"getting cocky now aren't you? Well you can thank whatever you believe in"

Mikado strode over to the book shelf.Pulling back a few fake books with numbers on them 1,2,5,9 in order, the shelf receded, slipping into the walls on wither end to reveal a wall of drawers labeled A-Z and an extra written #. he opened the extra, pulling from it a weird bracelet of some sort, murmuring to himself if it would fit or not. Finally he paced over to his desk, the shelves moved back into their places, the numbered books had their numbers turn red and them off like there was never anything there.Keeping the band on a small black mat on the table which was connected to his laptop and after some clicking he got up again walking to where su lay on the floor looking winded, staring at the ceiling holding onto her neck.

 Without another word, he grabs her arm, placing the band onto her wrist, the band beeped, lighting up to a bunch of numbers. 229019.

"What is this?"

"Your official code"


"You'll need it to eat since, you're going to be here a while"

"No" A dread in her voice as she struggled to remove it, but it only grew tighter around her wrist.

"The more you try to remove it, the more it tightens around your wrist until it eventually snaps your hand off"

She sighed,defeated. Eyes wide as she looked up at him, who only nodded affirming his words where true.

You may leave now Miss su, A child will meet you in the hall way to show you where to go, I have a feeling you'll like what I've done with him"

 Shocked."A child" . Scared. "what I've done with him" She replayed his words in her head. Standing up, now aware of the sudden looseness and warmth in her muscles, acknowledging that whatever blue liquid she'd coughed up earlier must have been the 'substance' or 'Sample ic3' as he'd referred to it on the phone. She walked out of his office, into the semi-busy hallway looking at the view over the edge of the floor. They where at the highest floor of the building.

"Welcome to the asylum, Miss Su" he said giving her a smile that sent chills down her spine as the automatic door closed between them. She turned around, taking in the view. She stood a while, trying to estimate the amount of people here when a little boy walked up to her, dark skin and an arm full of scales, gills lined on the bridge of his neck, his face having scattered scales forming patterns, his skin a pale comparison to what it used to be. He was holding a piece of paper, one he tried t read from.

"Excuse me, please are you miss s-su li-lieh-lynn?" The boy looked up, just in time for su to recognize him,[ Save me, Please, Save me... miss...su... Please Help...] as the boy she saw this morning, before she ran. And he seemed to recognize her too.

"Miss Su?"