Chapter Two
Off course Yao family was not that much great, hence she needed to get along to one family young master to elevate her family status, and young master Wang Hong was the perfect scoundrel for that, off course it was not Yao Ji alone, the entire Yao family was into this act, even the boys too had to suck up to young mistress just to elevate their family.
Luckily for Yao Ji, her bait caught the Wang family young master.
Meanwhile about some distance away from the cafeteria, somewhere on the tallest building in the school, few boys were standing against one another, the atmosphere was that of a animosity and fight. A lonely boy was standing at one side all alone, on the other side were another group of boys, they are about seven of them.
Off course the group look at one another with a dagger fill eyes, they eyes were bloodshot, and what they needed was just a little spark of fire and the entire scene will turn chaos. Off course, the lonely guy did not back down, rather the other group with number were the ones who were having fun watching the lonely guy trying to be brave.
Off course if Yao Ji and her friend were here, they will recognized the group, because the lonely guy was no one else but Li An, and the other ground were Wang Hong and his followers. Off course Wang Hong was not that difficult to be recognized, because he was actually the most ridiculous person in the ground of seven.
Just that he had a wide grin on his face, and he watch Li An with a smirk of ridicul on his face, he was satisfied seeing Li An at wit end.
"Come over here and get it done with." Li An said with hatred, yet confident and courageous.
But Wang Hong only smirk more, and an evil smile was plastered on his face, he replied. "Oh! I like your courage, but I will have my joy seeing you beat to pulp and half death."
Off course one of the follower come out with a cudgel in his hand. "Young Master Wang, let me just break this idiot leg and push him down the building."
Li An heart skipped a beat, it was because the building was too high and if really they did push him off the building then that is sure death for him, off course Li An believed that Wang Hong can surely carry out the threat, at least no one will dare question him about it.
Immediately Li An tried to save himself, he voice out. "Let me tell you, there is a camera at the corridor, and if you dare hurt me or take my life, the camera will be review and you all will be caught in the end."
This was Li An final way out, off course he expected Wang Hong and his larkey to know about that too, hence he was confident. Only for him to be shocked when Wang Hong suddenly burst to a round of laughter, and then the other also join too and began to laugh.
"Yang, Mr. Tian just erase every our coming here today right." Wang Hong said in a haunty tone, off course his hand supported his chin.
The one named Yang as well make things more difficult too, he smiled first and he said. "Off course our last entry on the school Camera will be us leaving the college, hence to cancel even suspicious about, Mr. Tian will claimed the rest of the day as a technical malfunction."
"Oh! I forgot to let people know that Mr. Tian was my Wang family third generation outer descendants
Li An heart skipped a bit, off course he knew whom Mr. Tian is, he is the Technical officer in charge of the CCTVs camera all around the school, but never in his dream will he ever imagine that he was from Wang family, in fact no one knew about it, until today that Li An probably heard about it from Wang Hong.
Off course Li An bite himself in regret, because now that he connected the dots together, he understands that Wang Hong will always get out of trouble, because there had never been any Camera that caught him carrying out evil deeds, and yet he was always the perpetrator of every bully and disorder in the school, off course many complaint was laid against him, but he was never found guilty anytime.
It was because Camera had never caught him, off course Li An knew very much now that Mr. Tian had always been the one doing the dirty work for him, it is either he deleted it out or he probably power off the Camera at the scene so that no evidence was left behind.
Well it is no use crying over spoilt milk, Li An understands that he have to escape first, at least Wang Hong was not a friendly in his approach with him anytime.
"Wang Hong, I am Principal Li adopted son, if even he does not care about me, he care enough to asked question if I am lost for more than a day." Li An said with a shaky confidence.
Off course Li An words was met with a brutal laughter. Wang Hong voice out. "Oh! I have no interest in Principal Li, I just want to deal with you only, and right now you should be more worried about your life."
Li An became frustrated, h screamed on top of his voice. "Wang Hong what do you want from me, I am just a lowly orphan with nothing to threatened you with."
Now Wang Hong became serious, he said. "Yes, but I hate you because you dare set eyes on what is mine."
Now Wang Hong eyes was callous and brutal, off course Li An frowned, because he was trying to understand what Wang Hong words meant. Off course he knew better than to covet what was not his, and precisely Wang Hong desire, then he was looking for quick death. Hence the reason for Li An confusion was what he took from Wang Hong."
"Wang Hong, are you so crazy to even understand that you began point finger at everyone unnecessarily?"
Wang Hong burst to a round of laughter. "Every girl in the school belong to me, I own them all, even the teachers and every female in this school, I alone have the right to sleep with them all, and no one is allowed to think otherwise about it, even the male teachers dare not."
Li An almost vomit blood because of anger and confusion. "Wang Hong, you are crazy, you already lost your mind to have this kind thought running in your head."
"Do you take everyone as a thing that you own everyone?" Li An said after he had scoffed at Wang Hong madness.
"If I say they are mine, then no one dare say anything else from what I said." Wang Hong screamed just like a wounded beast, off course his eyes had turned bloody and he was screaming for blood at every passing second.
Li An can't help but scoffed loudly, because it suddenly dawn on him that Wang Hong had gone crazy to have such foolish thought, he wanted to say something, and suddenly the door to the roof opened and three girls ran in.
At first Li An was relieved that help have come, but he was more surprised when he looked closely and it was Yao Ji and her friend. Li An panicked and he shouted.
"Yao don't come closer, Wang Hong is crazy and mad, quickly go call for help."
But Li An was not prepared when Yao Ji actually approached the ground and he stand beside Wang Hong, and what followed next shattered Li An confidence and mentality, because Wang Hong actually kissed Yao Ji lips, and Yao Ji does not even fight back.
Li An screamed loudly. "Yao, I have not even hold your hands since we are dating."
Wang Hong and his larkey all burst to a round of laughter, while Yao Ji hand an awkward smile on her pretty face, off course she never thought that she would be exposed this kind of circumstances, off course she already that a day like this will come, just that he does not anticipate it this soon, off course she was playing with Li An all the time.
Funny enough Li An believed everything she ever told him, like she said she was a virgin to him, and Li An had believed her without question, since then she knew that Li An was nothing but a fool, and off course while she play with Want Hong, and elevate his status, she keep Li An around as let to play and deceive.
But today is the day that the secret are out, she coughed and said. "Li An you do not deserve me."