Knowing the Obvious Truth

Chapter Three

Li An was broken completely, his entire world shattered down right in his face, and off course he broke and knelt down weeping to himself, it was because he had always wanted to please Yao Ji so much that he lost himself in the process, he would rather not eat than to see Yao Ji sad about any stuff, he would surely get it for her.

And here he was standing and Yao Ji telling it to her face that he did not deserve her, off course Li An knew that he did not have that much as the rest of all other young master, but he was trying his best to satisfied her, at least there is nothing that she wanted that she had not tried and gotten for her, it does not matter whatever it is, and no matter the expense, he always fulfilled it for her.

Anyway Wang Hong was laughing loudly like a someone possessed, he was making jest of Li An weariness, he was like a sadist who only derived pleasure in others pain, and seeing Li An this sad was the most happiest moment of his life.

"I told you that I own every girl in the school, no one dare have any thought on any of them, and they must all answer my call anytime I wanted too." Wang Hong emphasized on his words.

"Yao Ji slept with me last night, and I am not done with her yet." Wang Hong said with finality.

Off course Yao Ji was shy that she blush and hide her red face, but she slightly beat Wang Hong shoulder. "Do you have to reveal that to everyone?"

Wang Hong as well become soft, he said. "I am trying to let that fool see reason that you are far better with me than him."

Off course Wang Hong words was like a pin that stabbed Li An heart, and off course he felt that mental torture from Wang Hong and Yao Ji, and there his heart was bleeding, just that the bleeding was not visible, but Li An knew that he can no longer take it, he eventually broke to cries.

"Yao Ji, you are a devil, you shouldn't have given much hope for me in the first place." He said with a painful tone and expression, more like he was been burnt from the inside.

"And you think you deserve life?" That was Wang Hong brutal words to him.

Li An looked at Wang Hong in the eyes and off course Wang Hong does not stopped his words, but he sneered first before he continued.

"You are a lowlife, you are nothing, you are so insignificant that even if you leave and never come back, the world will never felt your absence, you are anomaly a mistake that shouldn't have been. So you have no hope not life, because you never deserve it and will never have it in the life or beyond."

Li An watch as Wang Hong said every words to him, even Yao Ji frowned at how Wang Hong could be callous with his words to that extent, his word was no different than a hacksaw that is cutting ones resolve until nothing remained in the end. And yes Wang Hong words actually did more damages to Li An, because Li An turned statue, he was no different from someone who had become tired of everything and wanted nothing than to just die.

Off course Li An stood up and walked towards the edge of the building, off course his aim was clear, he was about to jumped down and killed himself from the surface of the earth, at least he suddenly felt that Wang Hong was right after all.

He had no parent and no family, even his parent threw him away from birth, it simply meant that they never wanted him, as he grew up, he suffered and people bullied him all the time, and when he had help, the one who help him never look back for him nor check on his welfare. This all pointed to the fact that he was everything that Wang Hong said.

Everyone watch Li An walked to the edge of the building, they knew his intentions already, but no one stopped him from advancing, Wang Hong was laughing triumphantly for his success in ending Li An life, Yao Ji as well was happy about this, Yao Ji friends are in a state of shock, Wang Hong larkey were also shocked about the turn of events.

Suddenly Li An stopped from advancing, because the wind suddenly blow at a time and then something suddenly came back to him, it was the day Principal Li brought him into his house. Back then after Principal granted him the scholarship, Principal Li invited him to his house, when he entered, he was not even allowed to sit down.

"You used my family name and my name for your registration." Principal Li begun, Li An had nods his head back then.

"I am not against that, but know that I will not look for you in anyway, but know that you have a father figure in me, but wherever you found yourself, put it in mind that you are here for a purpose, your parent might have threw you away of dump you, but you have a purpose in this world, just as everyone who was born with silver spoon in their mouth, you have a purpose just like them."

Those were Principal Li words back then, and till now he had always lived by those words, and luckily when he thought he lost and wanted to end all, the wind suddenly bring back to words to him, and so he stopped and turned around, but when he does turn around, he was confident and stern with his desire and want.

That moment everyone who was shock all came back to reality, one of the girl approached Li An, she said.

"Oh! I am so scared that I became jumpy and scared to even moved a muscle." She looked to Li An in the eyes with worry and care.

"Li An, are you okay?" she asked.

"You knew she was deceiving me all the time." Li An said and pointed towards Yao Ji

The girls shake her head, she said. "I know all the time, and I have always told you about it, but you just won't listen to me, that is why I start the rumour to make you see reason, but you still believed her at all cost."

Well she was Yao Ji friend, but she was against few things about Yao Ji, and the way she treated Li An was one of them, and that is why she is always at loggerhead with Yao Ji anytime she did something bad behind Li An, in fact she sometimes not talk to Yao Ji for days because of their fight.

The same thing she did at the cafeteria today, she was still taking it out with Yao Ji when someone suddenly came rushing and informed them of Li An and Wang Hong location, she predicted that this is not good, hence she, Yao Ji and their third friend had came rushing over. And they were right after all.

Anyway Li An closed his eyes and let the information sunk in for seconds first, he opened his eyes and said. "Thank you very much Min."

"Anytime Li An, I am glad that your eyes are opened to see the truth." Min said, well the girl name was Gu Min.

Li An turned to Wang Hong and Yao Ji who are now looking so surprised, because they never expected that Li An will suddenly become so confident just like that, at a point the duo were glad that they had finally got rid of Li An without even getting their hand dirty.

Off course Wang Hong have the intention to end Li An life, it was because he hated Li An for the been in the same place as him, he detested Li An because he felt that Li An does not deserve this school, he is nobody with no where to be traced back to, hence he was furious that Li An could have such grace as scholarship.

Hence the reason he fed him with those hateful words just to shattered every confidence that Li An have, and it worked, he does not just understand what happened to cause the reverse feeling. Yao Ji as well felt q kind of emptiness and anger in her, she was angry that Li An was not dead after all

Li An mind neither of their feeling, he said. "Fine I gave her to you."

And immediately he walked away. Wang Hong was angry and he screamed loudly, How dare you walk out in me? How dare you said that you gave her to me? I took her not you giving her to me."

Li An does not mind Wang Hong tantrum, he only keep walking, Wang became angry and he order his larkey to kill LI An, off course those behind charged against Li An.

But suddenly the world go crazy, wind began to howl out from nowhere and then a big black void opened in the sky and precisely beside the building where Li An and the rest were having their conversation.