The World at End

Chapter Four

It was not different from an apocalypse, more like the entire world was covered in darkness both in an out, this darkness was more than that of a eclipse, even eclipse had to bow for this kind of darkness's, the darkness was so thick that no light could penetrate it.

Off course the sudden darkness cause another round of disaster all over the world, bridge were destroyed, car rammed into one another, tunnels pummeled down and collapse, airplane fell from the skies, even satellites fell from the sky, every major cities suffered a kind of disaster that might take few years to recover from, before the world knows it, the world market had suddenly broke down, price began to drop and value of gold or silver only remain constant.

Off course it was only for an hour, but that one hour was the most devastating moment for the entire world, countries who are powerful become powerless, it was because they lost too much in the market, even powerful families were no exceptions too, only those who have gold or rubies or diamond or materials things are the ones who can still boast of having something to go back too.

Off course electricity was affected, everything suddenly return back to the stone and metal age, more like an EMP was shot on every Electronics all around the world, not even generator works any longer, bulbs, radios, T.Vs, computers, cars, bike, trains and anything that uses engine or electric were all malfunction, many even fell to their death, off course at the end of the day when the total count was made, more than a billions of the world population was lost within that hour, not counting the casualties not accounted for, and those injured or in hospital.

Even during the disaster, many patient who were in life support died and gave up the ghost immediately, and few who were under operation were lost immediately. It remained the most devastating one hour in the history of mankind. Just that many tried to investigate the cause of the disaster, many resources were burn years later to investigate what caused the sudden darkness, but they all come back empty handed, in the end, the world could only write that day off as mystery that cannot be solvable.

Anyway after a total hour of darkness, the sun suddenly flicker with light and it send the darkness away, and immediately, every dead Electronics all come back to life, Electricity was active once again, and again many life's were lost once again, because the sudden eruption of Electricity and Electronics all caused more major accident that claimed more life than prior once again.

Fresh air began to blow, and then people who are not dead all come out to look out at what caused the sudden disaster, but nothing was seen than the clear skies, and the sun shinning in it God's giving glory. When people are still wondering what is happening and what is the problem, a big black void suddenly appeared in the sky once again.

Off course the void appeared right at China, precisely at City M and exactly at City M Grad school, and off course it was at the sight on top of the building where Li An, Yao Ji, Wang Hong, Gu Min, and the rest were standing still wondering what is happening around the world, it is funny because when the entire world was in darkness, only their surroundings was not affected, and when the darkness was gone and light restored, the black void suddenly appeared above their head.

"What was that?" Li An was the first to speak.

Suddenly something like a magnet began to attract them all at once into the void, off course everybody all scramble for safety, they held onto whatever they can just for safety, Yao Ji was the first to take away, she screamed for help calling for help from Wang Hong.

Off course even Wang Hong was struggling to hold on, he as well was sucked in too, just like Yao Ji, he screamed for help, and then Gu Min and the other third lady named Hao Ji as well was sucked in.

"Li An help me, I don't want to die yet, I am still a virgin." Gu Min cried and screamed for help.

Off course Li An, does not even mind his own safety, he let go of what he was holding and held Gu Min hand trying to pull her back to safety, one hand he used to hold the bar firmly, and another hand he used to pull Gu Min back, with every of his available strength.

Wang Hong screamed for help to his larkey, but none even bother about him, and eventually Wang Hong began to curse and swear.

"You are all in trouble, my family will burn you to death, Mr. Tian knew we came here together, if I am lost or gone, you are all in trouble, your entire family will be destroy, you will be feed to dog...…."

Off course Wang Hong word caused the boys to awake and they fear, because Wang Hong was very right, they knew how powerful the Wang family was, and if Wang Hong was not found, then they are in trouble, even death will be mercy for them, because the Wang family head doted on Wang Hong so much, hence if he was lost, the old man can tear down many things just to revenge Wang Hong.

Immediately they all get to work, they all summoned courage and began pull Wang Hong back, off course Wang Hong was stopped been sucked in, just that someone was holding Wang Hong legs for safety too, and it was both Yao Ji and Hao Hi.

And so they grouped began to hustle against the force trying to forced them all in, off course Li An was all alone pulling Gu Min back and he was almost successful, Wang Hong larkey had also pulled him back to safety, therby pulling Yao Ji and Hao Ji back at the same time too.

Well this spectacular sight did not pass any one notice, the school authority saw it too, and they all ran towards the building to clearly observe what is going on, and they saw some of the school student been taken away by an unknown force.

Immediately the school security and guards all rushed up to help, even the teacher all scrambled up to help the student up, even many student rush to help, and off course this sight was seen by everyone all over the world like the sight was happening because them.

Meanwhile Li An and the rest are still battling the force from the black void, and they were almost successful at the end, but then the force suddenly become stronger and off course unexpectedly they were all sucked in all together at the same time. Li An, Yao Ji, Wang Hong, Gu Min, Hao Ji, and all of Wang Hong larkey all were sucked into the void, and immediately the void closed up and the world all regain peace once again, like the night mare never happened in the first place.

Off course those scrambling up to the building make it to the building and find the world at peace, they all turned to one another and all frowned at the same time.

"What are we all doing here?" someone suddenly asked

"I have no idea, I even came with rope and clamp, it's not like I wanted to practice rock climbing right." Another said.

"You are the only one Mr Yul, I even came running here with a lever, what am I pulling back?" another said.

"Somebody say something, what is going on around here?" another asked screaming in confusion

"We do not have to panic, guess we are running for safety when the darkness hit the world."

Everybody suddenly nods their head and agreed with the last speaker, if was because when the world was in darkness, they saw that only the building was not affected. Anyway everybody all return back downstairs and left. Off course the school closed down for months after, because it was time for the world to deal with the after effects of the darkness disaster.

And so was the world around too, no one remember the void or whatever happens and those sucked into the big black void.

Meanwhile Li An, Yao Ji, Wang Hong, Gu Min, Hao Ji were all carried away and in the darkness they drifted for many hours to an unknown place, just that none of them was dead, neither were they suffocated or in any trouble.

And finally after many minutes or hours or days or weeks or months or even years of even decades or century or millennium, none knew how long they had drifted the darkness, they all saw light ahead and they landed somewhere unknown.