One Million Years Journey and the Hall of Destiny

Chapter Five

Li An does not know how long he and the other had drifted thought his dark void, it seems like eternity to him, just that none of them was far away from one another, they were all encamped beside one another, just that they seems to be an independent void from one another, just that they can see one another, but neither could heard one another.

But a ball of light surrounded them and thus cut them off from one another, off course Li An could see the girls all in panicked state, they were shivering as fear engulf then all over, Yao Ji pretty face had turned gloomy, she wrapped her hand around herself, and she was shivering more like someone who had caught a cold or flu.

Gu Min and Hao Ji were no different too, they as Yao Ji was so scared that they had turned pale, it was like none of them had blood on their face, they also wrapped their hands around themselves too, and their eyes glue on their feet.

Off course Wang Hong and the rest of the guys were also scared too, just that they managed to masked their scariness under a brave face, off course Wang Hong can't help but wine like a girl, he was looking around and mumbling on irrelevant things, off course he alone could probably heard his own voice, none could heard him. But Li An could already guess what Wang Hong was saying, he is probably cursing or swearing, of even making threat with his family name or things like that.

Anyway Li have no problem with him, he was more concerned about what is going on, off course about ten of them were sucked into the black void, but he alone was a bit calm about the turn of event. Off course been someone who grew up with nothing and no one, he was so scared and thus this gave him a sense of awareness and security and also confidence.

Therefore, he always had this forbearance to never panic never in front of trouble or problem, hence while they transverse through the void, Li An alone had this conformity and comportment around him, and off course the same time his eyes and and Gu Min eyes locked with one another.

Li An smiled and made a gesture with his hand. "Don't panic, all will be alright, just brace yourself ready for what is ahead."

It felt like magic, because Gu Min actually understand Li An, and off course Li An gesture create more confidence in her that she also smiled and muttered silently "Thank you so much."

Li An spread his arms and shakes his mouth. "You are welcome."

He does not say anything, because the had all probably understand that neither could heard one another, so far they they are still in the white light that cloud them. Anyway after Li An gesture, Gu Min finally brightened up a bit and she was not as pale as the rest.

Suddenly just ahead there seem to be a small flicker of light, it was so tiny that neither mind it, but as they continued to transverse further, the small flicker of light began to get bigger and bigger, until the small light takes the shape of a gigantic door. This was like hope for Li An and the rest, even Li An who seems to be able to take the fear was a bit shaking and happy that at least something changes.

Suddenly there was a big tremor, a tremor not different from a bug earthquake, the kind earthquake that surely can sunk the entire world under ground, off course the black void was shaken to be brim, that Li An and the rest all screamed with fear, and before they knew it, they all landed and found themselves in front of a big black and white door.

Everyone all groan with pain, because they had actually been thrown out and landed on the ground.

Li An was the first to voice out. "That could have been worse."

He said and dusted his body, as he scanned the area very well, off course Yao Ji, Wang Hong, Gu Min and Hao Ji and the rest all got up and began to looked around, suddenly the door opened and out came two men also dressed in black and white too, they stand to match with the color of the door.

"You are welcome to the Hall of destiny, you shall be reborn and remade, you shall be rebirth, and a new destiny await you, your past is gone, only future await you, you are no longer of the past, you are now of the future." The two men in a black and white hood said in unison.

Off course the duo eyes were not seen, because the hood covered them completely, and from a good angle, it seem neither have a face, because even the white hooded

"But beware." The white hooded guy suddenly began alone.

"Because your destiny is in your hand." The Black hooded guy cut in

"You shall choose and not be given."

"You shall be tempted, but you shall not be enticed."

"So open your eyes and observed while you decide your path, observed where your destiny lies." The duo said in unison once again

"Options are for you, but your destiny lies in your choices made this day." The black guys began this time around

"Choose not power nor strength nor wealth nor riches." The white hooded guys cut in once again

"Choose not the things that shall be gone with the wind."

"But Choose life and death."

"Choose to know and to know more."

"Choose that which will guide and light your pact"

"Choose that which will offer you life of riches and honor."

"Make a choice of that which will give you life of peace and joy, and in death contentment and satisfaction."

"Because fortunate lies in knowing and been wise, great blessing reside when you have a greater sense of understanding." The duo said in unison once again.

Off course, Li An, Yao Ji, Wang Hong, Gu Min, Hao Ji and the rest were just looking at the two hooded guys talking and talking without restraints, off course none have an idea about what is going on, it waslike the duo were crazy after all.

"The heck is wrong with this two." Wang Hong was the first to say something. Off course he stopped listening for a very long time.

Well he was not alone anyway, the rest of the boys no longer listened again, they were just playing around as the black and white guys continued to preach and preach for a very long time, Yao Ji who was listening as well soon lost interest, Hao Ji and Gu Min were attentive, and off course Li An as well no longer listened to the duo preaching any longer, he already sat down with his legs crossed together and his eyes closed together.

"...… Now you shall sent away and so your new journey begins." The Black and White hooded guy said in unison with finality

The began to wave their hands, and off course a kind of force began to surround the duo, it was no different from the same force that sucked them all into the void back on earth, the different this time was that the force was seen visible and clear. The black guy was surrounded with black force, and the white hooded guy was surrounded in white force.

And before Li An and the rest eyes, the black and white force intertwined and off course they were all covered in black and white visible force, off course the two force did not contradict one another, rather it intertwined and work together in harmony.

While this was happening, the girls became scared once again, they had experience this force back on earth, and here they are in an unknown place standing in front of unknown people who are no different from someone who is mentally disturbed, and right now the same experience was happening again, they were been surrounded by the same force, just that this time the force seems to be stronger than before.

Quickly Gu Min had held on to Li An body, off course Hao Ji who never liked Li An as well held onto him too, at least it suddenly dawn on her that, Li An was the most trustworthy friend she had now. Meanwhile the black and white continued to harmonized and the next second it elevated and threw Li An group right into the door opened door.