Chapter Six
In a very big hall right in a Kingdom, the kingdom was the usual modern Kingdom, but tin the medieval times, the hall itself was majestic and big, so huge that it could fit q small town in the mordern day times.
Off course many people filled the hall, there are soldier all in different color of armor, they all carried spear and sword at their side, and off course they all surrounded different kinds of people, and yes these sets of people were all divided into different kind of color too, and they all sat down murmuring to one another.
But different from all was a majestic throne different from every other seat, it was no different from the seat of a Emperor, and off course the one sitting in it have the vibe and liking of an Emperor, a golden crown was on his head and he wore a robe with the design of a Golden Dragon, the color of his robe was fiery red.
Suddenly there was a blinding light, the light was so bright that everyone had to protect themselves with every kind of power or spell that they knew, the light remain for half a minute and it go down, and off course what remain were few number if people close to ten of them.
Immediately the entire people in the room all stood up and said in unison. "Welcome Heroes."
Oft course the people who came with the light were no one but Li An and the rest of boys and girls with him, off course after they had pass through the hall of destiny, they were sent here directly by those men.
Meanwhile Yao Ji, Wang Hong and Gu Min, Hao Ji and the rest all jumped up in happiness, they even embrace one another because they were too happy to be alive.
"We finally made out of that black hole." Yao Ji was the one who spoke with happiness, right now she was wearing a blue dress that which reach her feet.
Off course Gu Min and Hao Ji were also in green and white respectively, and trio had the beauty that could topple Nation.
Wang Hong looked around and saw the people looking at them with amazement, he tap Yao Ji and the rest, they as well stop jubilating and looked around, then they noticed where they are right away.
Immediately the Emperor on the majestic throne stood up and walked towards them "I welcome you to our world."
"Where are we? And by the way Who are you?" Wang Hong asked with prideful tone.
Off course the Emperor was not disturbed nor angry at Wang Hong word, rather he smiled and bow. "You are in the fourth dimension, and I am named Bao, I am the Emperor in my own World, and you are our Heroes that we summoned to help us fight and battle our war."
Everybody all frowned because they were all confused at the turn of event, off course Wang Hong voice out more aggressively.
"I have no intention to fight any war for you, I was sucked into this place by you only to die in a battle that was never mine, I am dignified young master who never knew any hardship, and for your own good, you had better sent me back to my world right now."
Li An expression suddenly become grave with worry, because from Wang Hong words, he seem to learn something so very crucial, he moved closer to Gu Min and said silently.
"You do not remember anything after we are suck in." he said.
Gu Min was taken aback at first, but she nods her head. "Yes, I remember you been an hero trying to save me, but eventually we were all sucked in and we found ourselves in this place who want us to fight for them."
Li An almost fell down right now, he was now so confused right now, that was because he can still vividly remember all that happened after been sucked in, he remember the Hall of Destiny event, the two black and white door and men and their words, he remembered all that happened after, how they were taken to a place, and everyone of them all choose a destiny, and how much they undergoes rigorous training for more than ten years, just that none of them age a little bit in that hall of destiny.
And then after ten years of training and learning, they were sent right into this place again. But as it is now, it seems him alone could remembered all this things, Li An does not know if to cry or laugh, because he does not understand the reason why he alone had his memory intact and untouched.
Well Wang Hong and Bao the Emperor were still bickering words, but Wang Hong suddenly asked. "So if I get to win this war for you, I get to live in riches and wealth and women?"
Bao only smiled and he said. "You are our hero, even before the war, everything in our care is yours to use, Gold, cultivation materials, precious stones, even choose any women or men that you wanted, they will all be sent to you, without a second thought, and if we won this war, then you have become our lifetime savior and gods that we will worship for as long as possible."
Hearing all this caused Wang Hong to be happy, at least in his previous life, he had always had that crazy mentality to play with every woman he came across, just that back then, he was limited to his age and those below him in status, but here in this fourth dimension, he had the opportunity to take anyone that he wanted as he wish and desire.
Off course it was not Wang Hong alone, even his larkey were all glad that they as well were grinning ear to ear with happiness.
Li An finally speak out. "I wanted to asked you if we have a way of going back, that was because in our previous life, we have family who will seek for us."
Wang Hong scoffed loudly. "Do you even have anyone to seek for you, you are loser who have no family and no friends."
"Wang Hong, you are the loser and an animal, at least he is better than you who only care yourself and not others." Hao Ji was the one who speak with anger. It was because she gradually realize that Li An was far better than Wang Hong, and she felt so sorry for how she had treated Li An back then.
Meanwhile Hao Ji words caused Wang Hong to anger, he wished to smashed Hao Ji to pulp, he even raised his hand to smack Hao Ji head, and out of nowhere a KingKong phantom suddenly materialize behind him and he smashed down on Hao Ji. Off course the later was so scared that she wanted to protect herself, and off course wall of fire materialize out of nowhere around her and that take the hit for her.
All the same she was thrown back and she vomit blood from herself, Gu Min ran to Hao Ji side just to help her up, but off course Hao Ji was wounded that he can no longer stand on her feet.
But what happened now had caused a question looked from everyone, even Wang Hong looked at his own hand and looked back at Bao for an answer.
Meanwhile Bao smiled and he approached Wang Hong, he said. "I told you so that you are our Heroes, and you all have your different powers and strength, it is not you two alone, but everyone of you all, you all have an inmate powers, so you don't have to fight amongst yourself, because we need you all Hale and hearty to lead us to war."
"How is that possible?" Wang Hong asked with a shaky tone.
"You shall know as time goes on, but for now all you need is to test your inner power using that stone first, then we shall proceed from there." Bao replied.
And then he turned to Li An. "And for your question young Hero, you were never in your previous world, you are just a fragment which had pass away with wind, and right now no one even remember if you ever existed in the first place, your place is here, so no one will mind any of you gone."
Li An heaved out relief first, but then he pointed out and he said. "What about Hao Ji, she is injured."
"Oh!" Bao snapped his finger and immediately some on brought a pill and brought it for Hao Ji to take, off course she took it, but it is not working in anyway, and it seems like she is not going to make it.
Gu Min was petrified that she placed her hand on Hao Ji chest, she even cried for losing her friend in the first day here, even Li An was worried, he also kneel beside her and said kind words.
"It is going to be okay Hao. You have to be strong." Li An said together.
Hao Hi smiled as she vomited more blood, she was glad to be surrounded by friends as she died, off course everyone was worried that an hero had to died that quick. Just that what happened next was surprising, because a white light suddenly materialize from Gu Min body and it enveloped Hao Ji body, the next seconds Hao Ji was heal completely, like nothing ever happened.