The Powers of the Ancient

Chapter Seven

The commotion that Gu Min created by this new sought of abilities was so great that it caused blood began to boils, and people suddenly became restless at the same time.

"She's got the Holy Light of healing."

"That is impossible, the legend that had been lost for ages."

"The last Maiden of Light ascended more then a million years ago, and just when our world is desperate, another Maiden of Light was summoned for us."

But then another commotion suddenly happened, because Gu Min began to scream in pain, and the same time rolling on the ground for ecstasy, mouth were opened and people were even shocked on what to do next, off course Li An and Hao Ji run to help her, but then another blinding light surrounded her and off course when the light dies down, a white pair of wings suddenly erupted from her back.

The white color set of people stood up with mouth opened wide in shock, mouth was agape in shock and some almost destroyed the building due to loading control of their inner energy.

"It is impossible, she is got the Angel blood running in her vein."

"That is not just any Angel blood, but the Arch Angel blood, the most supreme of all Angel blood, Golden in color, full of vitality and Royalty."

"She belonged to us."

"How dare you steal our Maiden of Light?"

The next seconds Sword were drawn and immediately two faction wanted to fight against one another, and from the vibe and aura around them, these sets of people are ready to kill one another, surely this Maiden of Light and Arch Angel must be very important for these two faction to not care about one another, and will gladly killed one another for it.

The room was full of tension and death, and all it needed was just a little spark and boom, there will be death and destruction right away.

Li An was stunned, Gu Min was still in the air trying to balance herself, Hao Ji had her mouth opened wide, and off course blood was tripping from her lips, Wang Hong was stunned freeze like a statue, Yao Ji was just at the back looking wide with her eyes almost pooping out her eyeball.

"Can somebody just tell me what is going on around here?" Li An was the one who screamed right now, off course the voice was loud and so terrifying that even the most advance cultivator in the hall can't help but be scared, they all looked at Li An with a confused eyes, because they suddenly felt that they were this close to bow and worship Li An feet.

Off course Li An merely talked casually, he himself have no idea about the feeling the entire people in the hall felt when he screamed right now. Anyway the feeling does not linger that much, and then Emperor Bao had to step in.

"We do not have to fight one another, we just have to test out heroes with the stone and then we shall choose then accordingly." He said calmly.

Off course the men and women all withdraw their weapon and settle down calmly back on their seat, but the anxiousness can be felt all around the room, more like they were in just a superficial peace only, and anything could spark the fire once again.

Anyway Gu Min managed to call back the wing which disappeared immediately, he landed safely beside Li An and Hao Ji, Wang Hong, Yao Ji and the rest also stand at the same ace, because it dawn on them that they all possessed this magnimous power which those set of people all in a Faction could slaughtered one another for it.

Bao voiced out. "Heroes, just as you see, we have long expected you to arrive, it has been thousands of years already, and the last set of Heroes are not even half of any of you, that is why we are so anxious right now."

"Okay so, how do we know our powers then?" Li An asked in a calm tone.

"We have a stone to test just that, and the brighter the stone, the higher is the concentration of whatever power you all carried." Bao said and he turned to Wang Hong.

"Just like our Hero here, he can summoned King Kong phantom, surely that is the lost Ancient Beast power, no one knew not have any clue about it any longer, this is what my world generally needed right now."

Off course Li An can't help but shakes his mouth, because even a fool could see that Bao was trying to rope Wang Hong to his side. Well he does not have any issue with this, at least even him could not believe whatever heritage Wang Hong choose from that Hall of destiny.

But is still a puzzle for Li An, because he alone can actually remembered everything clearly like it was yesterday. Back in the all, when they all entered, they were all rushed by different kind of light and being to learn from them, and off course they all made choices. Just that his own choice back then was a bit funny, he met this formless being who said he would taught him everything, and off course by the Black and White guy said just outside, they are to choose to know, to be wise and to understand, and off course he had followed the formless being.

It was later he regretted his decision, because the formless being had actually taught him all kind of subject, from Science to Art to Commerce, he was taught Politics, Poems, Calligraphy, Artist, he was taught Music, he was taught Management, he was taught Draft and even Chee's, he undergoes every different kind of lessons, that he cannot even try and explain all or even count. But the weird of all is that, even thought the knowledge comprises of all knowledge, he does not forget any of them, and off course he was gifted with a lot of material by the formless being.

For every level he master, he was given different gift like Musical Instrument, Cooking Pots, Bowls, Books, Calligraphy Pen, Bottles, Woods, even many Cheese board was given to him. Off course the formless being gave him an Inventory where he store all those things, funny no one could even detect that on him.

It was after many years that they were sent here.

Now Li An believed that he surely would have power that might be able to pull Heaven and Earth to submission, after all had practice all those lesson successfully.

Anyway, the test began, Wang Hong larkey had all gone first, off course they posses different kind of affinities, Fire, Wind, Ice, Water, and many more, off course nobody care about them, but because they were Hero, still Bao had asked for them all, and off course they were left for him.

Hao Ji also tested next, and off course he had tasted for the Elder blood, off course immediately the Red faction who had fought for Gu Min the other time had taken her right away. The Elder Blood was a powerful blood that can breed Superhuman. Off course this faction came from Agar world

Gu Min does not need to be tasted before she was snatched away by the Holy Light World, it was because they specialize in healing, and the few who can fight the world were beast, off course the hand that can heal can also kill too.

As for Wang Hong, he knew that Bao would never let him go, but he asked to be tasted, and when his bloodline was tasted, it had almost break the tasting orb, this was shocking, because it reveal how powerful his bloodline was. Awkwardly, everyone could only congratulate Bao for his luck. Even Bao himself felt elated for been fast to take Wang Hong.

Meanwhile Yao Ji also tasted, and she was tasted for goddess blood, so pure and magical, this is another commotion as the hall almost broke to fight, but it was surprising when Yao Ji voice out.

"I am going to Gale World, because that is where my power can be fully utilize." Yao Ji said with pride.

Bao can't help but jumped for joy, because he alone had two powerful Heroes choosing his side, and couple with the other who wanted to follow Wang Hong too, it shows that he alone was the lucky side this time.

Well left with Li An, he also tasted, but off course Wang Hong already had his head held high, he approached Li An and said. "You are a loser and no matter wherever you found yourself, a loser you will be forever."

Li An does not mind Wang Hong, he only approached the orb, and place his hand on, but then the unexpected happened, because almost five minute later, the orb does not have any reaction.