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I got out of the tent and looked around our camp a bit. It's pretty small itself, there aren't many people here, less than a hundred I think. Everyone kind of tried to camouflage, but getting closer, it's easy to see the whole camp. Well, it's not so bad, at least we're not a squad and a half, but at least two platoons.
But, wanting to go to the right tent for the meeting, I realised that I had no idea where exactly this tent was.
But after looking around our camp a bit, I noticed that a few people were heading to a rather large tent not far from the one I was in. Though mine looked like almost a normal soldier tent, just a bit bigger. Though I didn't really notice it had more than one person's belongings in it, and it just looked like one person was living there. I'd just arrived, though, and it was possible I'd just been assigned a place in a hurry.
Without waiting, I headed to the supposed meeting place. I'm just going to hope I'm right.
And once inside, I was right after all, because the girl who had called me here was already waiting for me. There were also five other people who were clearly in a subordinate position to us, meaning there were only two captains in rank.
- Hmm, well, since everyone is already gathered, we'll start a little earlier," the girl said as she looked around at all the people in the tent.
- If you say so, Captain Garrett," said a guy in his twenties with a rather calm look.
- All right, Chris, describe the situation we're in, with details, because Captain Kent has just arrived. He should have been given all the reports, of course, but he'd rather hear it himself," said Captain Garrett, and I didn't know her name, which was bad.
After her words, a man older than the rest of us, almost forty years old, stood up and took out some papers and began to speak, occasionally glancing at them.
- We are in the rear of the alleged enemy base, and our main task is sabotage. According to intelligence data, there is one of the leaders of a terrorist organisation at that base, the capture or elimination of which is a priority. At this point, we were able to understand the approximate number of terrorists at the base and around it, which is a total of about three thousand soldiers. But at the same time the terrorists do not have modern weapons and are poorly organised. We also don't know what one of the terrorist leaders is doing at the base, but our analysts have put forward a theory about the preparation of chemical weapons at the base. Our forces consist of two professional platoons led by Captain Agnes Garrett and Captain Edmund Kent, totalling 112 men. We managed to capture two prisoners who were heading towards the enemy base and now we are waiting for the results of the interrogation, - he said briefly all the necessary information, and I realised that we were, in fact, fucked. Two platoons against several thousand people? That's a questionable operation. If all we have to do is capture the leader, it gets easier, but it's still pretty fucked up. And if they really do have chemical weapons, our chances of survival go way down.
- So what do you make of our situation, Ed? - Agnes asked me, after a short silence.
- How can I put this delicately? It depends on a lot of factors, but basically we're fucked. Our mission is doable, but with our forces... the casualties will be high," I said, analysing the situation.
- Well, you're right. But we have the luckiest U.S. soldier in the world, able to get out of the enemy's midst alone, and carrying two wounded soldiers on his shoulders, so we'll manage," she said, looking at me. Apparently, the previous owner of my body was quite a capable man. Now all I have to do is not fuck up his reputation.
- Okay, you're right. We've got more than a chance. What do you think about what we should do next, because you know I'm more of a combat oriented person than a command oriented one," I said, hoping I hadn't misjudged the past owner's analysis.
- Okay, well, that's what I expected you to say. In fact, I've already thought of something, I just have to wait for the testimony of the prisoners and then my plan will be ready," she said, leaning on the back of the chair.
After that she began to tell us her idea. She wanted to split into two squads, the first would be the most experienced and capable and would try to quietly infiltrate the enemy base, while the second would create a stir somewhere nearby to distract the terrorists. Our squad would have to sneak through all the guard posts and get to the enemy base, where we would try to capture the terrorist leader, and then we would set up an explosion to distract them, and quickly leave the base with the hostage. In case of failure we had to at least eliminate the leader, and then leave the enemy base. Everything is quite simple, but only in words. In reality, it's a complicated mission that will definitely not go according to plan, which I'm just sure of.
In all the time I've been involved in the war, none of our plans have ever gone perfectly, even the much more elaborate and successful ones that have been given lip service. There are always too many loose ends we don't even know about. Really, everyone here realised that, but the plan was generally accepted.
After a couple more hours of planning, we were informed about the information obtained during the interrogation, and things went much better, because we learnt the main positions and checkpoints of the terrorists. However, then we had to rework the plan a bit, because one roadblock was too much of a hindrance to the whole mission. It would have to be taken care of first, otherwise everything could go down before it even started.
Fortunately, there were no more than twenty men at that roadblock, armed with old Kalashnikovs, if not worse.
We were much better off. We all had an FN SCAR assault rifle and a Glock, we also had a few kilos of explosives and two snipers to back us up. At least the first mission would have to go the way it should.
After discussing everything, we decided to go prepare and get some sleep, as only half of the battalion would be going on this mission, which I would lead, at least I volunteered to do it myself, after all I need more enlistments while I have the chance.
War is the perfect place to sacrifice people to the system, and I will not have a guilty conscience, because I will be killing terrorists, who have ruined many lives and deserve to die more than anyone else.
Together with me on this mission was to go to twenty-two more people, including Semilia. It will be very useful, because her combat skills are not bad, well, and immortality is attached.
In any case, I didn't know anyone else from my squad, which was bad enough, so I sent a senior lieutenant who volunteered to be my assistant to gather everyone who would be travelling with me. We had to at least get acquainted.
After that, I went to my tent myself to call out to Semilia, because basically no one here knows her but me, and yet it's like she's written into the universe. And it even scares me a little bit, because how powerful is this system, since it can affect the whole reality, literally inscribing a character into it. But on the other hand, according to the power levels that the system provides, I can summon creatures so powerful that it seems like a small thing, and it's even a little scary to realise that.
It's basically how the system's summoning works. The stronger the victim, the stronger the summoner will be, but there's always a small chance of summoning someone much stronger. And that raises interest at the same time as fear. What if I summon a creature that is superior to me in every way, comparable to a god. Would I even be able to control it? It's not the time for such philosophical questions, it's better to concentrate on the present, and I don't have to summon such a creature, I can just absorb it.
- You look even nicer like that," I said when I saw Semilia in her military uniform.
- Thank you," she said, smiling a little.
- Okay, now we'll go and meet the rest of our squad, but before we do, I have to explain the situation to you," I said, starting to tell her everything I had heard recently. To my surprise I felt that my memory was much better than in my previous life. I guess my new body is much better than my old one.
- Aha... so we are now at war with some terrorists taking over the country? And basically our primary mission is sabotage... Sounds even better than I thought. It would be more difficult at the front, at least in that I'd have to explain to the others why I was even still alive there," Semilia muttered, with a small smile.
- Yeah, the bullets flew within a millimetre of your skin, only tearing your uniform, and the blood wasn't yours at all, you just got dirty, it was a battlefield after all," I supported her joke with a small smile. Apparently she noticed my slightly tense mood and decided to lighten the atmosphere.
-Ahahahaha," she laughed, looking at me. I laughed back as well, more to vent my stress than actually enjoying the joke. It's still not easy to go straight from one war to another, especially after dying in that very war.
I was on edge from the moment I got here and felt a huge amount of tension, like I was still in combat. And it was not only the fact of death itself that was to blame, but also the environment. After all, I was surrounded by people I didn't know and didn't trust very much, despite their friendly attitude.
And Semilia helped me relax a bit so that I could at least get some rest before the mission. Otherwise I would have just been winding myself up the whole time instead of resting.
- Thank you for that," I mumbled, and she knew exactly what I meant, but just smiled sweetly back.
I guess I was already in love, because how could you not fall in love with such a cute smile. And I still feel like I can only trust her now, I don't know if it's intuition or some hidden property of the system, but I don't care anymore.
We ended up standing across from each other, just looking at the faces of the people we were talking to and not moving. It was quite peaceful and neither of us wanted to destroy this peaceful atmosphere.
But all good things always come to an end, just as this moment ended.
- Captain Kent, I've rounded everyone up," the guy I sent to round everyone up came into my tent and reported.
I just took a deep breath after his words and showed Semilia to follow me. We've got a lot of dangerous things to do in the near future, and I just hope I get some kind of hero medal and retire, or at least serve in the Special Services, in the US itself. War is just too complicated...
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