First Combat

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- Greetings, Captain Kent! - greeted me with a chorus of voices as soon as I entered the tent.

- There's no need for unnecessary officialdom. There's no need for that in this situation. I learned that in a bad situation, so it's better to let you know how to behave than to regret it," I said, remembering an unpleasant situation I didn't want to remember.

- Okay," one guy said calmly, really relaxing after my words.

- Okay, I think you all know the situation, so let's get to the point. I'm going to be in charge of all of you in the upcoming mission and I want to make sure that none of you screw up right in the middle of the mission, and for that it's best to just get to know you. It's always better than reading stupid dossiers and reports from psychologists," I said calmly, sitting down on a chair and turning to the people who were looking at me.

- Heh, that's our way. I expected an arrogant arsehole to be in charge, and I like this situation a lot better. I'm Adam Carring, Lieutenant Junior Lieutenant, just a regular guy from Georgia, here to make some money and help my parents," said a slightly tanned young man. Judging by his demeanour he was already relatively experienced and had been in a couple of fights, which I liked.

Everyone else introduced themselves as well, talking a bit about themselves and giving their motives for going to war. They all had different ones. Some of them wanted to become soldiers, some of them thought it was the most profitable profession, and some of them just didn't know where to go. To my surprise, everyone here was quite frank, which I liked.

Talking to them all gave me a little confidence, and just relaxed me. It's always nice to know that you're fighting shoulder to shoulder with ordinary people like yourself. It helped them a lot, too, because their lives depended on me. Everyone doesn't want to be in a squad with a self-righteous moral freak who might well send you on a suicide mission.Semilia also introduced herself quite simply and said that she was from Germany, and had joined the army under the influence of her parents, just after moving to the US. Still, I explained our situation to her and she calmly navigated her way through it.

After our brief encounter, everyone drifted apart. The meeting itself, although rather crumpled, did not leave me feeling upset. Now I just needed to get some sleep before the mission. And just thinking about it, I immediately felt incredibly tired, both mentally and physically.

After all, it means a lot to survive death, and my body had not rested for a long time, so I just fell on the first bed I could find as soon as I got to my tent. Now it's rest time, and everything else later.

Just touching the pillow and closing my eyes, I drifted into sleep, only to open my eyes again a few seconds later and see Semilia in front of my face.

- We should be getting ready, we're going on a mission in twenty minutes," Semilia said. And I realised that the dream had passed in a flash. It was as if I had just rebooted, just laying down on the bed and immediately getting up energised and rested. Not to say that I wasn't used to this, but it still felt unusual every time, remembering those times when every night was for me a new adventure into an unknown world. But now reality is much more like a fairy tale for me, so it's worth forgetting about all these fences.

- Okay, I just need to get dressed," I said, getting out of bed. We're not going on this operation in our typical army gear, but in disguise as typical terrorist gear, like rags with the occasional bit of armour underneath.

We were equipped in light body armour and light armour of other parts of the body, over which we also threw rags, which covered all the dirty parts of the outfit.

Our weapons were also camouflaged, though not so carefully, and it was because of them that the chance of detection increased. But we had no other weapons, except for a couple of Kalashnikov rifles taken from the captured terrorists.

- Are you ready? - I said as I approached the small truck where my small squad was already assembled.

- Yes, sir," said the senior lieutenant who had volunteered to be my aide.

- Then load into the truck. And remember the plan, it's a small roadblock, and we'll have to drive up to it quietly, without arousing suspicion, and then quickly storm it. There's no more than 20 men there, and we'll have to try to keep it quiet. I'll deal with the first checkpoints myself, and then it's up to you. Carefully infiltrate the building where the others will be. Not ready for our assault, they should not make a serious fight, you will only have to pull the trigger, - I said, seriously looking at my subordinates. Since half of them are only newcomers, it is not clear how they ended up in a sabotage squad, fulfilling an incredibly important purpose for the entire war.

After my words all somehow quieted down, as if inwardly preparing for the next step. And I just calmly started the truck and drove to the desired point. The journey will take a few hours, during which they can get ready. I've been ready for a long time. My hands are covered in blood, and even though all that blood belongs to murderers and creatures unworthy of being called human, the fact remains. But I have no regrets, and I will never stop doing what I do. Although I don't like war, I am sure that it is necessary to destroy all kinds of abominations. And I want to continue to do it, just in a slightly more pleasant environment. After all, there are enough freaks, criminals and maniacs in peaceful countries. I'll have to take care of them.

But right now, I need to focus on the present. I'm already approaching the roadblock and I see them telling me to stop. Slowing down a bit, I park my car right in front of a trio of terrorists who are eyeing me suspiciously. All three of them are staring intently into my eyes, waiting for something.

And that's only to my advantage. A millisecond later, one of my eyes turns into something strange, and from its depths it looks like a bird flies out, aiming for the terrorists' eyes. In the same second, I open the car door, pushing them away and throwing them to the ground. If they were in perfect health, they would not have fallen to the ground so easily, but now they were in so much pain that they couldn't even move, and one of them appeared to be dead.

With a jerk I got out of the car and pulled out a simple army knife and made two quick thrusts, right into the ankles of the two living Arabs. I stab the third one purely for pro forma, because if anyone notices that he died for nothing, there will be questions for me.

After killing the first two, I felt something strange in the back of my mind. And no, it wasn't a sudden awakening of humanity. I'm pretty sure it was the system that absorbed the souls of those two and now I can use them.

Fine, but now we need to focus on the operation. I tapped the truck twice, signalling to my squad. They then quietly got out of the truck, trying not to make any noise, and moved towards a small two-storey building. From there there were sounds of people and some conversations in a language I didn't know.

I moved in front, and my subordinates followed a little further behind me. During my time in the rear, I had learnt something very important, namely to be quiet and inconspicuous. To move in such a way that my footsteps could not be heard and my clothes did not make any noise. And in hiding myself I had, you could say, a talent, because of all my then platoon I was the best in this case.

So I moved forward, carefully opening the door, with a pistol in one hand and a knife in the other. The corridor was clear, but I could hear a conversation in the next room, so I peeked in there for a second to see a spirit of a man sitting in front of a radio listening to something.

Indicating to my squad to move forward immediately after I got rid of the two men, I moved forward. My mission was to kill them, preferably quietly and quickly, without firing a shot. But as usual things went wrong.

When I got close to them, one of them turned around and looked straight at me. I had no choice but to use my Gias on him and kill or stun him with it.

His comrade-in-arms also heard the noise and grabbed the assault rifle lying nearby. But by the time I got close to him and stuck my knife in his neck, he had managed to fire several shots. All of them missed, but they made enough noise that my men immediately moved in for the assault.

I, on the other hand, took out the knife and checked the second one, who was dead after all. Also leaving a hole in his neck, I quickly intercepted the machine gun, and moved deep into the building myself. My squad, even though it consisted mostly of rookies, still acted quite professionally

But things just couldn't go too perfectly, as they usually did. I managed to take out two more when the gunfire throughout the building stopped. And there were groans of pain. Someone had been hit after all.

- Charles! -called for my assistant, who came straight to me.

- Report!" I demanded again.

- Yes, sir. We have two wounded and one dead. Anderson died in an ambush that none of us expected. One of the terrorists hid in a wardrobe with a machine gun and managed to shoot three people before being neutralised. Unfortunately, it was Anderson's last shot, but the other two only suffered minor wounds," he said, at a fairly quick pace.

We didn't manage to avoid casualties after all. It's sad, but... as unfortunate as it is, you get used to it. People get used to it, strange as it may sound. And I'm used to allies dying.

- What's the situation? - I asked again.

- All the enemies have been neutralised, we even managed to capture one of them. The building is captured, mission accomplished, - said the senior lieutenant, indifferent to the death of his ally.

- All right, bring the prisoner to me, give first aid to the wounded. After that, send half of the squad, along with the wounded and Anderson's body to the base. You'll lead that squad. Tell Captain Garret it's time to start phase two of the plan. Dismissed! - I said in a commanding voice.

- Aye!" he answered me quickly and left.

Now all that's left to do is to get the question done and then we can get on with other interesting things. Namely the summoning...


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