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Okay, armour in place, walkie-talkie, pistol, automatic rifle, combat knife, ammo, two flash-bangs, one fragmentation, basic first aid kit and torch. Everything is in place, although some of these items could be laid out, but I'd rather leave it just in case. You never know what you might need at a certain point.
I don't know why I took the gear off in the first place. Although it's heavy enough to be with it all the time, and we had a little break with a breather, but I just got word that the second squad has moved on to their objective, which means it's time for us to do the same. Time to move on to the main mission.
Hopefully it will be my last mission in this war. Although I just woke up here and haven't done anything yet, I've had enough war in my previous life. It's not the most pleasant of pastimes. And the previous owner of this body has obviously spent enough time on the battlefield, and even a few awards should have received, if the rumours about me are true.
And I hope the government doesn't decide to do it to me in their favourite way, just throwing me out on the street with nothing for such great feats. In my former life, the Americans liked to do that to their soldiers a lot. Ours did it too.
- Captain Kent, we're ready for the mission," my aide reported to me, saluting. I looked him over and he was as fully equipped as I was, with a few additions, albeit minor.
- Then let's go to the car. It's getting close to nightfall, and we should be able to get to the enemy base before dawn," I said, heading outside, the soldier following me. We didn't really want to make small talk, so we moved in silence.
I actually feel very strong after absorbing all these guys, but I also feel something strange. I'm starting to notice sometimes that I'm remembering something foreign. It's like it's not my memories.
Here's a little boy who looks like me now, playing quietly with a few kids in a sandbox. Here he is, but already a teenager, walking along with a beautiful blonde on a farm, talking about something. Again the angle changes and he is already lying on the bed alone with a frustrated face reading some letter.
Again the same guy, but almost the same as me, is practising shooting at some shooting range. A second later he is already on the battlefield trying to pull out two of his wounded comrades. And the last memory is of him arguing about something with a muscular man in a military uniform.
And I actually realise what it is. And even where I got this memory from. This memory is past Edmund Kent, who was here before me. And perhaps it's because of my enhanced intelligence that I've begun to remember it. When I came into this body, the old memories hadn't gone away, no, they were still there, I just didn't remember them, but now it was as if my brain was working at full power, brightening even the dimmest of my memories.
But it was for the best. I'd already promised myself I'd take care of my new family, and that would have been hard to do if I didn't have this body's past memory. It's easier now, I'll just have to remember everything, but that's for the future. That's not what I need to think about before a fight.
As I approached the truck, I examined it and compared it to the one in the Arabs' small car park. Hmmm, no, we'd better take their transport. The truck is too new, too colourful and too distinctive for us.
Maybe at night the guards won't be too busy looking at all the vehicles coming in, but up close they might get suspicious, so let's change vehicles. We don't want them raising the alarm before they die.
- We'll take this car because ours stands out too much. They didn't notice it last time, but this time it could be different," I said, looking at my soldiers.
- Does everyone know the plan? - I asked. The answer I got was just nods of agreement.
- Which of you are the snipers? - I asked again. I didn't know much about this art before, but one of the people I absorbed was a much better sniper, so I know something now. Even though all of the characters' powers are given to me half-weakened, the skills and memories I get are full.
- We," the guy who had two more soldiers standing next to him with sniper rifles over their shoulders spoke calmly.
- Did you pick a point? - I asked him.
- Yes, Captain Kent. Judging by the location of the base, and the immediate landscape, this is the best spot," he said, pulling out a small clipboard and showing me the point. I rated it pretty high myself, but there was a better one. Not far from the sniper's chosen point, there was a place that enemy snipers wouldn't be able to see because of the landscape, so I advised my subordinates to choose it.
- Since everyone is ready, let's get in," I said, getting behind the wheel. Semilia sat in the front seat instead of me, looking at me with a slightly worried look. She must be worried, because I'm not immortal, unlike her. And our mission is not far from suicide mission, so her worries are logical. But I think I can still survive here, it's not for nothing that I absorbed two first-class soldiers. I should still be careful though.
Quickly starting the truck, I glanced at the road and drove forward. I'll need to drop off our snipers not too far from the point, and then move to the back entrance of the base, where there will be less security. It's harder to get in, and fewer people know about it, but our prisoners were cooperative enough.
The only thing is that the screening is much stricter at the back entrance, but that's not our problem, because I plan to kill the guards with my gyas right away, without making much of a fuss.
- Come on out," I said, pulling the truck to a stop. A couple of seconds later, three snipers got out of the truck and hurried to their points to take their positions.
I drove on, inwardly preparing for the mission. If we manage to do everything according to the plan, we won't even draw almost. And the plan is as simple as possible. We infiltrate the base while our comrades distract most of the enemies at another point, then disarm the guards and part of the squad goes after our target while the rest of the squad guards the car. Capture the target, or its corpse, and make a quick getaway. It's very simple.
And now I can see the base in the windscreen of the truck. It's much bigger than that little roadblock, but it's still nothing beautiful or grand. Just a big terrorist base. And I pulled up to an entrance that was just to the left of the main entrance. That was the back entrance to the base.
- Who's that? - The guard asked me, whom I now understood. After all, I was now familiar with all the existing languages of the world, even some dead ones. Convenient enough.
I wasn't going to communicate with him, though. He was standing right in front of me, but the second guard was a little further away, looking not at me, but examining the car. It's not very pleasant, but it's not so bad.
I activate Gias and see the terrorist fall to the ground with a stunned look on his face. The second guard notices this, and even manages to aim his machine gun at me. But only at the same time he looks me straight in the eyes and also falls to the ground.
Immediately I quickly get out of the car and finish these two, if they are not dead yet. Semilia, on the other hand, quickly drove the car to a small garage where there were several other trucks. Taking a quick look around, I didn't see any more sentries.
- Semilia, Adam, George, Chris and James. You come with me, the rest of you will sit by the lorry. And remember, try not to shoot until the end. If you can, kill the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, we don't need an alarm," I said. The most experienced, or strongest in Semilia's case, soldiers went with me.
I knew the rough layout of the building, as well as the location of our target. So we immediately moved forward. The base wasn't huge, though it wasn't small either.
We moved cautiously and rather quietly, well, as quietly as six soldiers in full equipment can move. But pretty soon we met our first enemy. A common terrorist was moving straight towards our position.
I quickly signalled the others to stop and indicated that the enemy was approaching us, so the others stopped and completely reduced all the sounds we were making.
Quickly pulling out my knife, I got ready and jumped out from behind the wall right at the enemy. Clamping my hand over his mouth, I stab the knife through his caddy and quickly grab the enemy still twitching his arms. I carry him to the place where my squad was standing. Looking around, I see a small room where I take the corpse. Apparently, it's some kind of storage room or something. Let's hope no one thinks to look in here.
I gesture for the soldiers to clean up the blood on the floor so there's no reason to search this room, which they do pretty quickly. If after the army the government dumps us all, we can start our own cleaning company.
Having finished with the first soldier, we move on, having almost reached the room we need. But there is not just one soldier, but three. And two of them are probably guards, and the third is just a guard, with whom they decided to have a word. It's going to be more difficult here.
I show everyone that I will take the guard, Semilia takes the right soldier, and the rest of the left. Do it quietly, without firearms and as fast as possible.
We wait until we get a chance. And then I see the two guards start arguing about something with the guard, distracted from looking around the area, a very good chance for us.
Showing the others that it's time to go and I quickly run out from around the corner, pouncing on the first terrorist the same way. This time, I cover his mouth and simply execute a stabbing blow to his temple. Pretty simple and practical.
At the same time, Semilia also killed her opponent, almost in the same way I did. Although a bit different, she has less physical strength. But the other four couldn't do it right, because they slit the enemy's throat, but not correctly. That way he'll bleed out for another half an hour.
So I quickly walk over to them and stab the soldier in the temple with a knife, just like I did with the first one. Now there's not much left to do. Grab the man in charge and get out of the base. Easy on words, but in fact, this is the hardest part of the mission.
Opening the office door, and immediately I hear a shot that does get past me and hits Semilia. Cynical as it may be, it hit the best possible person. Still, Semilia is immortal and I don't have to worry about her life, at least not as long as we're facing enemies who can destroy her entire body with a single blow.
But just the gunshot should have already raised an alarm here, or at least attracted someone. So I approach the enemy as quickly as possible, making a regular punch to the jaw, which I can use to knock him out. Our opponent is not a super soldier, so he can't fight back.
However, he is still conscious after this blow, which is strange for a normal person. So I quickly look into his eyes and activate Gias. If he survives, fine. If he doesn't, that's fine. We don't need a full-on fight right now, trying to knock him out. We need to get this done as fast as we can.
My opponent just stares at me stunned, whereupon his eyes roll and his body goes weak. I quickly pick him up and feel his pulse. Apparently he's not that weak, since he's alive and not dead from pain shock. I quickly hand over the unconscious terrorist to my subordinate.
- Now we should leave the base as soon as possible, - I say quietly, moving towards the exit of the room.
But there was someone waiting for us on the way out. At the end of the corridor that led to the exit stood a soldier, but in much more modern equipment than the terrorists here, and I could clearly sense danger from him.
It couldn't be that simple, could it?
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