Fighting the Mercenary

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- Um, hello? - I asked rather awkwardly, seeing my new opponent in front of me. In fact, he's clearly not one of the usual terrorists around here. He's probably some kind of mercenary, maybe even hired by someone from the states. After all, everyone knows about their unhealthy love for terrorists.

But now was not the time to think about that, because my opponent was already reaching for his holster. I also did not stand still, and reached for my gun, which my opponent also noticed.

- I'll stay here for a while, and you try to escape," I said, looking at my opponent. And no, I'm not a fatalist... again. I'm not going to die here, I'm just confident that I can handle him. I can't be as sure about the others as I am about myself.

Just as I said that, two shots rang out. One from me and the other from my opponent. Neither of us tried to dodge, still who are we to dodge bullets. Although purely in theory we could try, it's true that it's not the bullet itself, but the enemy's aim. It's a little bit different.

His bullet hit me in the thigh, which was quite painful, but nothing too bad. I can fight like that. My bullet hit him in the hand holding the gun, so he won't be able to shoot me again.

I fire a few more shots as my opponent tries to get closer to me, clearly wanting to engage me in hand-to-hand combat. This time the bullets hit him in the chest, but he must have good armour, because it only slows him down a little.

He was about to get close to me when I fired a full magazine at him, leaving only another wound on his right arm, which he won't be able to use. The mercenary tried to kick me in my wounded thigh, apparently wanting to severely reduce my mobility.

I ignored the pain and dodged and tried to make a simple kick to his face, which he also tried to parry, but I had already seen it coming. With my other hand I hit his arm, causing him to recoil in pain. Not particularly fond of hitting wounded body parts? Well, you shouldn't have tried to hit my thigh.

I step back a little, while simultaneously pulling out my knife and intercepting it in a more knife-fighting-friendly way. My opponent also manages to pull out a weapon, which is not even a knife, but rather a short sword. Well, nothing, the main thing is not the size, but how you handle it.

Quite a simple swing of the sword, does not give away in my opponent a man who knows how to masterfully handle his weapon. I parry it quite easily, while at the same time kicking him in the stomach with my healthy leg and pushing him back a bit.

The mercenary's whole style suggests that he obviously usually just presses his opponent with superior strength, but he's not so happy with an equal opponent. In this fight I'm clearly in the lead, and even my opponent has realised it, as you can see from his changed fighting style, because he's clearly gone on the defensive.

Now I have to attack. They try to parry my rather simple blow, but this blow only looks simple enough, but in fact it will be almost impossible to parry it, only to block it.

The mercenary doesn't know this, however, and so I manage to wound him again in the arm, which is finally out of commission and now just hangs there, not moving. It should be easier now.

My opponent moves backwards, increasing the distance between us, which is not very favourable for me, and so I just follow him, but rather cautiously. I still had a hard time anticipating my opponent's next move, though.

After all, he just took out his gun with his healthy hand and shot at me, almost up close. The bullet hits me in the face, and I have no time to dodge. So I do the only thing I can do at the moment. I put both hands in front of my face, and the bullet hits my left hand, through which it passes and gets stuck in my right.

I also quickly swing the knife straight out of the block, aiming it straight at my opponent's neck as the weakest part of his defence. My opponent apparently can't dodge, so he gets hit right in the artery.The blood spurts from his neck right onto my face, and at that moment I hear a very strange, but at the same time familiar sound. The sound of the pin being ripped out of a grenade.

My eyes widen for a moment, and I immediately jump back with all my might, grouping myself in the air so that I wouldn't be badly hurt by the explosion.

There was an explosion that would certainly raise the base to its ears, if the gunshots hadn't already done so. I felt myself being thrown back a bit, and several shards of shrapnel went into my body armour. Unfortunately, not all the shrapnel went into my body armour, because I also felt a few flashes of pain in my hip and in the shoulder of my already wounded left arm.

Not critical, I can move, though I've lost almost half of my combat potential. Despite everything I got from the absorbed, I still spent the whole fight rather stupidly. Some sort of inner arrogance consumed me, and I had already put myself above my opponent the moment I realised that I greatly surpassed him in cold weapon skill.

It was stupid. And to be honest, I'm not even sure I won't make those stupid mistakes again. I'm human, and humans make the same mistakes over and over again. But now I need not philosophical thoughts in my mind, but to get out of the base.

I got up and quickly checked my well-being. I wasn't bleeding profusely, which was lucky, but the bullet in my left arm had clearly nicked a vein, so I'd have to tie it up quickly on the spot.

I pulled out my first aid kit and dressed myself as quickly as I could. After that I carefully picked up my gun and reloaded it. Now I could leave, and in a hurry, or I would have to fight several dozen more enemies.

My fears were confirmed by the siren that sounded throughout the base. And here was the alarm, which clearly said that we were detected.

It was no longer about stealth, so I ran, well, as fast as I could, so as not to disturb my wounds. My body was obviously better than a normal human's, but I was still a long way from superhumans, so normal wounds could cause me a lot of problems too.

I ran the same way we came here. And on the way I met an enemy, rushing towards the office of the leader we had captured. He hadn't seen me yet, so I got greedy. I wanted to kill him with an ordinary knife to add another available summon to all the available ones.

So immediately as he approached me, I jumped out of cover and calmly slit his throat. It would seem that greed isn't such a great vice, after all, nothing bad happened, right? But no...

At that moment, three more terrorists came out of the corner and silently stared at me. I, on the other hand, standing with the bloody corpse of their comrade, stared at them just as silently.

- Awkward moment, heehee," I said in Persian, laughing a little nervously. My opponents had already grabbed their assault rifles, clearly wanting to aim them at me. But I was faster.

Three instant pistol shots perfectly to the head. Their lives were quickly over, and I thanked the habit from online games of always reloading my weapon. If I hadn't reloaded my gun last time, things could have been much worse.

Interestingly enough, during the whole mission I never used my automatic weapon, so why do I carry this heavy, useless thing around with me? I can't even use it now because of my wounded arm.

But my adventure was over, because I was reunited with the squad, which met me with machine guns pointed in my face.

- Captain Kent? Excuse me! - one of the soldiers said quite loudly when he saw who he was aiming his machine gun at.

- At ease. This is not the situation to be getting into a fight. We need to leave the base as soon as possible. The mission comes first. We can leave in two lorries. Me and the first group will go first as bait. We'll take the long way round to the base, trying to take out the chase. The second group, with our prisoner, will leave in a few minutes and take the shortest route to the base. Is that clear? - I asked.

- Yes, sir! - answered me squad surprisingly synchronised.

- Heh, then what are you standing there for? Hurry up and take your places! - I grinned and said. The mission obviously didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked.

- What about the snipers? - Charles, my assistant, asked.

- They know what they should do in case of complications, so they evacuate themselves," I replied calmly. We're basically just abandoning them, but there's nothing else we can do right now. We have to trust that they'll figure out how to get to the roadblock we captured and take the rest of the truck there.

I had already reached the truck and was about to get behind the wheel again when I was stopped by a thin female hand. Semilia put her hand on my wounded shoulder and looked with a judgemental look straight into my eyes. It was as if she was telling me that I was in no condition to drive. And when I wanted to object, she just pressed her hand lightly on my shoulder, on my injured shoulder.

I had no choice but to surrender to her gaze. Really, I'd rather let someone else drive. I'm really not in any condition to drive a truck right now. But I could be a little nicer.

- Chris, get behind the wheel," I said, sitting down in the passenger seat. Semilia had pulled out her first aid kit at that moment and was already rolling up the sleeves of my uniform. She pulled the bullet out of my left arm quite professionally, even though it hurt, I was used to it.

After that, she also quickly and securely bandaged my shoulder, from which she had barely removed a grenade fragment. There was no time to dress my thigh wounds now, so I quickly put on my body armour and got ready. Now firing a machine gun is still painful and not recommended, but it's not so dangerous. At least I shouldn't cause bleeding with it.

And as we drove off, we were followed by a chase, just as I thought. Three small jeeps with terrorists in them followed us, trying to hit us, but they were not very good at it.

I was a better shot, though, because I was able to hit the driver of the first jeep in the head right away, slowing down the two behind us as well. We got a little bit away from the chase, but it was catching up with us quickly.

The main thing is not to get proud again, thinking I'm the best shot in the world. But soon I was also able to get rid of the whole chase. Now we just have to hope our plan worked out okay.

And I feel bad... I think I'm going to pass out, I lost too much blood along the way.


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